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December 17th, 2008, 08:21 am
How to transcribe a song into a music sheet with using Adobe (.pdf)?
(I don't know whether this question will break the rules...)

December 17th, 2008, 03:46 pm
You have to use a notation software such as Finale or Sibelius for export the score to a pdf document. For export it as pdf you will need a converter(which is free).

December 18th, 2008, 05:58 am
Hmm...if you are asking how to turn a sheet music file into a pdf file, it's actually quite easy. Download Primopdf (it's free). Go to print the sheet music, but select Primopdf as your printer on the top of the printer screen. After a while, primopdf will open, and you can click 'create pdf'. :P

December 18th, 2008, 07:15 am
Hmm...if you are asking how to turn a sheet music file into a pdf file, it's actually quite easy. Download Primopdf (it's free). Go to print the sheet music, but select Primopdf as your printer on the top of the printer screen. After a while, primopdf will open, and you can click 'create pdf'. :P

sry, but this is not what i mean. My question is like saying how do you write a music sheet by listening to the song or music (maybe there's some machine can do it...)? (sry for any broken english)

December 19th, 2008, 12:23 am
Oh. You need to get music notation software like finale. (you can probably find notepad '08 on download.com if you want a free solution) After you make the music sheet, follow the instructions in my last post to make it a pdf. :P I'm pretty sure notepad '08 can open a midi and make music out of it, although you will have to edit it a bit so it's playable.