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September 23rd, 2004, 10:23 pm
my techniques / part 1: (SL:AC)

Usually use a light-weight w/ blade, ob core, and turny extension for these~

*rough diagrams* - used ` to keep diagrams in order

1. joust dash (side view)

(i) -----------------------------^ (f)

(i) = initial overboost
----- = overboosting
^ = tap booster
(f) = attack target

2. flank dash (bird’s eye view)

(i) ---------------------- %

(i) = initial ob
--- = ob'ing
% = engage extension, sharp turn
(f) slam target

3. wild top (side view)

(i) ---------------^``(f)--%

(i) = initial ob
--- = ob'ing
^ = tap booster, cancel ob
___ = rotate 90 degrees + hit extension
% = land lightly, boost forward
(f) = strike target

EDIT: Okay, here's another. I use this for evading attack. *yawn* :yawn: - gomen.

4. cyclone (3rd person)

key: lines = ac's path of motion

notes: tap booster to ascend and release to descend, choose a direction (cw, ccw), and get into a circular motion. If your ac is quick enough ('round 400+ km/h), you will be able to throw your opponents FCS and they will never be able to hit ya. -_^ ... more later.

September 24th, 2004, 08:36 pm
Wow thats complicted I usualy just use something like:
Slowly closing the turning circle

^/:boost while moving left or right
(T): target

The joust dash is one of the other moves I do, usualy not overboosting but just using normal boost saving energy for the circle manouver.

One that can be used is to boost backwards if you miss on the joust dash
(A)(T) ^(AC)
Attacking again with the left arm saber

(AC): your AC
-:line of boost movment
V:boost cutoff
^:continus boosting
(A):Attack point

September 24th, 2004, 09:50 pm
A new day! :lol:

Simple manuevers can be good too. I try to have balance in my tactics. This is kinda a classic move, modified a little towards my style. Keep in mind that there are many variations beyond these! Allow yourself be creative and build a wide variety of tactics.

4. hurricane (bird's eye view)

(i) --------------------%/

(i) = initial ob
--- = ob'ing
% = hit extension, tap booster, cut off ob
/ = dash hop

notes: overboost past target then do a quick turn inwards. Circle around the target. Try and stay just outside your opponents lock box while pelting 'em with shotgun etc. Very effective against slower opponents.

September 24th, 2004, 09:54 pm
I find a move almost like that easier to pull off with a floating base(actualy with one floating base type I managed to kill off Exile), but because of the floating base you slide around without needing to jump

September 25th, 2004, 08:19 pm
Yeah, especially quick hovers like QUAIL and PETAL.

This is a tech a colleague of mine is fond of:

5. (no name)

1. begin with a light/mid-weight bipedal ac
2. crouch with grenade launcher, hit ob, and fire
3. once ac obs, drop grenade launcher

notes: the ob cancels the animation for switching out of grenading stance

September 26th, 2004, 09:28 pm
Hmm thats interesting, ive found that some times when you OB you ACs parts drop automaticly that might be what its for.

I've actualy got an AC on the petal floating base to balance and get an excelent rating, i dont use it much for missions even then its not that good to put into the arena if the other AC has a huge shell weapon

September 27th, 2004, 11:03 pm
Did you make up all these names? =)

November 12th, 2005, 07:40 am
It has been a while, and somewhere between then and now, my strategy changed. This may not be appropriate for a thread on techniques because it is my philosophy that has changed, and in turn affected my approach to techniques and strategy.

Experience has gifted me with knowledge. I am very thankful. Why do I play a video game, this game? Your answer determines your strategy. For example, do you play to have fun? If yes, then do what ever entertains you, what brings you enjoyment. Do you play to win? If so, then discover how to win. It is important that your purpose is clear.

When I played this game, I really had no idea why I was doing it. I had some hazy reason in the back of my mind. Likewise, my playing was sloppy and aimless. When I dueled, I wanted to win. I didn't think clearly though, and as a result I lost repeatedely. I then consoled myself, by asserting that I really only wanted to enjoy myself, win or lose. Still, my mind wasn't clear, and my enjoyment was also weak and unfulfilling. Many hours have been wasted in this way. Now, as my mind becomes more clear, I realize that there is not one static purpose. It is always changing.

Identify what it is you want and chase it single-mindedly, discarding everything which is of no use. Be flexible, so that you can instantly redirect your effort to changing circumstances. This is what's on my mind, a note to myself that perhaps others can benefit from.