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View Full Version : How long does it take a person to transcribe music (like average time?)

January 4th, 2009, 11:48 pm
I was just wondering this question because since I have found my self able to only transcribe the melody part really fast and that's all is there some thing wrong that I am doing?

January 5th, 2009, 07:01 pm
well if u dont mind, post up your transcription and we can check it out :D

The melody is usually the easiest part to transcribe, like on the piano anyone can figure out the melody by just playing the single notes on the right hand. Its usually the left hand/accompanying part thats most unique and creative for any transcriber to make up.

Time really depends on on the transcriber. I wouldnt think there is really an "average time". It depends more on the hardness of the song and the skill of the transcriber and how much time they put into.

Im sure the many transcribers on here can give you some more self experience on the information you seek.

January 6th, 2009, 07:10 am
The melody is easy, If I have the full day to myself to transcribe, I can manage to transcribe 5 songs in 1 day.

Piano/Arrangements are a different story because you have to make up components of the music most of the time. Plus the chords are particularly hard to hear in a song, and you have to transcribe the chords to sound right to accompany the melody.

January 7th, 2009, 01:05 am
Melody is heck easy. (Re-stating)

Sometimes transcribing a piano piece by ear can be rather difficult, if the song has many variations for accompaniment, like a lot of different chords, odd rhythmic patterns, etc. But if I were to write a completely original accompaniment for a melody on piano, it then becomes rather simple for... I speak for myself, I've got too many years of piano experience and enough theory lessons to get through it.

Shortest transcription time for me was two and a half hours, for violin/piano duet piece. Longest was a month, for a rock band arrangement (vocal 1/vocal 2/violin/piano/bass guitar/drum), well... couldn't have been a little faster but I slacked, it was in the summer. I highly prefer songs with accompaniment then ones that are just melody so I've never transcribed a song just by the melody hitherto, but it's only personally preference though.

January 8th, 2009, 03:40 am
ok so what I'm experiencing is normal, not being able to peg down any chord or bass line in general is actually normal and that the melody is the easiest part.

January 8th, 2009, 09:33 am
to be honest there is no "wrong" or "right" way of doing it. transcribing the melody first is always easiest though