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aaron FtW!!11
November 14th, 2008, 04:13 am
i like this one,
its great chill out music.
let me know what you think

November 14th, 2008, 11:25 am
i like this one,
its great chill out music.
let me know what you think


I like it :)

How do you make this sound at the beginning?

November 14th, 2008, 09:08 pm
you realize you don't necessarily have to make a new thread for each piece, right?

aaron FtW!!11
November 14th, 2008, 09:29 pm
as for the sound, i used sytrus which comes with fl studio.
and i suppose i didn't know that i had to make a new thread, thanks for the info.
from now on, this is the official thread for anything i make...i guess

November 15th, 2008, 02:01 am
this is sweet :)

November 15th, 2008, 05:36 am
That's really badass. It's good that you can use FL studio...I downloaded the demo and couldn't figure a damn thing out! XD

aaron FtW!!11
November 23rd, 2008, 01:32 am
i tried to make a non electronic song, im not finished but i like where it's going.
so yeah.

November 23rd, 2008, 01:55 am
Sounds very danceable! and very err... can't recall what kind of rhythm is; some Caribbean flavour?

November 23rd, 2008, 05:03 am
Sounds very danceable! and very err... can't recall what kind of rhythm is; some Caribbean flavour?

More like a Bossa Nova. And I LOVE it. XD Reminds me a little bit of those go ol' Super Mario tunes.

And by the way, I love Fabulosity-- it would be great in a mix, really!

aaron FtW!!11
November 23rd, 2008, 05:37 pm
Yup its a bossa nova'ish thing. i may finish it sometime, though ive been wanting to make a piano piece. its 10 times more difficult for me to be creative on my piano rather than my guitar. But in the near future ill do something.
Thanks for all the feedback :lol:

aaron FtW!!11
December 6th, 2008, 11:43 pm
well i have two new pieces of songs that I am working on. they're not really finished, especially the first one. BY NO MEANS do the consider the first one good. im just trying to experiment kinda, too see what I am capable of....not much as you can see -_____-

aaron FtW!!11
December 7th, 2008, 05:01 pm
theres a problem with the second midi, its fixed here

December 11th, 2008, 11:18 pm
It will be very interesting to hear where you go with these. ^_^

December 12th, 2008, 01:38 am
I must say that these pieces have HUGE potential. Actually, the first one is great! As Porsche said, it'll be interesting to hear where you take these.

I must ask, what is your history/experience with music?

aaron FtW!!11
December 13th, 2008, 03:59 am
Finally some feedback! it almost seemed like i was talking to myself :shifty: thanks! i finished "uh" kinda, its not really long though :\
Explaining my musical history is going to be fun...notrly
~in chronological order~
-lets see, i got a drum set around the age of 7...had to get rid of it.
-in fourth grade i joined band, playing the clarinet....didn't like it too much and quit.
-the next year i started taking piano lessons
-the same year i started playing guitar without lessons
-somewhere along the way i got into EDM
-around 7th grade i thought metal and guitar shredding was cool.
-in eighth grade, i started taking formal guitar lessons.
-freshman year, i realize how lame metal is and how i should broaden my view of music genres and start to try new things.


December 13th, 2008, 04:00 pm
'no name' is pretty cool, reminds me of the music in super mario sunshine. XD It has a LOAD of potential if you could add more instruments. :D

December 14th, 2008, 09:42 pm
Interesting pieces, I'll say. The first one was quite a nice chill-out tune - normally I'm not a fan of such music, but the harmonies and active variations kept my interest throughout. It reminds me of something I've heard before, though I can't quite place it.

I rather liked "uh" as well - the instrumentation and harmonies give it a really Mashashi Hamauzu feel, which is a good thing by my books. Might I ask if you've been influenced by his work?

aaron FtW!!11
December 15th, 2008, 12:51 am
As a matter of fact, i am a fan of Masashi Hamauzu. His music stands out from all the other standard music of video games, and I suppose he influenced me a bit :D

aaron FtW!!11
December 19th, 2008, 02:27 am
I have another piece, and guess what.....it has a name!....anyways let me know what you think.

December 19th, 2008, 03:16 am

Okay, I must say you're great fun to have around Ichigos! You have different flairs from which we usually get around here. I'm liking this; it has that Cowboy Bebop jazz style.. in which.. you can see I love Yoko Kanno's jazz-influence. XD I'm diggin' it, keep it going is all I say!

December 19th, 2008, 11:50 am
I see you are exploring different genres and that is very nice. Frais have a nice rhythmic feeling with the percussion added and the bass moving. I did not like how ended but nice short piece of music.

December 21st, 2008, 03:18 am
Very nice. Half to agree Nyu001 on the ending, but but this shows a great feel for writing jazz. What's your background in music?

aaron FtW!!11
December 21st, 2008, 04:03 am
Yay, thalnks for all the comments! First of all the soundtrack to cowboy bepop is amazing. :P It's great my music is listenabe! oh, and i also half agree with nyu001. It just sounds a bit sloppy and i could of uhh made it not sloppy :lol:
hmm background...nothing but piano and guitar lessons at my local arts center

aaron FtW!!11
December 26th, 2008, 04:54 am
oh hai, guess what? more EDM. Also there is no ending unless by me having no ending its an ending in itself?..or not

December 26th, 2008, 06:58 am
WOW, 1225 was so professional-sounding rave club material ^_^ And I'm loving your jazzier and old school NES style pieces, too! Seriously, you're awesome. I can't wait to hear more from you!

aaron FtW!!11
December 26th, 2008, 07:37 am
Thanks!!! i made this after i made 1225 (only named it that for the date to organize my files better) its the same song but with a rock/metal thing going on

December 26th, 2008, 09:27 pm
There is one thing I did not like of your last piece, I found that the melody repeated too much and without hear variations of it. But apart of that I like the choice of synths and the whole mix. It would sound very good if is arrange for a singer. Is a cool track. You are good working with electronic music and seems is your strong point also.

aaron FtW!!11
December 26th, 2008, 09:51 pm
my strong point for sure. i was hoping to learn to use the vocoder in fl studio for singing or something...because i cant sing...:unsure:

December 27th, 2008, 04:04 pm
Just get out our favorite techno-touretts guy, Basshunter to sing for you. Thiis a pretty hot track, I must, memorable melody and I like the simplistic bassline/chords.

Keep giving me some EDM dude. =)

aaron FtW!!11
December 29th, 2008, 04:25 am
i got bored so i made a uhhh pop rock song?

December 29th, 2008, 06:54 pm
These last ones turned out pretty good! You seem to have gotten the technical work down, which is quite important when it comes to composing electrical stuff. However, one after another these songs need more memorable melodies or something for the listener to grab onto.

I'd also like to hear these with Atari/Commodore64 sound chips =]

December 29th, 2008, 07:37 pm
Pretty cool, again I would like to hear your songs to be sung by some singer and with some nice melodies.

At Noir, do you know where can be possible to get a VST of it, or a soundfont? I have a VST of 8bit of the old NES sounds, but I don't remember where is the website. A Japanese band that is making music with 8bit had it for free in their website.

aaron FtW!!11
December 29th, 2008, 11:49 pm
Yeah i guess i have to improve my songs :\ it should not be to hard. Oh, and even though that comment was for noir, http://www.tweakbench.com/ that site has 3 nes vst's. Im not sure if they will work for whatever you're using but they work fine on fl studio. there is peach, toad, and triforce, theyre pretty good.

December 29th, 2008, 11:57 pm
Thanks I will take a look. I am FL Studio user also.

December 30th, 2008, 01:53 am
However, one after another these songs need more memorable melodies or something for the listener to grab onto.
I echo this, tho I guess I'm used to the repeatitiveness of popular music...
Personally, I think having an A melody and then switching it up with a contrasting B melody makes a world of difference. For my own compositions it's usually just a theme or a motif (as my music's very chordal), but it's enough of a contrast to work.

aaron FtW!!11
December 30th, 2008, 09:56 am
i was browsing the composition threads, and i came across zippy's battle theme. i decided to do my own, i think it turned out pretty nice. maybe it will make up from all my uninteresting lack of melody...or not

aaron FtW!!11
December 30th, 2008, 10:55 am

December 30th, 2008, 05:15 pm
I like it! Sure, it's one of those simple, filler compositions we all have, but I think it's one of the better fillers that I've heard.

I must say, however, little transitions reminded me of some Zelda pieces in a slight moment. XD

aaron FtW!!11
January 2nd, 2009, 05:04 am
i got finale since im not pleased with the typical midi sounds for stringed instruments....anywho i actually might finished this song, i think it turned out "not bad" although im still trying to figure out the percussion setup

January 2nd, 2009, 05:15 am
I am seriously loving this, man. It really amazes me the originality you have in all of your compositions. I've been watching Frank Zappa interviews for the past two hours (but they're not really on Music.. but that whole censorship crap) and it's neat to come out listening to something neat-o and something that no one else does on this forum.

I say, keep going with it! And I was actually going crazy over the percussion maps.. check out the confusing PDF. It's a load of preparation stuff, however. Yucky.

aaron FtW!!11
January 14th, 2009, 02:37 am
So im done trying to fix finale. yep my computer is too sucky to run finale.
anyways i made a little intro to uh whatever. I took a crack a brass, and i stress "crack?". also, I must say, i have been reading noirs posts and gosh, they are freaking hilarious!!!!....and absolutely terrifying x_x
i would appreciate it if people would comment and help critique my future installments in this song because i really want to finish this :O

January 16th, 2009, 12:37 am
The piece works ok as an intro, it establish that a future event is coming with the piano being played at 0:45. It left me thinking that a kind of 'kaboom' was going to appear in the end and a combat type of music would be played. At 0:43 I am finding the brass very dull playing just those long notes, It feels like missing a material that can be filled there between the brass and the piano. I hope you get to do and to finish the second part of this.

January 16th, 2009, 04:25 am
Mmm, yes, it sounds like it could be an RPG theme for walking in a forest or something. I agree with Nyu, it did feel like it was leading up to something and I do hope you continue :) Adding a suggestion to what was said about the long brass notes, you could have them sforzando and dramatically crescendo, that's always a nice effect with the brass. Maybe you could have a solo instrument doing some ornaments to spice that part up? Or if you're going for impending doom kinda thing, maybe have some percussion come in.

aaron FtW!!11
January 16th, 2009, 04:33 am
All these words :O could you define sforzando and crescendo?
and i was going to wait to post what i did because its far from ready
since i have yet to fix it but i will attach it anyways, but yeah i have a kind of timpani thing going on.
note: if it doesnt sound good, im not afraid to delete all the suck and start over

January 16th, 2009, 05:11 am
Sforzando is when you play a note loud at first, then you suddenly make it soft, and crescendo is when the note gradually gets louder.

I like how you added the harp and trumpet to that passage Nyu and I commented on so it doesn't sound as empty. The string's ongoing rhythm is really energetic, but the long brass notes, again, could do with some dynamics to make it sound more lively.

aaron FtW!!11
January 24th, 2009, 04:08 am
Hello ichigos. So i gave up on the project i posted earlier. it just went downhill, ill get back to it later. Anyways, what happens when you combine metroid, yngwie malmsteen, and happy? this song i made. Besides this i am currently working on a not sucky piano piece. anyways anyways comment

January 24th, 2009, 02:15 pm
The only I did not like is that the guitar repeated the same 4 or 2 bars(0:17-0:28) without any alteration. The ending sounded abrupt which I guess you have no finished it yet. Apart of that, fun piece. :P

aaron FtW!!11
January 28th, 2009, 03:41 am
Well, i composed a piano piece. Most of it being composed on my piano rather than clicking and pasting (which seems to be a problem amongst ichigos). Anyways. This is a rough draft. In the middle i kinda lost what i wanted it to be, but for now you shall listen and comment?

January 29th, 2009, 04:39 am
Lol, well I like your title. :P I like some of the ideas you used, but the bass pattern got repetitive and dull-ish (starting at like 0:16), until it finally changed, but that was at the ending. I like the triplets at 0:04, and that segment from 0:07 to 0:13. Some good ideas are littered around, but they're all mushed up with no organization or transitions.

aaron FtW!!11
January 30th, 2009, 01:56 am
I guess i have a major problem with redundancy and uhhh the fact that my pieces sound rushed.

aaron FtW!!11
February 2nd, 2009, 02:08 am
So, i decided to erase the only part you didn't mention that was good (i wasnt feeling it either) and lower the tempo and add several new parts. Maybe i should read about this music theory everyone is talking about because it just sounds like im doing something wrong

aaron FtW!!11
February 5th, 2009, 07:47 pm
So thats how its going to be :\
I was originally going for a nocturne thingy idk, but then it somehow turned to whatever it is now.

aaron FtW!!11
February 7th, 2009, 08:54 pm
Triple post, TAKE THAT... :(
anyways, this is a piano piece.
Umm not much to say

February 7th, 2009, 10:56 pm
I Guess That's Why They Call Short Handed
Interesting idea, but to me it doesn't stand on its own. Maybe with some strings, some interesting pads, and maybe some kind of bell doubling the melody at points could make this sound more interesting. It'd be something I'd expect to hear playing a visual novel.

They Don't Sell the Sponge Anymore
Of the three I'm reviewing this time, I like this one the most. Very video game inspired. I do wonder why you used tremolo strings. Perhaps you were envisioning strings with a heavy vibrato instead? Also, it did not come to a very satisfying end. I feel more could be done to expand on that.

Idea 11
This one was nice, but i think more instruments need to be added to give it a better effect. I envisioned the piano starting as it did then having some synthy stuff come in like a pad and strings as I mentioned earlier. Also, I think you should have made use of the pedal on the piano to sustain your lower notes.

As for whether you should look into music theory, it couldn't hurt. From what I can hear, you seem to be doing fine without it. Just don't fall into the trap that you need to follow everything to the tee. You'll lose creativity if you do.

You also need to work on your titles. XD

February 8th, 2009, 02:53 am
LOL, I love your titles, but they sound more like titles for jazz pieces, and your songs are very anime-ish/video-game-ish.

"Shorthanded" sounds much better; I like the various driving bass parts you used to accentuate the piece. Great ideas, as I've mentioned before, and the transitions got better. Between 0:21-0:23, I felt there could be another musical passage played by another instrument/ensemble--maybe some synth pads, as PorscheGTIII has said.

I agree with Porsche on "Sponge," you should just use a regular string section. I think the piano part at 0:13 comes in too suddenly, but you shouldn't take it out. Maybe you could make bells or a synth pad play it and then give it to the piano. Instead of ending the piece, it would make a nice video game loop.

I second everything that Porsche has said about "Idea 11." Some sort of solo instrument would make this nice, like a solo violin or a flute. I can already imagine this as being an awesome title piece for an anime. This idea has a LOT of potential. ^_^

A little sketchy, but you got a lot of nice ideas going on. Nice work!

aaron FtW!!11
February 22nd, 2009, 07:46 pm
Thanks for all the comments :D
But i just got a new laptop and im still working all the bells and whistles so its gonna be awhile before i update those songs.
But just so people dont forget about me here is a pop song heavily influenced by larc en ciel.

February 23rd, 2009, 09:13 am
I definitely agree with porsche and ajamesu, idea 11 definitely has the potential to become something quite good, not to say that it isn't already quite good. Also the larc inspiration one was quite good, reminded me of some old NES adventure game for some reason :\ But still, the beat and the percussion seemed a bit awkward in some places. Anyhow, keep up the good work (wish I could actually compose something that sounded good <_<).

February 24th, 2009, 06:49 am
I LOVED the bells, I thought they fit so well in the song in a unique sort of way. Awesome job.

February 24th, 2009, 09:50 pm

February 24th, 2009, 09:53 pm
larc influence sounded like the intro music to one of those free mmorpgs you find online of some Malaysian website. it was pretty sweet. I thought the ending was going to be a bit more....climatic...but other then that it was great! I never knew you can make such realistic accoustic guitar sounds with a midi lol. Now the electric guitar is definitely midi

I just realized this was a db post after looking through your thread. I thought my first post didn't go through...neways sorry, didn't mean for that.

February 26th, 2009, 11:38 pm
That was pretty cool! Sounded like your typical anime opening song.

What are you using to make your MIDI? When I try to open it in Finale, it makes all the notes longer than they should be and plays them slower.

February 27th, 2009, 07:47 am
That was pretty cool! Sounded like your typical anime opening song.

What are you using to make your MIDI? When I try to open it in Finale, it makes all the notes longer than they should be and plays them slower.

I'm getting the same problem with PrintMusic. This only happens when I try to open a select few peoples' midis, it works fine most of the time.

aaron FtW!!11
February 27th, 2009, 09:09 pm
Yeah i have the same problem. Its guitar pro's fault. But it works fine when you upload it into sibelius and export it again and then import it into finale. But why would anyone do that unless theyre me

aaron FtW!!11
March 10th, 2009, 10:02 pm
I have a new piece. I think this or more mature than most of the stuff i post here, And i want to improve it with your help so just be very critical of it.

March 10th, 2009, 11:36 pm
That's pretty cool. It could totally be the music for a farewell scene in a movie or a game. XD

March 11th, 2009, 06:46 am
The synthy-string beginning sounds too rushed; I would actually go, maybe, twice as slow? I like the chords a lot, though. At 1:25, I would've liked some rhythmic percussion, like a snare or tambourine, or maybe some cymbal taps, to set some energy into the piece. The ending sounds abrupt and unrelated to the other motifs--it just sounds incoherent. The main body of the piece was happy-go-lucky and optimistic, and would become more cheery with the utilization, as aforementioned, of percussion. Nice job! ^_^

March 11th, 2009, 10:19 am
Somehow it felt straight. What I am thinking is that you need to expand more your harmonic language.

aaron FtW!!11
April 16th, 2009, 02:33 am
Alright i hate everything single piece i have ever posted in this forum....:huh:
but yeah i have this, its kinda rough
but yeah

April 20th, 2009, 09:59 pm
That diminished chord at 0:19 doesn't work, IMO (and same with the one at :27). The rest of it is interesting. I think the end is could be a little more playful considering how playful the rest of the piece feels, though.

April 25th, 2009, 07:22 pm
Alright i hate everything single piece i have ever posted in this forum....:huh:
but yeah i have this, its kinda rough
but yeah

Ha ha. I find myself thinking the same thing about my past compositions sometimes. You think something's done, but when you let it cook over for a few months and you listen again you find your actually father from your goal then you expected.

The piano piece you just posted has a nice charm to it. If you only opened it up to something new it could have been even better (and payed attention to the aforementioned diminished chord).

April 28th, 2009, 01:22 am
From 0:00 to 0:14 would sound nice if that is arrange for a woodwind ensemble with the melody polished more. Some changes in the harmonies and a counterpoint for add more fun to it. Though I do not think the rest fit with this first part.

About the whole 'piece' itself it sounds like a raw sketch with some ideas glued.

aaron FtW!!11
May 15th, 2009, 02:48 am
~that song was just a bunch a stuff i plugged in on fl studio so i dont really care for it.

Here is a list of EDM songs i made before joining ichigos.
The time frame i made them is, is about from August to November.

ps. ignore the names, i was on some funky stuff at the time??@_@
pps. ignore ^

aaron FtW!!11
May 15th, 2009, 02:56 am
List continued

spring loaded tear

twilight before the sunrise

May 18th, 2009, 03:32 am
Blue sea: I found that snare annoying by hearing it various time in your track. It would be good to use something else that replace that tratratratra... effect. The piece is fine to listen, but it feels straight, and that can be tiring after a while. The production and the synths choices are good.

I still have no heard the others one.

aaron FtW!!11
May 19th, 2009, 01:53 am
Yeah, if you listen to all of them you kinda get they're all built around the same kind of structure

May 19th, 2009, 09:22 pm
Aaron, I don't have time now, but I wanted to *warn* you that I am going to give you a good review on these. It's nice seeing you are still jamming out the tunes. :)

aaron FtW!!11
June 2nd, 2009, 05:08 am
Oh man, i don't even know anymore. I have been stumped on this little thing i have going for a very long time now. I absolutely love it but i have no idea where its going or what kind of theme the song will have......i feel terrible asking this but do you guys have any ideas?
btw there is no relation between the title and the song

Kevin Penkin
June 3rd, 2009, 03:15 am
It was interesting and has a good mood hehe. But a C major melody over an F maj accompaniment may not work. Can you change some notes in the first part so it fits the chords? I think it could do the same theme one more time here, but make sure to give it as much "umph" as possible haha. Lol.

June 3rd, 2009, 03:22 am
The little thing reminds me a lot to kids and to kids' school. Maybe you can base it in something like that? Or anything that is childish or has to do with children?

June 5th, 2009, 06:01 pm
I totally disagree with Kevin; I LOVE what you did with the melody (although I can't decide whether it's bitonal or whether you're just using Lydian mode...), although, I think you could work on the second chord to give it a little more depth like the first chord has.

Kevin Penkin
June 6th, 2009, 04:41 pm
Looks like my classical roots are coming through haha! I will review :p

aaron FtW!!11
June 8th, 2009, 06:25 am
Thanks for the advice everyone.

It was interesting and has a good mood hehe. But a C major melody over an F maj accompaniment may not work. Can you change some notes in the first part so it fits the chords? I think it could do the same theme one more time here, but make sure to give it as much "umph" as possible haha. Lol.

I totally disagree with Kevin; I LOVE what you did with the melody (although I can't decide whether it's bitonal or whether you're just using Lydian mode...), although, I think you could work on the second chord to give it a little more depth like the first chord has.

I am pretty sure i did all of this on accident. I just put whatever fit. I guess i just ordered things oddly...i mean i didn't intend for it to sound bitonal or if i was using the lydian mode. But hey, it sounds alright.

Omorose Panya
December 20th, 2009, 10:36 pm
Listned to everything up to the finial version of "Uh". That happens to be my favorite though it sounds like it could be a little longer...

Call of the Buffalo. I like it so far but it doesn't sound finished.

I could get used to Blue Skies. (I don't normally listen to this type of music but yours is tolerable =D)

I like 12309 too. It's a nice little jingle.

(I'm way out of order. Sorry, lol.)