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September 24th, 2004, 01:16 pm
what are the books you've read lately and what is it about?

September 24th, 2004, 10:18 pm
Currently I'm reading the 9/11 Commission Report. Not sure what I'll try to tackle after that...

September 24th, 2004, 10:21 pm
Right now I'm reading To Kill A Mockingbird. It's about racism and human dignity.

September 24th, 2004, 10:30 pm
Although I've finished Fahrenheit 451, I'm still gonna have a more thorough reread of part 3 of the book. It's a depiction of a future society where almost all books(let's say 99.9%) are banned. Everybody's an idiot in it except the 'intellectuals'(it's a swear word now XD). A book about a society where all books are burned....how ironic.

September 25th, 2004, 02:52 am
waiting for the next book in the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind to come out... not superb books but entertaining to read

meanwhile I'm reading bourne supremacy... it's... ok so far... we'll see

September 25th, 2004, 02:56 am
I just read "The Secret Agent" by Joseph Conrad. An excellent book but it's very, very bleak. His usual existentialism is present and the whole thing is somewhat nihilistic but it's very interesting and as usual ithe book's eloquently written.

September 25th, 2004, 05:18 am
The books I've read in the past month are...
Waifs and Strays by Charles De Lint...a collection of short stories.
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd......about racism sorta stuff.

And a crapload of Merlin/Arthur books (lol, I even named my dog Emrys after Merlin...Emrys Myrddin is Merlins "real" name in most books)..

Sword of the Rightful King by Jane Yolen...Merlin assisting King Arthur to keep him the King.
The Crystal Cave by Mary Stewart..1st Part of the Series, This one is about Merlin is his slightly younger days.
The Hollow Hills by Mary Stewart...2nd part in the series..touches alot more on the subject of Arthur...alooooooooooot more.

And of course...some mangas, Ceres volume 5 and Confidential Confessions volume 6.

I read alot...can you tell? :heh:

September 25th, 2004, 05:20 am
I'm reading The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. It's about this Chinese farmer, Wang Lung, adn his life. I'ts really good and very detailed.

September 25th, 2004, 05:22 am
Originally posted by Sondagger@Sep 25 2004, 01:20 AM
I'm reading The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. It's about this Chinese farmer, Wang Lung, adn his life. I'ts really good and very detailed.
I heard that book sucks to no end. >.<

September 25th, 2004, 05:29 am
I like it. But then again I&#39;m weird like that. :P It kept me going back for more.

September 25th, 2004, 05:42 am
I might read it soon, then :D

September 26th, 2004, 06:02 am
Originally posted by Sondagger@Sep 25 2004, 12:20 AM
I&#39;m reading The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. It&#39;s about this Chinese farmer, Wang Lung, adn his life. I&#39;ts really good and very detailed.
I had to stay after school to read and submit a book report for The Big Wave (http://http://books.fantasticfiction.co.uk/n26/n132060.htm?authorid=19651) in 2nd Grade. Turned me off of PSB forever... :bleh:

September 26th, 2004, 07:07 am
Reading &#39;Fahrenheit 451&#39; by Ray Bradbury again and &#39;1984&#39; by George Orwell which is what he thought 1984 would be like... A bunch of &#39;Big Brother is watching you&#33;&#39;

September 27th, 2004, 08:57 am
reading the Bible... after that ill try 1984 and maybe Going up and down in london and Paris if i can find it here...

September 27th, 2004, 11:10 am
I&#39;m currently re-reading:
-the fellowship of the ring,
-conspiracy in death (part of a really good futuristic crime series by J.D Robb)

and I am reading Tricksters Queen by Tamora Pierce for the first time. It may be a &#39;kids book&#39; but it is a great book, and hey, she&#39;s my fave author :)

I would put what I have been reading, but I read about four books at once and am a pretty fast reader, so the list would get too long......plus, I can&#39;t remember which one&#39;s I have re-read&#33; :sweatdrop:

September 28th, 2004, 03:20 am
I had finished reading Xone of Contention by Piers Anthony yesterday. I will start The Dastard (also by Piers Anthony) tomorrow. :P

I had read The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck before, great book about life.

September 28th, 2004, 01:37 pm
Im currently read &#39;The book of five rings&#39; again. by Miyamoto Musashi
still on the earth scroll

its about confrontaition and martial arts, not philosophy like &#39;Hagakure&#39; but more reference and instruction

Setsuki Shiyou
September 28th, 2004, 02:33 pm
My textbooks? lolx&#33; Exams round the corner so i couldnt read much.. But still, i managed to read a little of Rebecca&#39;s Tale by Sally Beauman.. Beautifully written.. pity it was from the library and i couldnt renew it.. :(

Alfonso de Sabio
September 28th, 2004, 07:15 pm
I&#39;m reading MacBeth. I love Shakespeare. It would make a good opera, but who would be gutsy enough to hack the play into a libretto?

September 29th, 2004, 06:30 am
currently re-reading or just finished :

Soul of the Fire by Terry Goodkind
Pillars of Creation by Terry Goodkind
Naked Earth by Terry Goodkind
Fellowship of the Ring by Tolkien
The Thousand Orcs by R.A. Salvatore

havent read Salvatore in so long, that i&#39;m even delaying on reading it rite now. :D

September 30th, 2004, 12:38 am
Originally posted by AznJoe@Sep 28 2004, 11:30 PM
currently re-reading or just finished :

Soul of the Fire by Terry Goodkind
Pillars of Creation by Terry Goodkind
Naked Earth by Terry Goodkind
Fellowship of the Ring by Tolkien
The Thousand Orcs by R.A. Salvatore

havent read Salvatore in so long, that i&#39;m even delaying on reading it rite now. :D
going to finish up sword of truth?

Goodkind&#39;s book are entertaining, although he does seem to stretch things a bit much... Of course I&#39;m comparing him to Tolkien so that&#39;s just not fair. XD Good reads though

September 30th, 2004, 05:30 am
I just started reading The Long Patrol by B. Jacques and Eragon by Christopher Paolini

October 2nd, 2004, 02:30 am
I loved the book walk two moons , the wonderer and I&#39;m reading this book called stormbreaker its really good so far&#33;

October 3rd, 2004, 01:40 am
Originally posted by Plod@Sep 29 2004, 10:30 PM
Eragon by Christopher Paolini
i have that book&#33; i am SO gonna get the next book. forgot wut it was called tho....ah well. i&#39;ll just look for the author :D

I agree wit u gand. Sword of Truth series is good and all, but goodkind does stretch it sometimes.

October 8th, 2004, 03:11 am
I just finished the most heart breaking story i had ever read.
It&#39;s called A Sunday at a pool in Kigali by Gil Courtemanche.

Mainly is about Valcourt (A canadian film director)&#39;s experience while he is at Rwanda. This book reflect the uselessness of Rwanda government in stopping genocides by Hutus (black extremists) who want to get rid of Tutsis(people that are not Rwandians). It also reflects Rwanda government in denying these problems and denying the problem of AIDS while so many Hutus and Tutsis dying of AIDS. It describes how many of Valcourt&#39;s friends die of AIDS and die because they are Tutsis and not Hutus. You will feel anguish when you know the pain of being a Tutsis girl, where the Hutus rape you, cut you up into pieces and let you bleed to death. The corpse just lie there on the street, rotting and eaten away by crows, ravens and vultures.

It is so descriptive and have such a strong imagery that really attracts the reader. You might get to parts where you just can&#39;t read on, but you want to read on.

It is definitely an amazing story, at the end i almost shed tears....it&#39;s so moving. Definitely recommend all book lovers to read it. Personally i gain so much from this book.

October 8th, 2004, 10:54 am
comunist manifesto, allways a good read

Roy Mustang
October 8th, 2004, 12:00 pm
Originally posted by Wraith@Sep 24 2004, 10:21 PM
Right now I&#39;m reading To Kill A Mockingbird. It&#39;s about racism and human dignity.
That&#39;s one of my favourite books. Have you enjoyed it so far? What was your favourite part?

I am just about to start reading &#39;Cloud Street&#39; by Tim Winton and &#39;Skull Beneath the Skin&#39; by PD James for English Advanced and English Extension 1 respectively. We are studying Journeys in English Advanced and Crime Fiction in English Extension 1 so theres a good guess at what the books will be about.

October 14th, 2004, 06:12 pm
i&#39;m being forced to read a book called sunset song for english
it is one of the worst books i&#39;ve ever read.
there is almost no paragraphs, you can&#39;t tell who&#39;s speaking what, it overuses the phrase by God at least 20 times in the first hundred pages and on page 24 the author justs randomly puts in that the main character&#39;s mum has died
i can&#39;t understand how this can even be classed as a novel let alone a book. :angry:

October 15th, 2004, 01:39 pm
@ wraith and roy mustang: oh&#33; i love that book too&#33; and i loved the movie too.

i just finished re-reading "Hard Eight" by Janet evanovich. it&#39;s one of the stephanie plum series. I love that series, it&#39;s so funny&#33;

i&#39;m just about to start The Merli Conspiracy but Diana Wynn Jones and i&#39;ve just started Son of the Mob by Gordon Korman. plus, i&#39;ve been reading various manga novels in between. ^_^

November 6th, 2004, 01:28 am
I&#39;m reading the thorn birds. and what a beautiful book. not done yet...

November 7th, 2004, 03:07 am
i&#39;m reading robert ludlum&#39;s the bourne identity. very exciting so far...captivated me from the start.

how good is farenheit 451? i heard it was excellent..

December 4th, 2004, 10:35 am
I&#39;ve got a mound of books I&#39;m meant to be going through at the moment... but I&#39;m really too busy and they just haven&#39;t grabbed me... :(

I&#39;m currently enjoying Harry Potter 1 again :) Just as something silly and light to read each night before bed.... JKR&#39;s writing style changes soooo much over the books... Really it&#39;s a bad thing to do - if you&#39;re going to write in a style you should keep it for the whole series... but I don&#39;t mind, because the style&#39;s starting to reach something a bit more mature and suited to my age group, so the books aged with me, I guess....

I was shocked when I read the fifth book, though - some of the things it referred to really didn&#39;t suit the primary school age-group it was targeting .. O_O

hmm I might get onto Katherine Kerr&#39;s "Palace" again soon... Has anyone read the sequel to that? I&#39;ve been meaning to, but I don&#39;t think it&#39;s available in Aus..... hmmmmmmm &#33;&#33;

December 4th, 2004, 11:20 am
"Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Mitch Albom

Lessons on how to live, from a dying man. Very inspirational, seeing as how here&#39;s a guy who&#39;s still upbeat and positive till the very end.

December 5th, 2004, 12:26 am
i&#39;m reading "M.Y.T.H. Inc. In Action" by Robert Asprin.

such a great series and i think it helps you learn about economics still funny tho. :D

December 5th, 2004, 11:22 pm
I finished "The Merlin Conspiracy" By Diana Wynn Jones acouple of weeks ago and am currently ploughing through one of J.D.Robb, a.k.a Nora Robertss books called "Conspiracy in Death." It&#39;s really good&#33;

December 5th, 2004, 11:36 pm
Ahhhhhh, Robert Asprin.....SO funny :D

Yes Inu...I KNOW you&#39;re reading conspiracy in death&#33;&#33; My book, remember :rolleyes: Have you even STARTED Angels&Demons yet?Well, at least my books are prolly gonna get to go to china with you :)

Well, I&#39;m cureently readin Immortal in Death, another book in the same series as the one Inu is reading.

Oh, and I&#39;m also reading some weird autobiography about some cricketor I&#39;ve never heard of. I&#39;M DESPERATE&#33;&#33;&#33; I&#39;m reading anything of my parents&#39; that sounds even mildly interesting because I haven&#39;t had time to go to the library in MONTHS&#33; Thank god for the holidays, which mean I might actually manage to get something decent to read.

December 6th, 2004, 07:15 am
I love Brisbane libraries - 20 books at a time&#33; XD I&#39;ve been reading the Selby series by Duncan Ball (for the sake of nostalgia - they aren&#39;t published in the UK and the last time I read one was one I was 13 ;)), and just finished Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve (y&#39;know, one of those books that comes out in the shops and you really wanna read it but just haven&#39;t gotten around to looking for it in the library) :P

December 7th, 2004, 01:20 am
I just finished reading Da Vinci&#39;s Code. It was a really good book. It&#39;s a puzzle solving book talking about two people who go on a quest to find a secret that has been hidden by a secret society for many millenia. The Da Vinci&#39;s Code was very intruging and I definitely recommend it for anyone who likes the kinds of story that baffles you.....however if you are a very religious Catholic/Christian you might not want to read it since some of the stuff said wasn&#39;t all too nice.

December 7th, 2004, 02:46 am
Heh. Canberra libraries beat Brisbane ones Mazda&#33; It&#39;s 26 or 30 books here :P unforutnately, I STILL haven&#39;t had chance to go to one for ages. I really need to reserve some books over the net and get my parents to pick them up.

Anyway, my latest read is Greatest Mysteries of the Modern World by John Pinkney. It&#39;s strangely enough about the interesting unsolved mysteries of our time and it&#39;s got things like the Mary Celeste, etc. It kinda ties into a subject I did at school this semester actually :thinks:

December 7th, 2004, 05:11 am
Originally posted by Himeko@Dec 7 2004, 12:20 PM
I just finished reading Da Vinci&#39;s Code.
You think that one was anti-Catholic, you should read Angels and Demons - it&#39;s even worse XD I love Dan Brown, he is a very good writer, though I prefer Angels and Demons to the Da Vinci Code because DVC is much slower to start.

December 7th, 2004, 07:18 am
Originally posted by madmazda86@Dec 7 2004, 01:11 AM
You think that one was anti-Catholic, you should read Angels and Demons - it&#39;s even worse XD I love Dan Brown, he is a very good writer, though I prefer Angels and Demons to the Da Vinci Code because DVC is much slower to start.
The plotline of DVC isn&#39;t exactly new. This book (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0440136482/qid=1102406347/sr=2-1/ref=pd_ka_b_2_1/103-0072513-8374228) was probably the first non-Fiction work to seriously explore the notion that the Holy Grail was something other than a mere cup. And frankly; their theories, while probably unprovable because most (if not all) difinitive evidence has been lost to History, are a hell of a lot more convincing (because they try as best they can to back them up with actual *fact* rather than "are-you-gonna-believe-me-or-yer-lyin&#39;-eyes" bullshit) than anything that the Church (Catholic *or* Protestant) has ever force-fed to it&#39;s sheep. /mini-:ranting:

December 8th, 2004, 09:02 pm
I just finished reading a documentary novel, called Nothing But The Truth by Avi. Its about this kid who gets suspended from school because his assistant principal thinks singing the national anthem is "disruptive". Its really good. ^_^

December 9th, 2004, 05:20 am
Just finished "Conspiracy in Death: and am about to start "Boy of Blood and Bone" and "Angels and Demons"

I often read several books at once, I don&#39;t know why, I just do :heh:

December 9th, 2004, 06:27 am
how good is farenheit 451? i heard it was excellent..

i love the book. It is VERY ironic, where the "firefighter" (Main character)&#39;s job was suppose to burn books and try to burn down the house too, instead of putting out fires.......blah blah blah then he met this girl which made him THINK of what he is doing, and he started READING books then blah blah...don&#39;t wanna spoil it

December 19th, 2004, 01:43 pm
lately, i read the halo books (1-3) and the first one told the story of how the spartans were made and how the pillar of autom got to halo. the second was about all the things that happened during the time of halo (the game) that wasn&#39;t told in the game. the third was a sequel that told the story from halo&#39;s destruction all the way to earth again where halo 2 starts.

i&#39;d perscribe all halo fans to read these to gain more knowledge on halo then your friends and they&#39;re very action packed and interesting

December 20th, 2004, 07:41 am
I&#39;m currently reading Lost in a Good Book, by Jasper Fforde. It&#39;s a crime/humour/fantasy and it&#39;s really good. It&#39;s the second in a series, but it&#39;s still really easy to pick up what&#39;s going, since it still has it&#39;s own plot too.

December 20th, 2004, 02:24 pm
Just finished reading the first two books of Dave Pelzer... gonna start reading Ayn Rand&#39;s "Atlas Shrugged".

Anyone read Ayn Rand&#39;s novels? ^_^;


Just finished reading "The Good Sister" by Diana Diamond. Ah ~ It was the best mystery novel I&#39;ve ever read so far. Highly recommend it to all~

December 28th, 2004, 12:02 am
Lake of Secrets..
Its a good book..a bit too short though...

December 30th, 2004, 05:10 pm
Finished reading "The Face of Deception" - Iris Johansen. It&#39;s a mystery/suspense novel. Really clever plotline, heaps of twists and turns.. Soo good&#33; ^_^ And now.. about to read her next book, "The Killing Game".

January 2nd, 2005, 08:10 am
Heh, finished &#39;lost in a good book&#39; and moved on to &#39;the well of lost plots&#39; which is it&#39;s sequel. Up next is The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. And a whole heap of other books since I&#39;m going on holiday, meaning I have a LONG drive to read in, and a LOT of free time....and NO COMPUTER&#33;&#33;

January 14th, 2005, 06:50 pm
I just finished reading Triss by Brian Jacques. It is really good&#33; ^_^

January 14th, 2005, 10:02 pm
I&#39;m trying to finish The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells. I&#39;m almost done&#33; :doh:

The next book I read will be whatever my English teacher wants us to read. I hope she chooses science fiction, then I can read An Accpetable Time By Madeline Le&#39;Engle.

January 15th, 2005, 08:11 am
I&#39;m reading &#39;Goodbye Soldier&#39; by Spike Milligan. It&#39;s the last in his autobiography of his time in the 2nd world war. The series is really good and informative, but with it being Spike Milligan, is also funny too.

January 17th, 2005, 01:13 am
Just finished reading Daughter of Venice by Donna Jo Napoli. It&#39;s really good.

mary no jutsu
January 17th, 2005, 03:03 am
currently i&#39;m reading pride and prejudice. its getting so scandalous. when i was reading itt at school i started yelling hella loud when darcy proposed to elizabeth. hehehe i get into books way to much

books i heart forever and ever are
the hot zone
harry potter
lovely bones
lotr series

yeah all i can remember right now

January 17th, 2005, 10:51 am
series that i really like are harry potter, lord of the rings (i prefer the films though, its the kind of thing that&#39;s better on screen rather than in my head) i love books, and read anything, though I prefer fantasy and crime books.

oh yeah, i&#39;m currently reading as many sherlock holmes i can find, for my english lit coursework

January 17th, 2005, 02:54 pm
I just finished reading "The Secret Hour" by Luanne Rice. The book had some good themes ie sisterhood, loss, and love .. everything was good. I enjoyed it. But the ending wasn&#39;t that great. It was too abrupt .. well that&#39;s what I think. You find out *who* was behind it, but Rice didn&#39;t go into much explanation why. Just wasn&#39;t enough I guess. But overall, good book.

I started reading Dan&#39;s "Angels&Demons" .. so far good. ^^

January 31st, 2005, 04:24 am
finishied "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown while i was in China in two days, such a great read ^_^

February 15th, 2005, 07:35 am
Cloudstreet by Tim Winton. It&#39;s a bit slow to start off...

February 15th, 2005, 08:12 am
Oathblood by Mercedes Lackey

February 15th, 2005, 09:22 am
English text - "The Real Inspctor Hound" by Tom Stoppard (he wrote "Shakespeare in Love") ridiculously short, and ridiculousy absurd.

Dark Bring
February 15th, 2005, 10:24 am
Ooh, a Mercedes Lackey reader&#33; :3 Have you read Magic&#39;s Pawn? :cry:

Me, I&#39;m reading <The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat>.

February 15th, 2005, 11:12 am
nah, well, "Inspector Hound" was set for english so.... :ph34r: yeah... ^_^

oh and angels and demons was fantastic&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

February 16th, 2005, 06:28 am
^currently reading "Angels & Demons". So far so good~

February 22nd, 2005, 08:00 am
Yeo, angels and demons is a good book&#33; (especially my copy&#33;&#33; It has the cover printed so you can read it either way up&#33;&#33;&#33;)

Anyway, currently re-reading Imitation in Death by J.D Robb (aka Nora Roberts) and The Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde. Both good books ^_^

February 22nd, 2005, 12:40 pm
Dracula&#33; About vampire&#33; Evil vampire&#33; Good but a little stuffy.
Anything by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes&#33; More vampires&#33; Not always evil&#33; Awesome&#33;
The Phantom of the Opera&#33; About a phantom at an opera. Kinda cool, kinda not.
Lord of the Rings&#33; Frodo, quest of doom, battles, wisdom, love, friendship. Great read, as usual&#33;
Various ghost stories cuz I&#39;m bored. ^^ I lurv to read&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; (Actually I&#39;m in my school&#39;s library as I type this.)

February 23rd, 2005, 03:30 am
Finally (FINALLY&#33;&#33;&#33;) finished the 911 Commission Report. (The footnotes are a book in themselves&#33;) Currently reading "Dangerous Waters: Modern Piracy and Terror on the High Seas" by John S. Burnett.

EDIT: Finished "Dangerous Waters". Now reading "End-Time Visions" by Richard Abanes.
2nd EDIT: Now reading "Rule by Secrecy" by Jim Marrs. (Supposedly a history of conspiracies. Less than convincing...)

March 14th, 2005, 10:02 pm
Im reading Eragon.
Good book

March 19th, 2005, 04:32 am
Just finished "Visions ins Death" and "Divided in Death" by JD Robb, aka Nora Roberts (yes, ran tan got me into this eries and author :D) and am currently reading "Headgames" by Nick Earls. Strange and confusinf, but overall very good so far.

March 19th, 2005, 08:42 am
Um Irish Whiskey by Andrew M Greely is the major one. Good book. And good author.

Roy Mustang
March 19th, 2005, 09:12 am
Originally posted by Inu&#045;chan+Feb 15 2005, 09:22 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Inu&#045;chan &#064; Feb 15 2005, 09:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> English text - "The Real Inspctor Hound" by Tom Stoppard (he wrote "Shakespeare in Love") ridiculously short, and ridiculousy absurd. [/b]
Oh wow, your doing what I&#39;m doing :) I&#39;m studying The Real Inspector Hound for English Extension.

<!--QuoteBegin-zebra@Feb 15 2005, 07:35 PM
Cloudstreet by Tim Winton. It&#39;s a bit slow to start off...[/quote]
And rofl. I just FINISHED studying Cloudstreet for English Advanced. It&#39;s a really good book, well I thought so anyway, one of the best I&#39;ve ever read in fact :) Winton uses the most beautiful imagery.

March 25th, 2005, 04:08 am
I finished reading "Ain&#39;t She Sweet" by Susan Elizabeth Phillips yesterday..~ SO good&#33; (although there were a few of.....erm.. sexual/romance scenes.......X___X;;)

And I think.. this is the *first* book that actually made me laugh out loud. XD

March 25th, 2005, 11:23 am
have started "Key of Light" in the Key trilogy by Nora Roberts. Be proud of me ran tan&#33; Be proud of me&#33; XD

Igneus Descent
March 25th, 2005, 11:35 am
Hmmmm...books books books....I actually haven&#39;t read that many good ones lately. I was reading a historically based book called Isolde but I didn&#39;t have time to read it all. I really really really want to get my hands on Geisha Memoirs and Kathy Reiches Grave Secrets.

I was reading Kim Wilkins but her stories ended up scary me because one reminded me of the Ring (and I was absolutely bloody petrified by the Ring) Ressurectionists wasn&#39;t bad.

Lets see, Daughters of Eden, Tokyo, The Dragon Queen, Empress Orchid, The Girl Who Played GO....um...nothing really mentionable about those cept The Girl Who Played Go was really sad and tells about a Chinese girl and Japanese soldier who meant during war (EDIT: Deleted Spoiler)

March 25th, 2005, 12:41 pm
=_= I just finished reading Watership Down by Richard Adams. It&#39;s a fairy tale in novel form. I think it was OK but it was stretched too thin.

March 26th, 2005, 02:15 am
I&#39;ve been re-reading some Sherlock Holmes stories during my car ride:

The Adventure of the Dying Detective
His Last Bow
The Adventure of the Illustrious Client
The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire
The Adventure of the Three Garridebs
The Adventure of the Creeping Man

Don&#39;t know if I&#39;ll have any more time to read the rest.

Edit: Hound of the Baskervilles.

March 30th, 2005, 05:05 pm
I&#39;m reading "A pirate looks at fifty" by Jimmy Buffett. It&#39;s a travelogue of his expedition to the carribean for his 50th birthday, intersperced with his bio.

after that, I think some "where is joe merchant" is in order, or mebby "hemmingway&#39;s chair"


March 31st, 2005, 08:11 am
finished "key of light" and have now started "Midnight Bayou" also by Nora Roberts

March 31st, 2005, 12:34 pm
plato&#39;s &#39;the metaphysics&#39; is taking ages to read...but i must finish it

April 7th, 2005, 05:36 am
Finished "Midnight Bayou" and have started "The Reef" by Nora Roberts and "Cloud of Sparrows" by....Tak=somehting M-somehting >_< I can&#39;t remember&#33;

April 7th, 2005, 07:24 am
"The Wandering Womb: A Cultural History of Outrageous Beliefs about Women." by Lana Thompson. An oft-times amusing history of the mythos that has grown up around the female reproductive organ.

EDIT: "War in Japan 1467-1615" by Stephen Turnbull. A rather basic primer on the Sengoku-jidai. ("Warring States era".) Written mainly with the military figure modeler in mind -- but also an excellent source of historical information for the "InuYasha" fan, casual or otaku.

EDIT 2: "War and the American Presidency" by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.

EDIT 3: "Imperial Hubris: Why the West is losing the War on Terror." by Michael Scheuer (Writing as "Anonymous".)

April 7th, 2005, 10:43 pm
Finished &#39;Harry Potter The Order Of The Phoenix&#39; Reading &#39;Of Mice and Men&#39; ( School work, already read b4 must read due to finals)

Igneus Descent
April 8th, 2005, 12:57 pm
Hmmm I want to start Firethorn, finished Daughters of Eden, starting Tokyo. Thinking about The Chase and The Rule of Four. Maybe if I have time I&#39;ll read Maximum Ride: Angel Experiment.

April 8th, 2005, 01:58 pm
I&#39;ve just finished The Runaway Jury by John Grisham - I wanna reread the James Herriot series but I can&#39;t find any of them in my library :crybaby:

April 27th, 2005, 10:23 pm
you want to know a good book Eragon by christopher paolini.

April 30th, 2005, 04:44 am
"The girl who played go" by Shan Sa. Just finished "Flesh and Blood" by Jackie French.

Itachi Uchiha
April 30th, 2005, 05:08 am
wah....reading to kill a mocking bird....by leane hearn......ugh....stupid english text, that book should be burnt...any ways also reread teh otori series again ^^

April 30th, 2005, 02:50 pm
Oh&#33;&#33; Books, books, books, books&#33;&#33;&#33; I love books&#33;&#33; I&#39;m currently reading Hannibal by Thomas Harris, its getting good&#33;&#33; Books, books, books, books&#33;&#33;&#33;

May 4th, 2005, 12:54 am
stephen king is in where i am (hes been in scence horror movies were in to kids, about 6 or 7 years old) my friend is reading Carrie and im reading the long, very weird, &#39;Salem&#39;s Lot. im also reading the old kingdom Series (By Garth Nix) im done with aborhsen and sabriel and now im on lareil (all off spelling&#33;)i would recomend the olk kingdom series more then stephen king unless you want to be scared for life

May 4th, 2005, 01:19 am
"Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown. It&#39;s decent...I dunno what all the hype is about tho....

May 8th, 2005, 02:12 am
im also reading the old kingdom Series (By Garth Nix)

Im reading that too there really good.

Igneus Descent
May 8th, 2005, 05:51 am
Currently reading a classic for English class. Tess of the D&#39;Urdervilles.

May 8th, 2005, 03:30 pm
Shogun by James Clavell - i was told that it is a classic...

May 8th, 2005, 06:12 pm
When is harry potter and the half blood prince coming out.

May 8th, 2005, 09:15 pm
I hate to kill a mocking bird&#33;...............its confusing the way they talk... it takes me at least 3 re-reads of a page to understand it&#33;

May 8th, 2005, 11:20 pm
At least you don&#39;t have to read the sound of waves. That book is so retarded.

May 11th, 2005, 06:20 pm
Anything by Dan Brown for intriging (contemporary) fiction, and anything by Michael Moore for enlightening (contemporary) non-fiction

May 12th, 2005, 01:16 am
When is harry potter and the half blood prince coming out.

GASP&#33;&#33; is that what the new one is called? :drool:

May 12th, 2005, 11:34 am
I&#39;ve an obsession calls Stephen King. I love his books. I&#39;m reading Misery, just finished Rosie and Christine. I love the movie Misery and I&#39;m reading the book now. When I finished this book, I will begin with The Da Vinci Code, bought it a long time ago, but still haven&#39;t read yet

May 13th, 2005, 09:05 am
"The Fire from Within" by Carlos Castaneda, only im having trouble with it - right now im only at the beggining but already thw words &#39;boring&#39; &#39;stupid&#39; and &#39;fiction&#39; are cycling through my brain <.<; did anyone read this book?

Igneus Descent
May 13th, 2005, 09:19 am
ARGH&#33; THIS BOOK (Tess of the D&#39;urbervilles) no person can be so stupid and walk and breathe at the same time&#33; I hate when the heroine are naive little (steals Inu&#39;s word--&#62;) smucks T_T It&#39;s almost insulting to the female intelligence. If that was what men thought of women in the 19th Century, the 21st would&#39;ve knocked them off their feet&#33;&#33;&#33;

I have a creative writing assignment oral where I have to talk about a book and I&#39;ve tentitavely decided to do The Infernal by Kim Wilkins...problem though. I&#39;m the first person to do the oral.

May 13th, 2005, 12:33 pm
Harry Potter comes out July 16th&#33;&#33; Whee&#33;&#33; Can&#39;t WAIT&#33;

dessie, it&#39;s "schmuck", can&#39;t forget the "sch" sound ;)

what am i reading? hmm, good question&#33; any suggestions?

May 13th, 2005, 07:55 pm
Harry Potter comes out July 16th&#33;&#33; Whee&#33;&#33; Can&#39;t WAIT&#33;
any suggestions?

YAY&#33;&#33;&#33; (me neither)

you should read anything by Ameila Atwater-Rhodes. She&#39;s young but she&#39;s good.

May 16th, 2005, 05:25 am
Currently reading "A Clockwork Orange"; and I tell you it&#39;s hell to read with a russian-english dictionary (half of the words you wont understand there will be somewhat russian, and the rest will be 1960&#39;s UK slang)

Its a real &#39;horrorshow&#39; (&#39;horrorshow&#39; means good/well... go figure)

Still recommend it - it being a classic and all that

May 23rd, 2005, 08:22 pm
Second Sons Trilogy by Jennifer Fallon is soooo good&#33; Almost liked Dirk as much as Silk from the Belgariad&#33; Has anyone read the Belgariad by David Eddings?

May 30th, 2005, 02:42 pm
currently reading "The Beautiful and Damned" by F. Scott Fitzgerald (sp.?)

reread a few stories by O. Henry; should do it more often; They. Are. Great&#33;&#33;&#33;

June 1st, 2005, 12:20 pm
Whew&#33; Finally finished "The Da Vinci Code" wow. Great book :P But admittedly, "Angels and Demons" was better ;)

Now, ploughing through "Blue Moon" by Laurell K. Hamillton. An Anita Blake book&#33; yay&#33;

June 4th, 2005, 03:03 am
at school we are reading "The Outsiders". Im surrpried it was written when that chic was only 16&#33; But the book on tape is too slow, so im ahead by 50 pages...its sad and funny, one of the best books ever. I wish I was in the Greasers situation, only becuase of the bond between them and how close they are.

EDIT: found out the author is a girl...no SEQUAL&#33;&#33;&#33; I love that book&#33;

June 4th, 2005, 07:36 pm
Saki&#39;s Beasts and Super-Beasts. It&#39;s online.

June 5th, 2005, 08:03 am
@Inu-chan: I think so too&#33; Angels&Demons>The Da Vinci Code

Books by Dan Brown ranked according to my taste:

1) Angels&Demons
2) Deception Point
3) Da Vinci Code

June 18th, 2005, 07:52 am
"Key of Knowledge" by Nora Roberts. Des FINALLY remembered to bring it XD

Kalile Alako
June 20th, 2005, 04:49 am

Currenty, I&#39;m reading Plato&#39;s The Republic and Excecutioner&#39;s Song. And Dante&#39;s Inferno... only I finished that one, but I haven&#39;t finished Purgatorio yet. :P

June 21st, 2005, 09:36 am
- The High Lord by Trudi Canavan
- The restaurant at the end of the universe by Douglas Adams
- The Bone Doll&#39;s Twin by Lynn Flewelling

All great books ^__^

June 21st, 2005, 05:27 pm
"The Stand"
"Everything&#39;s Eventual"

All by STEPHEN KING&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; WHOOOOT&#33;&#33;&#33; My whole grade (well, the ones that read in my grade) is crazy about Stephen Kings works, movies and book....

P.S&#33; Dont read "The Stand" if you have a short attention span becuase there are no real main characters, it swiches to the diffrent people that get infectet E.X.:

The officer talks to a doctor
The officer gives a speeding ticket to a movie star
The movie star talks to a director
The director fixes the film tape
The film tape goes to a copier
The copiest copies the movies and sends it to all the places that wll show it
The mail man gets infected and so does all the mail

Its like that for most of the book

June 25th, 2005, 07:57 am
"The Infernal" but Kim Wilkinson :P good stuff so far ^^

June 30th, 2005, 05:42 am
"Conspiracy of Fools" by Kurt Eichenwald. The Enron collapse as told in novelized format. A must-read&#33;

EDIT: "Shinto" by C. Scott Littleton. An excellent primer on the Japanese religion of "8 million gods."

July 1st, 2005, 07:27 am
OMG... I haven&#39;t read anything other than manga for ages... oh well, I want to read Angels and Demons ^_^

July 1st, 2005, 09:02 am
Angels and Demons is a good book.

edit: (I&#39;ve lost the sense of conversation =_= )

July 11th, 2005, 05:03 pm
I&#39;m actually re-reading all the Harry Potter books at the moment, since the sixth one is comming out&#33; Yay&#33; Wanna know something odd? When I finish re-reading the fourth book, I&#39;ll have read the 1st on once, th 2nd one twice, the 3rd one three times, the 4th four times and the 5th five times. I know, I&#39;m such a dork. -_-

Guardians of Ga&#39;hoole is a good series, so is the Claidi Journals series. :D

July 11th, 2005, 07:31 pm
Vampire Hunter D

July 12th, 2005, 07:27 am
Originally posted by Sam&#045;chan@Jul 11 2005, 05:03 PM
I&#39;m actually re-reading all the Harry Potter books at the moment, since the sixth one is comming out&#33; Yay&#33; Wanna know something odd? When I finish re-reading the fourth book, I&#39;ll have read the 1st on once, th 2nd one twice, the 3rd one three times, the 4th four times and the 5th five times. I know, I&#39;m such a dork. -_-

Guardians of Ga&#39;hoole is a good series, so is the Claidi Journals series. :D
I&#39;m not trying to reread them AGAIN. X_X

July 12th, 2005, 12:18 pm
Ooh&#33; I should reread the Harry Potter 5 again before I get my copy of Half-Blood Prince&#33; I totally forgot&#33;

Anyway, I reread Mister Monday and Grim Tuesday by Garth Nix over the (three-day) weekend, and started Drowned Wednesday. But I stopped after I realized I was starting to forget what was happening in the other book I was reading (I read two books at the same times sometimes). I&#39;m reading the Black Jewels trilogy in one book. It&#39;s over 1000 pages long and very useful for whacking people with. It&#39;s a very...how should I put this...it&#39;s like a hentai anime in text (not that I&#39;ve ever seen hentai, but I think I can guess how they&#39;re like). Only instead of lots of miniminiskirts, there are almost-extremely detailed scenes of...oh, I don&#39;t know...people in bed together. It&#39;s actually a really interesting concept, if you ignore all the stuff that I shouldn&#39;t be reading for several years (I read plenty of Christopher Pike&#39;s books, so I thought "Hey, it can&#39;t be much worse than The Last Vampire or Remember Me, right?" Wrong). Apparantly, women rule over men and darkness rules over light. Power centers around "Jewels" of different colors, the closer to Black, the more powerful.

I also recently read Garth Nix&#39;s new book of short stories, "Across the Wall." You get to learn about his funnier side when you read "Down to the Scum Quarter" or "My New Really Epic Fantasy Series." Really, that&#39;s the title. There&#39;s also a novella meant to be the sequel to Abhorsen, I guess.

July 25th, 2005, 06:25 am
i dont like books... but we all need to read so im going to read ivanhoe,then sherlock holms maybe... harry potter sux i hate him :spray:

<_< sorry i hate him to those who like him but i hate him :heh:

Kalile Alako
July 26th, 2005, 05:17 am
Uh... lessee... recently I read Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Joseph Ellis. Great book, if a tad dry. Then again, it's a history book. I read that for fun, but mostly it was a school assignment. Yes, I have a school assignment over the summer. *grumble*
Jefferson's Vendetta , I'm not sure by whom, is another good book if you like history.

Just for fun... I've read, since... December, I think, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, Catch 22 by Joseph Heller, Inferno by Dante, Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, part of [/u] Don Quixote[/u] by Cervantes, Phantom of the Opera by Gaston LeRouge, and many fantasy novels. :heh:

i love the book. It is VERY ironic, where the "firefighter" (Main character)'s job was suppose to burn books and try to burn down the house too, instead of putting out fires.......blah blah blah then he met this girl which made him THINK of what he is doing, and he started READING books then blah blah...don't wanna spoil it
Montag... I love Montag. And I want to grow up to be Clarisse. I rub dandelions on my chin sometimes.
Ray Bradbury is a wonderful, lyrical writer, one of the many that I worship.
However, it scared the living daylights out of me when I was in fourth grade. :hey:

Kalile Alako
July 26th, 2005, 05:20 am
Ooh! I should reread the Harry Potter 5 again before I get my copy of Half-Blood Prince! I totally forgot!

Anyway, I reread Mister Monday and Grim Tuesday by Garth Nix over the (three-day) weekend, and started Drowned Wednesday. But I stopped after I realized I was starting to forget what was happening in the other book I was reading (I read two books at the same times sometimes). I'm reading the Black Jewels trilogy in one book. It's over 1000 pages long and very useful for whacking people with. It's a very...how should I put this...it's like a hentai anime in text (not that I've ever seen hentai, but I think I can guess how they're like). Only instead of lots of miniminiskirts, there are almost-extremely detailed scenes of...oh, I don't know...people in bed together. It's actually a really interesting concept, if you ignore all the stuff that I shouldn't be reading for several years (I read plenty of Christopher Pike's books, so I thought "Hey, it can't be much worse than The Last Vampire or Remember Me, right?" Wrong). Apparantly, women rule over men and darkness rules over light. Power centers around "Jewels" of different colors, the closer to Black, the more powerful.

I also recently read Garth Nix's new book of short stories, "Across the Wall." You get to learn about his funnier side when you read "Down to the Scum Quarter" or "My New Really Epic Fantasy Series." Really, that's the title. There's also a novella meant to be the sequel to Abhorsen, I guess.

Garth Nix has a funny side? I knew he had a dark side... I don't like novels that focus on death, vampirism and necromancy as a general rule... they're too immature and boring to me. But, starting with Sabriel , I began worshipping Garth Nix.
I also knew he had a whimsical side, evidenced by Mister Monday and the others... however, I didn't like the other books of the series as much as Mister Monday. That book was great.
...Why does there have to be a sequel to Abhorsen?!? I knew that was going to happen when I read it. I was perfectly happy with the way it ended... sometimes one doesn't need to know "what happens next."

Kalile Alako
July 26th, 2005, 05:21 am
Me neither... once is plenty. Especially with all the typos and run on sentences in Harry Potter... sometimes I have to stop and dissect a sentence because it has been mangled so badly. Ah well.

July 26th, 2005, 07:44 pm
Thers going to be a sequl to Abhrosen~ : ) !!!

I think the series Is great. I wish a movie for it will be made in my life time too....

July 26th, 2005, 11:26 pm
I've recently finished 'The Wasp Factory' from Ian Banks and 'Excession' from Iain.M.Banks. Both books were brilliant and orchestrated a clear understanding of not only perfect English, but understanding of human physcology. The few twists in it are brilliant and some of the more disturbing chapters are what makes it a good read.

July 28th, 2005, 07:29 am
Im currently reading 'Princess Nevermore'. Its a book for grade school children [I got it was a present from my 5th grade teacher] But it has a great story and I love it. Almost done..about 30 more minutes and Ill be done.

August 23rd, 2005, 09:43 am
Whew! Finally finished "The Da Vinci Code" wow. Great book :P But admittedly, "Angels and Demons" was better ;)

I thought Da Vinci code was better for action and Angels and Demons was better for historic stuff.

September 3rd, 2005, 06:10 pm
I went to books-a-million because the books I ordered came in!!! *goes to reading his new books* Shattered Sky by: Neal Shusterman; and Generation Warriors by: Anne McCaffrey!!


I already own the prequels to Shattered Sky (Scorpion Shards and Thief of Souls) and the one prequel to Generation Warrios (The Death of Sleep) :lol2:

September 3rd, 2005, 06:22 pm
I've read... um, Animal Farm? Was pretty cool.

September 3rd, 2005, 06:59 pm
I finished reading death be not proud, sniff sniff, it was so sad.

September 4th, 2005, 12:24 am
I just finished reading the Rama Cycle.

September 4th, 2005, 06:17 am
"Angels & Demons"

September 4th, 2005, 12:31 pm
I just started reading a book called "Ramses: The Son of the Light" by Christian Jacq and it's about the life of Ramses II starting from when he was. It's surprisigly good and intersting, history on novel form! Wow. Tis good ^_^

September 4th, 2005, 11:36 pm
J.A. Jance - Birds of Prey: a suspense novel.. erm. I'd give it a 6/10..~ Low rating 'cuz I have already figured out who the killer was when I was halfway through the novel.. so yeah.. ~_~

Just finished reading "The Present" by Spencer Johnson in Korean~ I *highly* recommend this book to everyone of all ages~ It's a quick read and he writes in simple language so that even the chidrens can follow through his story~ The story is about "the present"--something you give to yourself.. which is quite simple yet very meaningful and powerful~ ^^ So.. read and find out what "the present" is! Heh XD;

September 4th, 2005, 11:55 pm
I've got to read a best seller for my English class, so I picked Wicked. It looks and sounds good, and the best part is that it goes with our band show!

September 5th, 2005, 06:27 am
Vampire Hunter D 2, raiser of gails.

September 5th, 2005, 07:18 am
angels & demons by Dan Brown
action (like in the american movies) with a background about the conflicts between science and religion

September 5th, 2005, 08:39 pm
Angels & Demons is probably the best book I've ever read (I liked it more than the Da Vinci Code, too :P ). For now, I;m reading the Call of the Wild.

September 8th, 2005, 10:24 am
Going Postal by Terry Pratchet

another great addition to the discworld series, in this we find out about Ank Morpork's great postal servise

September 9th, 2005, 01:10 am
Koran...some Muslim guy O_O

September 9th, 2005, 07:01 am
Within the last month I've finished Smart Mouth, Bad Boys Online, and Houston, We Have a Problem by Erin McCarthy (all recommended by a friend), and Beware, Princess Elizabeth, Patience, Princess Catherine, Mary, Bloody Mary, and Doomed, Queen Anne by Caroline Meyers

September 9th, 2005, 07:31 pm
whoa. within a month?

gotta try that.

currently: half way through tom clancy's rainbow six. mai second day reading. yay

September 9th, 2005, 08:41 pm
Has anyone here read "Of Mice and Men" ? Cuz me thinking of starting it.

September 9th, 2005, 10:32 pm
never heard of it....sorry?

September 10th, 2005, 04:02 am
Nope, sorry.. but you should read erin mccarthy books o.o;; Gotta love adult fiction. e.e;

September 10th, 2005, 04:12 am
I'm currently reading . . "the curious incident of the dog in the night-time" by Mark Haddon . . so unique ^^

September 10th, 2005, 04:22 am
Of Mice and Men is a friken classic! YOU HAVE TO READ IT! Even though I havent T_T

Vampire Hunter D2

Still reading them..im not reading alot.

September 10th, 2005, 04:30 am
The Bible - a bunch of dead Jewish guys...

September 30th, 2005, 12:34 am
"Zorro", its so badass since the story starts with his captain father and indian warrior mother, then they tell his childhood which leads to, Zorro. He even chose that name because it was his indian spirit guide. (fox)

October 2nd, 2005, 03:34 pm
DILBERT and SHONEN JUMP is the only "books" I read even though their both comics or manga. www.dilbert.com - hail dogbert

October 5th, 2005, 09:44 pm
Anything by Agatha Christie, recently. I love her style. I've just finished '10 little Indians'. Amazing.

October 5th, 2005, 11:39 pm
The Downsiders by Neil Shusterman! It's one of the best books that I have read in a long time (besides some Tamora Pierce books recently ^0^). It is about this entire underground world (not really that big, but it is a world to them) below New York. Living in the sewage and subways and the forgotten areas of the city, covered by cement. You should really try to read it.

November 3rd, 2005, 03:06 am
da vinci code, sun tzu art of war. i'm not much of an escape reader, that's what anime's for :)

November 3rd, 2005, 03:37 am
I'd suggest any book by Anne McCaffrey (but I would suggest either Dragon Riders of Pern, starting with Dragonflight- for those that like action; or Harper Hall Trilogy- whom don't mind an easygoing plot) for you young teens out there. It is somewhat difficult of a read, yet the storyline is straight forward enough that you don't sit and rest on the "what is the true purpose of this sentence?" question for a week.

Note: these are all fantasy books about a culture that is somewhat midevil in thought, and deals with dragons.

November 5th, 2005, 12:04 pm
i just read popcorn by ben elton. that had a very abrupt and strange ending. before that, i was reading the redwall series, and some other ben eltons. his books are so... strange... amazing... disgustingly horrible...

Childlike Empress
November 7th, 2005, 12:25 am
ALL FICTION BOOKS ARE THE BEST!!! I would suggest people to buy Archie comic books or just read some at archiecomics.com

November 7th, 2005, 08:21 am
Tree Girl (forgot the writer)

Well, Tree Girl is the saddest book ive ever read. Its about a Gutimalian girl trying to survive durring the sloughters there. She has to take care of a baby, her sister, and elderly lady and this other lady who found her sister. Its amasing how this is also a true story.


Childlike Empress
November 11th, 2005, 01:49 am
So...uhhhh...anybody read the book Pride and Prejudice?

November 11th, 2005, 02:33 am
Who hasnt? Oh, me. Ive seen the British/Bollywood movie though..funny :)

November 11th, 2005, 02:46 am
I haven't read it. I tried but the I could not stand the style of writing especially because I was reading the unbridged version so I never got pass page one. Another such book is A tale of two cities by Charles Dickens, how is it even possible to read?

Childlike Empress
November 11th, 2005, 07:49 pm
I haven't read it. I tried but the I could not stand the style of writing especially because I was reading the unbridged version so I never got pass page one. Another such book is A tale of two cities by Charles Dickens, how is it even possible to read?
Hey, if you like reading you'll still read such a book. I read the unabridged version of Pride and Prejudice and I found it pretty cool.

Childlike Empress
November 13th, 2005, 04:52 pm
The books that I truly don't like reading are the Harry Potter books. I tried it but never got pass page one.

November 15th, 2005, 04:23 am
I love Pride and Prejudice! I love the language because it's just not like the books we read these days. I'm going to be starting Anna Karenena by Tolstoy and Tess of the D'urbervilles by...(i forgot) soon.

The last book I read was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and that was a while ago. I'm sure most people would know what it's about anyway

November 18th, 2005, 08:21 am
The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

November 18th, 2005, 10:00 am
The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

Fantastic book ain't it? :P

November 19th, 2005, 01:43 am
The last book I read was "Hat full of Sky" By Terry Pratchett

November 21st, 2005, 01:14 am
Alexander Dumas' "The Count of Monte Cristo" 1000 pages of revenge have never been more interesting. ^_^ For those who've only seen the movie... I recommend reading the book...a great deal was changed and removed for the movie. Or just watch the anime "Gankutsuou" which is different from the book in a few ways but stays true to the book's attitude.

November 21st, 2005, 05:49 am
I was reading some Ben Elton books, like Popcorn, Dead Famous, Past Mortem, Stark, Gridlock etc.

Some of them are so screwed up...

~*~Kike's Owner~*~
November 22nd, 2005, 03:13 am
I just finished reading "The Three Musketeers" by Alexander Dumas but I so didn't get the story. It's so confusing. Sometimes you don't know if that person is still talking or it's a detail of the story. It's so confusing that I might reread it again this week

November 22nd, 2005, 06:35 am
Abduction by some widely unknown author.

It was an okay book, nerve recking seeing how idiotic humaity acts when they hear "My brother and I are abducted by his step dad. He has a gun. Help?". Most everyone thought it was a joke and practicaly left them a death wish..


Im reading 43 short stories by Erniest Hemmingway. Great stuff.

November 25th, 2005, 08:10 pm
The last book I read was this comic book of X-men
that my friend lemme borrow
It was tense

December 18th, 2005, 12:07 pm
I have just finished Farenheit 451 and right now I'm reading a book called The Ships of Earth which is part of a series by Orson Scott Card and my mom who is actually kind of cool let me read Da Vinci Code so I guess those are the books I've read

December 18th, 2005, 01:18 pm
I read 'Samurai Girl: The Book of the Sword', by Carrie Asai, last week. Right now I'm trying to find a copy of 'Great Expectations', by Charles Dickens, and I want to find my copy of A Christmas Carol. I love it so much. I'm also reading a book called 'The Flower Gardener', and 'Cross Stitch' XD; It's to help improve my sewing, and I wanted to know when I can start planting pretty flowers. :3

December 18th, 2005, 11:26 pm
@underminer - Fahrenheit was a great book, but the movie was embarrassing. though the ending of the book was..meh =\

@Chii- I have a copy of Great expectaions =P
lol, it's a great book, demonstrates the cruelty of beauty and whatnot pretty well.

As for me, i just finished reading Night by Elie Wiesel and am starting the chronicles of narnia again (my trilogy is waaay old and teh pages are falling apart XD). I;m skipping the lion, witch, wardrobe and im starting at The magician's nephew first. i wanna see how much i remember of the earlier ones~

December 19th, 2005, 02:51 am
Isn't the Magician's Nephew the only earlier one?

December 19th, 2005, 02:58 am
The Halliburton Agenda: The Politics of Oil and Money by Dan Briody.

~*~Kike's Owner~*~
December 19th, 2005, 03:29 am
Right now I'm reading a biography book for my LA class. It's the story of Eleanor of Aquitaine. Seriously, I've started it and I know I'm a fast reader but I cant seem to even get to the 50th page of the book.

Kalile Alako
December 19th, 2005, 03:49 am
! I have never visited this forum before! I missed the book topic. How horrible of me.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone read Catch 22? Or Executioner's Song? Atlas Shrugged? I love discussing literature, you see, but very few people have read the first two (at least... very few people under the age of 40, and EXTREMELY few under the age of 20), and I lack conversation on them.

I've read oodles of fantasy, as well, which I love discussing.
Terry Pratchett, Patricia McKillip, Lloyd Alexander, J.R.R. Tolkien, Garth Nix, George Martin, Phillip Pullman, Ray Bradbury, George Orwell, Charles DeLint... and a bunch more! Talk to me! :P Although I must confess I don't get online every day.

~*~Kike's Owner~*~
December 19th, 2005, 07:15 am
I like the books of Lloyd Alexander.

Kalile Alako
December 20th, 2005, 01:14 am
Really? I grew up on him. Which book/series is your favorite? (If you have a preference)

~*~Kike's Owner~*~
December 20th, 2005, 05:09 am
The series containing "The Book of Three" and "The Black Cauldron"

December 20th, 2005, 04:53 pm
I'm reading Dracula! It's a great book! :vampire:

December 20th, 2005, 10:51 pm
I love the Spiderwick series and and Valiant (Go Holly Black!) T.A. Barron freaking rules. I read the Lost Years of Merlin Series and I am reading The Kate Trilogy. I also read the frist book of the Great Tree of Avalon Series.

December 21st, 2005, 01:43 am
Well, I just finished up Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, and literally just put away The Devil's Armor by John Marco. Both were excellant.

Catch-22 follows the story of a man named Yossarian, who is in the 256th Bomber Squadron. This is man who wants to live forever or die trying. One of the funniest books I have ever read, though I must admit there are a few rather dark moments.

The Devil's Armor is a part of a trilogy (in order, The Eyes of God, The Devil's Armor, and The Sword of Angels) set in a time of war between severa widelt-varying countries. A much more serious read, this trilogy follows the life of man named Lukien, the Bronze Knight of Liiria, who is destined to never die and is cursed with immortality. Too much to try to explain, but the first too entries were some of the most well-written books I've ever read.

December 21st, 2005, 08:51 am
I love the Spiderwick series and and Valiant (Go Holly Black!) T.A. Barron freaking rules. I read the Lost Years of Merlin Series and I am reading The Kate Trilogy. I also read the frist book of the Great Tree of Avalon Series.


Eghhhh...I saw my little brother reading the book so I picked it up and started to read the first one... I got done in like 30 minutes and was in this sorta mood..


December 21st, 2005, 10:04 am
Well I just finished reading Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield. A very supurb book, I stood up all night a few weeks ago finishing it. Anyways, it is about the Battle at Thermopylae (The 300 spartans & allies against more or less one million persian troops).

December 21st, 2005, 10:07 am
I'm reading The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. Its not that bad

December 21st, 2005, 11:48 am
Well I finished Executive Orders by Tom Clancy last night, long book that, can't imagine what the hardback edition was like...

December 22nd, 2005, 12:40 am

Eghhhh...I saw my little brother reading the book so I picked it up and started to read the first one... I got done in like 30 minutes and was in this sorta mood..


Why? They are very good. *cough*truestory*cough* I got the Guide and the notebooks for Fantastical Observations....:wub:

December 22nd, 2005, 01:49 am
I am trying to reading All In by Michell Symons. Almost every single page is about gambling, not a book I would recommend.

December 22nd, 2005, 02:25 am
I'm reading a translated version of Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa. It's extremely long, but so far, extremely good.

December 22nd, 2005, 03:46 am
Well I finished Executive Orders by Tom Clancy last night, long book that, can't imagine what the hardback edition was like...


Kalile Alako
December 23rd, 2005, 02:24 am
The Prydain Chronicles are Lloyd's most famous, and for good reason. I agree that they are excellent.

Well, I just finished up Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, and literally just put away The Devil's Armor by John Marco. Both were excellant.

Catch-22 follows the story of a man named Yossarian, who is in the 256th Bomber Squadron. This is man who wants to live forever or die trying. One of the funniest books I have ever read, though I must admit there are a few rather dark moments.
Is that what you got from the book? I always though it was just that Yossarian wanted to live out his natural life, and not die in combat. The whole book is extremely funny, very dark, and very hopeful. I don't think that there is any humor in it that isn't the funnier because of its combination of absurdity, truthfulness and bitterness. And the sad part is, of course, that Snowden, among others, was real. Maybe not as Snowden, but hundreds of people died like that.

December 24th, 2005, 01:26 am
I just finished The Way of the Traitor by Laura Joh Rowland. It was a fair samurai tale about a guy who takes on a murder investigation and soon finds himself entangled in a giant conspiracy. I wasn't impressed by it, since the plot and characters were all rather mediocre. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't all that enjoyable either. Compared to the many other books out there, this one was only average.

I'm currently reading A Clock Without Hands by Guy Burt. It's about a man who returns to his home in Italy, and there, he is swamped by memories of his past. It's okay so far. If I'd describe it in one word, I'd have to say, "boring." The idea is pretty good, but lately, I've been flipping through pages and pages of the exact same thing over and over again.

I've been in "Book Horrorland" for quite some time. I don't remember the last excellent book I've read, so I think I'll give Catch-22 a try. I've heard great things about it.

~*~Kike's Owner~*~
January 2nd, 2006, 01:09 am
Ugh! I can't believe myself! School's almost gonna start again and I haven't even read a single word on my second book!!! Something's wrong with me!!! Someone hit me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 2nd, 2006, 08:56 am
i had to read all of the mayor of casterbridge, by thomas hardy in the holidays and i havn't even started. and i go back tomorrow. wah

January 3rd, 2006, 01:39 am
^ *SMACK!*

haha but yeah.. i gotta get started on reading too. i need to go check out some books from the library

January 3rd, 2006, 03:56 am
In such dire cases, I do believe that the use of such websites as Sparknotes is acceptable.

January 6th, 2006, 09:26 pm
I'm reading 'The Things they carried' by Tim O'Brien for english calss.

pretty awesome book.

something about humping, virginity, a guy shot in the head, guns, and oh, yeah, the Vietnam War XD

January 7th, 2006, 06:16 am
The Truth...with jokes by Al Franken. Funny/angry rant about the Bush Administration and it's colossal fuck-ups. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: / :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:

January 7th, 2006, 07:02 pm
I just finished Catcher in The Rye by J.D. Salinger. Very good book ^.^ Pretty much about a depressed kid, I gonna reread it to pay more attention to see if it has more figurative meanings like in Of Mice and Men

January 8th, 2006, 03:11 am
I finished Tithe and it is my favorite Holly Black book. I can't wait for Ironside but that is next year...T_T At least this year three more Spiderwick books are coming out! :wub: I have too many books in my room.

January 8th, 2006, 06:30 am
Im picking up The Stand by Stephen King agian. Last time I read it I got really into it, but I had to return it and forgot to check it out agian untill now.

January 8th, 2006, 12:46 pm
cool i love stephen kings books! i'm reading 'needful things' at the moment, but my all-time favourite has to be 'misery'

January 9th, 2006, 03:09 am
I'm reading 'The Things they carried' by Tim O'Brien for english calss.

pretty awesome book.

something about humping, virginity, a guy shot in the head, guns, and oh, yeah, the Vietnam War XD

Lol... Let's not leave out the pig massacre, mental instablity, explosions, multi pathed stories, Lies that are true and truth that is a lie, and the city girl turns Jane...

January 9th, 2006, 04:37 am
cool i love stephen kings books! i'm reading 'needful things' at the moment, but my all-time favourite has to be 'misery'

Ive read 'Salem's Lot, Everything Eventual, a tiny part of Carie and current and in the past The Stand. By favorite by far is The Stand. Its the most realistic horror ive ever seen.

BTW, its funny seeing how I got my teacher to read 'Salem's Lot out loud for the class. Cant wait till he gets to the part with te sex XD


January 9th, 2006, 09:31 pm
Ive read 'Salem's Lot, Everything Eventual, a tiny part of Carie and current and in the past The Stand. By favorite by far is The Stand. Its the most realistic horror ive ever seen.

BTW, its funny seeing how I got my teacher to read 'Salem's Lot out loud for the class. Cant wait till he gets to the part with te sex XD

XD If only you could video tape that...I wanna see the look on his face!

January 9th, 2006, 10:40 pm
The People of Sparks, by Jeane DePreau. Emotionally touching. ;)

January 9th, 2006, 10:45 pm
Um...I'm currently finishing off the Kate Trilogy with The Merlin Effect by T.A. Barron. We are also reading "The Giver" in Literature. Good book...I just wish our teacher would let us read it more often....I'm lucky I've been able to hold it off this long...:\ I would've finished it by now! <_<

January 9th, 2006, 11:56 pm
The giver was indeed a good book. too bad i dont remember it b/c i copied my friend's essay that we had to do XD

currently still reading The Things they carried and started on Dreamcatcher by stephen King

January 10th, 2006, 12:05 am
I just finished "This Other Eden" by Ben Elton and I just started "The Cardinal of the Kremlin" by Tom Clancy.

January 10th, 2006, 12:18 am
omg i love tom clancy...

i finished Rainbow Six some time ago. that book was pretty awesome

January 10th, 2006, 12:46 am
Good old Rainbow Six, what a great guy, have you read Without Remorse?

January 10th, 2006, 12:50 am
yeps. i only have a couple of tom clancy books i havent read.

patriot games and the hunt for red october were also pretty good.

*goes to see which tom calncy book he has and hasnt read yet*

something about a tiger, i remember. more of a modern combat one.

January 10th, 2006, 12:52 am
Teeth of the Tiger, I think, I haven't read that one either. The Hunt for Red October was great, and I liked Clear and Present Danger too, as well as Red Storm Rising.

January 10th, 2006, 01:00 am
red storm rising somehow didnt catch my attention. i began reading it, but just couldnt concentrate on it

and yep, it's teeth of the tiger.

January 10th, 2006, 01:11 am
I had the same problem with Red Rabbit, I finished it, but I didn't think it was the greatest.

January 10th, 2006, 02:57 am
i never got around to red rabbit. it s just sitting on my book shelf. XD

i like the cover of it, but as for actually reading it, meh

January 12th, 2006, 06:58 am
State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration by James Risen

Mainly about how the Bushies have screwed and screwed with the Intelligence community in order to lead this country by the nose into Iraq, but also has a brief (and rather alarming) history on the NSA and the roots of the domestic spying controversy.

January 13th, 2006, 09:50 pm
Now I'm reading Tithe by Holly Black. It's a good book. :)

January 13th, 2006, 11:46 pm
I'm currently finishing off the current books out on the Pendragon series. Juvenile, I know, but still great plot. Easy (400 pages average) and great book if you just want to sit back and read.

January 14th, 2006, 12:18 am
i'm reading wuthering heights
Fathom: by Michael Turner, its an awesome comic with beautiful art
and Wicked
and Eragon
and Hamlet

January 15th, 2006, 03:02 pm
I'm currently reading The Golden Compass for the third time. Although, it's only my second time through the His Dark Materials trilogy. The trilogy is about a young heroine, Lyra Belacqua, who must save the worlds "without knowing" she's doing it. She is joined in the second book, The Subtle Knife, by Will Parry, who is from another world. These are wonderful books. When you read The Golden Compass, you'll end up wanting your own dæmon (pronounced like demon), which is kind of like the second half of a person's soul. They are in the form of animals and I think appear only in Lyra's world. The story is captivating, despite the lack of depth I have written.

Also, waiting to be read is the final book of The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Ptolemy's Gate. Not sure what it's about yet, but the first two books were great reads.

January 15th, 2006, 03:23 pm
Just started the great gatsby.

January 15th, 2006, 05:58 pm
I'm going to read that next. Right now I'm doing The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

January 15th, 2006, 06:46 pm
The Bartimaeus Trilogy
I just finished the last book " Ptolemy's Gate"
It has a horrible ending without "happily ever after"
darn. But its still good~

January 19th, 2006, 01:18 am
Yes, was it just me, or did Jonathan Stroud's second book in the Bartimaeus Trilogy just tank? I found myself constantly flipping ahead pages just to see when Bartimaeus was going to narrate, and was bored in other parts.

January 22nd, 2006, 08:36 am
Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why by Bart D. Ehrman

Why the Bible may not have actually said what you read in it today.

January 25th, 2006, 12:42 am
Daddy-Long-Legs by jean webster

January 25th, 2006, 01:53 am
The Chrysalids - John Wyndham

Dark Bring
January 25th, 2006, 12:06 pm
Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro


January 25th, 2006, 03:40 pm
Just finished reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for my English class....:yawn: now I'm going to break free and start reading something like The Da Vinci Code. I gotta read the book before watching the movie of course ^_^

January 27th, 2006, 01:57 am
I'm reading The Grim Grotto - Lemony Snicket...

~*~Kike's Owner~*~
January 27th, 2006, 03:51 am
I'm reading The Grim Grotto - Lemony Snicket...
I already finished the series that r out so far.

Right now, I'm reading Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray. It's really cool and I suggest all the bookworms to read this book.

January 28th, 2006, 12:40 am
I hope they have it in my school library! Thanks for the recomendation!

January 28th, 2006, 02:26 am
I was doing a practice AP Lit test and they had a series of multiple choice questions based on Vanity Fair.

...they were hard..

January 28th, 2006, 03:14 am
Anyone here a Dean Koontz fan?

~*~Kike's Owner~*~
January 28th, 2006, 04:03 am
I was doing a practice AP Lit test and they had a series of multiple choice questions based on Vanity Fair.

...they were hard..
Well, if you actually really paid attention to the book it may not be that hard. And anyways, there's only gonna be 20 questions about this book but it's pretty worth reading 'cuz in my school it's an AR (Accelerated Reader) book and it'll give me 66 points and I'ma beat those freakin' stupid losers that keeps trying to top me even though they know I'ma beat them.

I hope they have it in my school library! Thanks for the recomendation!

No problem.

Hopefully, bookworms have wide imaginations.

Oh yeah and this book has 771 pages to read and that doesn't include the introduction or the notes :sweat: . I'm barely in page 354 I think. Hope you still keep on reading the book even though it has that many pages. :sweat:

January 28th, 2006, 06:46 pm
I'm a Harry Potter fan. To me that is barely a big book ifnot average. I'll just get this semester's AR points first.

~*~Kike's Owner~*~
January 29th, 2006, 12:53 am
I'm a Harry Potter fan. To me that is barely a big book ifnot average. I'll just get this semester's AR points first.

I don't like the Harry Potter books. I only like the movies. And like, doesn't that only have about 500 or 600 or something?

I like big books too ^_^ as long as it's not Harry Potter that is

January 29th, 2006, 12:56 am
One has 700 something but meant that I generally like big books.

February 3rd, 2006, 12:42 am
Moldy Moby dick is a big boy book. A copy I saw was well over a thousand page with crap tiny print.

Im reading the Martian Chronicals. I was going to get 451 but Im going to have to read that book next year so Ill just wait.

February 3rd, 2006, 01:12 am
I just remembered the magick tree house series. I haven't read them all. But the series seems to go on forever. Who wrote them?

February 6th, 2006, 06:32 am
Whose Bible is it? by Jaroslav Pelikan. A History of the Bible, how it was written, and it's effect on Western culture -- and the effect that Western culture has had on it.

~*~Kike's Owner~*~
February 6th, 2006, 10:27 pm
I just remembered the magick tree house series. I haven't read them all. But the series seems to go on forever. Who wrote them?
Wasn't it Mary (something) Osborne?

February 7th, 2006, 05:04 pm
I'm reading The Great Gatsby. It's for my english class...what really bothers me is that I read it already my freshman AND sophomore year...after this I have to read Of Mice and Men for like the 5th time!! My english teacher sux! I need excitement damnit!

~*~Kike's Owner~*~
February 8th, 2006, 12:39 am
I'm reading The Great Gatsby. It's for my english class...what really bothers me is that I read it already my freshman AND sophomore year...after this I have to read Of Mice and Men for like the 5th time!! My english teacher sux! I need excitement damnit!