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View Full Version : School Rumble: San Gakki...?

November 12th, 2008, 01:44 am
So I re-watched seasons 1 and 2 of SR this veterans weekend... and stumbled upon season 3. At first I was sooooo excited to watch em, but after I did, i found myself sorely disappointed...

there's a whole bunch of different rumors floating around about more SR episodes.. I might just be really late on the news but does anyone know what direction SR is heading in? I really hope the trash I watched wasn't the end of one the greatest animes out there -_-.

post your thoughts/questions/opinions!

November 12th, 2008, 01:53 am
I believe it was. School Rumble San Gakki DVDs were released coupled with the last two volumes of the manga, they were made as if they were the last two episodes if there was a series.
I'm not really sure if they'll complete San Gakki in the future, or if they have any plans with it...all I know is that they released "episodes 25 and 26" without any evidence of there being 1-24

It really IS a crappy way to end it, I believe

November 12th, 2008, 02:01 am
Meh... As fun as School Rumble was, the same gags do get repetitive after a while, and the lack of relationship developments made the latter half of season 2 very tedious for me, so I'm glad they ended it when they did.

On another note, I don't think the ending was that terrible as one would believe reading this thread... IMO it would have been much worse if it ended in a cliched way that everyone could have predicted from the first episode of the first season. I was pleasantly surprised by the bit of character depth they gave Karasuma. While a ton of smaller issues didn't get resolved, at least there was some closure where it mattered.

November 12th, 2008, 11:15 pm
I was looking around the net for some info and I found something called School Rumble Z? There are only 2 episodes out (manga) but hopefully this means more School Rumble anime for us :D