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View Full Version : Ragnarok Online Payon Theme [Piano]

January 28th, 2009, 04:08 am
I found the RO thread but the link to the Geocity website was dead. I can't find it anywhere online. Those Youtube players are being greedy pricks (like always) and refuses to post the link in their description and share*. Google didn't help at all. SODA sheet music took down their downloads because apparently the forum was spamming too much.

Anyone still have a copy of the Payon Theme for the piano? If you can upload it, I'd really appreciate it.

*- Seriously, what is wrong with these people? Is it really THAT hard to post a link to the download? You might as well save the trouble of being asked later and just post it on the description. I'm, of course, talking about how these players don't post a link to the sheet music.