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View Full Version : What Is The Best Ff ?

April 22nd, 2004, 02:58 am
Tell me whats your favorite Final F and why??????

- My fav final f is ff6. I loved it very much becasue the story line was exelently well made! the fights , boss fight ect... were great! the only thing that was like not that good was the graphiques but i didn't really care and no one sould!

~Kenny Osirissoul@hotmail.com

April 22nd, 2004, 03:00 am
FF7 and 10 so great.....

7 cuz of the storyline....and the music
10 cuz of how its made...

April 22nd, 2004, 03:01 am
ff3/6 is definitely the best out of all of them. It was even more ground breaking, IMO, than ff7...

April 22nd, 2004, 03:09 am
I've only played the first one, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX.

So from those...I'd choose ten or the first.

The first cuz Black mage is the cutest and it's the first

and ten cuz it was the first one I played. It got me into the whole series. And I love it! AH! Indeed!

April 22nd, 2004, 01:56 pm
Umm...... My fav is FF1......... I play it ..........on the time on Nintendo.................. Is so much fun........... you try beating a game........... with 4 white mages.......... or 4 black mages...........

April 22nd, 2004, 04:24 pm
SPOILER: FFX-2, I loved it how the ending to X and X-2 were the same time. At the end of X, wait until after credits and you see Tidus rolled in a ball, then he swims to the surfice. But you don't see after that in X, in X-2 however, you see him come out of the ocean....in Besaid! He looks up and the Gullwings fly over, Yuna screams and the land the ship, they then kiss, such a great ending :). You need to get 100% to see that ending though :).

April 22nd, 2004, 05:44 pm
Definitely FFIII/VI. It has the best storyline and music out of the entire series. You should make this into a poll.

April 22nd, 2004, 05:59 pm
Yeah, I agree, another topic to add to my voting poll results thread :).

April 22nd, 2004, 09:49 pm
I think I enjoyed FFIX the best. It had a sort of fairy tale, medival feeling to it. Vivi is amazing. All the characters are amazing. The ending FMV was perfect. Melodies of Life simply blew me away.

I also enjoy a game where you can have a full team with no humans.

April 24th, 2004, 01:52 am
Yeah i agree with the ff3/6 people becasue of just the whole game but i love any other ff to tell the truth! But on of my freind says that the latest ff are not as good as the rest like in story like in ff-10 2 the monster fights arent chalenging enough as they used to be. Of course i never played it but that was his opinion . But if you want a chalenging ff try the first! that game is like lol hard!

April 24th, 2004, 01:57 am
The story of FFVI is very unique because it isn't told from any one person's viewpoint. There really isn't a main character. There are big story parts for each character. It also strays from the theme of "Chosen Warriors of the Light" going to save the world. FFVI is just a bunch of normal people who got together and saved the world. It wasn't "Divine Choice" or anything like in FFI or FFIV or FFV.

FFVI is good. I loooove the phantom forest theme, spinach rag, Aria De Mezzo Catarre (sp?) and the Magic House (and many, many more)

April 24th, 2004, 03:41 am
The thnik i liked the most is the opera it was truely unique. i loved it. i had ff 4 on ps but it was hard like hell! lol leveling up was like hard and the bosses harder! as specialy the 4 feind of whatever. ff5 is too easy. when u get the ninja class thing your invinsable. you do 2 coin toss on a boss and he's dead! lol thats just funny!! ff7 is also exellent . ff8 never played it didn't heard good things about it... they say i was rushed but i never played it so... whatever. ff9 was good but at time i finded it boring and finally 10 10-2 and 11 never played so... lol can't say anything about it