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November 13th, 2008, 03:46 am
My first composition thread! :)
Well here goes nothing.
This a short piano piece called dawn of sorrow.Anthying i might need to fix,or could change?

November 13th, 2008, 03:44 pm
Nice Transcription.

I think what I really want to comment on is the score. You have some cleaning up to do like minimizing rests (measure 2 for example), spelling rhythms right (like at measures 2 and 21 in the left hand), and just avoid the clashing of expressions. Also, you really don't need the pedal release marks if you are just releasing to pedal on the next note, it's implied and you only need to write it on one staff.

November 16th, 2008, 02:49 am
I can see you aren't a pianist yourself, due to the impossible stretches in the left hand. Although, all of those can be fixed with some (more) score cleaning. Most of the can/will be played with the right hand, just as an octave, or maybe if the bottom note had a grace note attached to it, as an octave connected with the high note in the right hand.

It's a nice transcription, although I do not know the piece myself! (I'm a Zelda gamer, not an FF one ;P)

November 16th, 2008, 03:24 am
This is the prelude from the final fantasy series made for the new games coming out.

November 29th, 2008, 02:19 am
heres another song i made.thoughts?

November 30th, 2008, 04:04 am
It's all right to me for background music. (Sorry for the brief comment; I'll post more if anything...)

November 30th, 2008, 04:09 am
yeah thats what i was going for

December 12th, 2008, 05:02 pm
Memories Forgotten has some good chording and harmony going on in various parts of the song, but the stiff melody and dull and inexpressive strings kind of pulls this one down a bit. I guess I second clarinetist on that it would make for background music of sorts, and since it's what you wanted I guess you succeeded.

June 21st, 2009, 09:49 am
oh man its been awhile since i've been on here...but im back^_^ and i wanted to share a composition with u guys and get your thoughts. i've just started learning piano and im really not sure what is possible for a pianist to play. could u guys tell me which parts of the score would be impossible? :heh:

June 21st, 2009, 11:32 pm
Pianistically, the piece was pretty well laid out until it got to measure 40. The red notes in the score are too far of a reach to play. A safe distance for a pianist is about a 9th and nothing too much after that. 44 and 45 are, again, definite no-no's. Measure 47 and 48 have some big chords and continue into measure 49 and on.

Yes, it is true that pianists know to "roll" (arpeggiate) chords when something is too big, but when you notate chords to be played without any indication and some of those same big stretches AS an arpeggio it gets confusing. Why? Because we don't know if you, the composer, only wants those chords to be rolled or if it's OKay to do all of them.

Musically, I think that the piece was very well put together, but for pete's sake, take off the pedal-- it gets EXTREMELY mushy and I cannot hear any of the harmonic changes. The right hand works, but this is more of an "improvised" piece with an opening theme.

It's nice, I like it, but as a composition, it comes across more as you're improvising over a progression. Good job. Can't wait to hear more. :)

July 1st, 2009, 05:48 am
Here is a piece i made recently for a friend who's making a video game.
Its supposed to be a forest theme.

November 2nd, 2009, 05:13 am
alrighty...im going to start posting songs regularly on here now. i really like the comments you guys give and I need them to improve my work...so here we go...

This piece is an orchestral version of a song I made on piano a long time ago.
You can view the piano piece here:


what do ya think?

November 2nd, 2009, 07:28 pm
That was amazing. No other words for it. I was going to complain about how there's not all that much of a melody (but, I LOVE things with more of a random feel, but well though out), but then I read the youtube video's description. Well done.

November 2nd, 2009, 08:58 pm
Very nice pieces, I loved that forest theme. Just....very nice...pretty much all I can say lol. I think the echo in some of your music was a bit too much though but other then that...yea...very nice:lol:

November 2nd, 2009, 09:02 pm
Very nice pieces, I loved that forest theme. Just....very nice...pretty much all I can say lol. I think the echo in some of your music was a bit too much though but other then that...yea...very nice:lol:

Yeah, I'd set the reeverb down a lil'.

November 2nd, 2009, 09:33 pm
lol i just got cubase 5 and i've been going crazy with the reverb settings...:shifty:

I'll tone it down next time. Thanks guys!:)

Kevin Penkin
November 3rd, 2009, 12:29 am
Ascending is really nice, with an interesting concept and execution too :)

With Olipu, it's also really nice. Great mood. My advice, is to really hone in on the melody. It's a really good sound, but I think you can go further with making the melody stick out more. Obviously the style calls for it.

November 10th, 2009, 11:37 pm
Yeah, I would agree that focusing on your melody would be a good idea. They seem pretty abstract to my tastes.

November 12th, 2009, 07:39 pm
Thanks for the advice guys. Im really trying to nail having a solid melody, but i always make the baseline first and that kind of constricts what I can do with the melodic line :\, but anyway, heres another piece. This is a boss theme I made for piano. See if you guys can pick out the melody...

November 12th, 2009, 08:35 pm
I don't know that this piece is terribly melodic, but that's sort of just part of the style. However, what pieces of melody you do have works for the most part. The only thing I don't like is the improv style of the melody/chords from like 1:00-1:17; it doesn't really fit the driving nature of "boss battle" music, if you know what I mean.

Kevin Penkin
November 15th, 2009, 02:38 am
I think you have great drive in the piece, but I have to ask....What is at 1:24...Is that was I think it is.

Alfonso de Sabio
November 16th, 2009, 08:14 pm
Not writing great melodies is not a cardinal sin. Beethoven's melodies are nothing to crap your pants over. And lots of Bach's best stuff focuses much more on motifs than melodies.

That said, you could always try to start composing the melody first and then build the structure around it. That's one of the three tactics of composition Schoenberg endorses. (Speaking of people who have trouble with melodies....)

The biggest issue I saw is that it doesn't feel much like a boss fight. That might just be the instrumentation, but it didn't seem to have enough octane, you know?

Omorose Panya
December 7th, 2009, 12:59 am
I like:

Ascending (You captured the right mood. Meditative xD)
Mystic Forest (wish it were longer tho’)
One Last Hope (Very pretty!)

Boss Battle doesn’t make me imagine a battle scene. I can imagine someone reflecting over something, however. Or walking (eventually turning into a slow run) alongside a river (or something). It’s too calming to represent a battle scene. Unless it’s a mental battle.

December 7th, 2009, 02:55 am
Just listened to ur boss theme your section around 0:45 was an FF mimic right? :lol: Were you trying to mimic the piano version of FF7 battle theme? To me it just feels like you got lazy with the scoring. The piece could work if some more details are added for its articulations...unless this was a recording. I would use more accents to really bring out the pulse in the piece and maybe a bit more bass with those accented notes as well. The repeated notes around 0:23 for instance is a perfect place for such an accent. Maybe double the left hand notes an octave below for those as well. The section around 1:20~1:35 could use some stronger hits as well.