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View Full Version : Jeff's New Composition

Jeff B.J.
December 22nd, 2008, 08:11 am
I made two compositions (quite a while ago) that I might use in my games. Please comment on these whether they're fine or needs improvements. Thanks in advance.

December 22nd, 2008, 09:03 pm
Welcome to ichigos. ^^ Those are pretty good! If you are going to use them in a game though, you would probably want to record someone playing it on a real piano.

December 22nd, 2008, 10:39 pm
Both of the pieces are lacking something very important, the music dynamics. You should add dynamics to the piece for each section to sound more contrasting and not have all playing at the same velocity/dynamic. This make the melodic parts not to be fully expressed. If you are using a sequencer, play with the velocities of it and find the levels you would desire to hear in each note, that would make the piece more "human".

Also the pedal was on all time in both pieces; take a look, it tend to create undesirable sounds in the background if you don't turn it down with each change of harmonies.

My favorite section was 1:58-2:21 from the first piece, "The Winds' Stories". The melody got more character.

Oh, and Happy Birthday! ;)

Jeff B.J.
December 23rd, 2008, 04:55 am
@Nyu001: Gosh... Thank you for noticing that it was my birthday!

And... Ehheh... I have to apologize as well. I cannot completely understand what you have posted for me. In truth, I haven't had any classes related to music. All my compositions are self taught and composed by ear (and heart).

I could only understand about half of the... Eh... "Music related words". (I cannot differentiate between melodies and harmonies...) But I see what you mean that my compositions are lacking something.

Thanks for the comments though. I really appreciate it.

Oh, I'm using Anvil Studio by the way.

December 23rd, 2008, 06:18 am
You've never had music classes? I would've never guessed, cause your songs are pretty good. ^^ If you do want to learn though, musictheory.net is a good place to start. :)

December 23rd, 2008, 01:19 pm
If you see marks of "ppp, pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, fff, etc" in Anvil Studio, those are the dynamics. With that you mark in a score what parts will be played louder/stronger and which parts will be played lower/softer. If you interested take a look at this site that explain basic theory: http://teoria.com/ And this other explain the dynamics: http://cnx.org/content/m11649/latest/

December 26th, 2008, 09:22 pm
Very nice. A comment on "Winter Tears," in the left hand, you should try to keep the intervals to 5th and 8th for notes playing together. Also, you should consider pedal releases in them so that potential unwanted dissonance is not heard.

Nice job. Keep us posted.

Jeff B.J.
December 28th, 2008, 07:49 am
Thanks for the comments and guidance! I'll have some time next weekend so I guess I'll work on these composition, eh?

I'm still checking out the websites though. Still can't get used to the theory part of music. Only have been doing practical since I started... Ehheh.

December 28th, 2008, 08:12 am
Oh, theory is kind of hard at first, but if you keep studying it, you will eventually get it. :)

Omorose Panya
December 19th, 2009, 07:12 pm
I agree with Noir7. I also like 1:58-2:22 better. However, I think it would sound better if you play 2:08-2:10 a little slower to build into the repeat, and then 2:10-2:13 as it is but with a (higher pitched) harmony on top of it. So... you won't be able to play that with two hands but oh well.

As for the second one, I can imagine the wind blowing and carrying on, almost sadly. It doesn't sound as "empty" as many of the pieces on this site, though I agree, again, that little things can be done to it here and there. At least you're not all over the place.

...Not that you're around to get this comment. Just felt like commenting.