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View Full Version : Midi file slower than actual speed

February 1st, 2009, 06:44 pm
Forgive me if this was posted before but I use Lilypond music programming software to create my sheets and when it puts out an midi file it's extremely slow speed. the tempo is " 8 = 240" but it outputs a much slower tempo. Is this normal?

February 1st, 2009, 08:12 pm
Happy to see that someone here actually uses Lilypond (http://lilypond.org/web/) other than myself.

Are you sure you're typing the syntax right: \tempo 8 = 240.
And you want the 8th note getting the beat with 240 beats per minute (this is the same speed as \tempo 4 = 120, just notated differently)?

Could you post and example or the heading to your music so that I may emulate the problem on my side?

February 2nd, 2009, 05:37 am
\header {
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%############# TITLE*************** CLOSER ***************************
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%COMPOSER**********JOE INOUE*****************************************

\version "2.12.2"
title = "Closer"
composer = "Joe Inoue"
subtitle = "Naruto-Shippuuden"

upper = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\key e \major
\time 4/4
\tempo 8 = 240

Since you use lilypond I have a big problem that may'be you could help me with. When I get to the end of the staff and want to start a new staff, instead of starting a new staff the notes just fly off the page or it keeps squezing measures into that one staff!! I need to know how to start new staffs. May'be I should just give you the whole code and you could help me. :)

\header {
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%############# TITLE*************** CLOSER ***************************
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%COMPOSER**********JOE INOUE*****************************************

\version "2.12.2"
title = "Closer"
composer = "Joe Inoue"
subtitle = "Naruto-Shippuuden"

upper = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\key e \major
\time 4/4
\tempo 8 = 240

%%%%%%%NOTES GO HERE###########################3
<b dis fis b>2 \bar "|"
r8 b8\f cis8 dis8 <b dis>8~ <b dis>[ dis~ dis] e8~ e8 cis8 b8 b8~ b8 cis8 r4
fis,8~[ fis8] dis'8~[ dis8 e8~ e8] dis8~[ dis8] cis8[ cis8~ cis8 b8]~ b8[ r8 cis8~ cis8] <b dis>8~

<b dis>8 e8~ e8 cis8 cis8 b8~ b8 dis8~ dis8 cis8 cis8~ cis8 fis,8~ fis8 dis'8~ dis8 e8 fis8 b8


lower = \relative c {
\clef bass
\key e \major
\time 4/4
\tempo 8=250

<b dis fis b>2 \bar "|"
r8\p r8 r8 e,16. e16.[ e16.] e16.[ e16. e16. e16.] e16.[ e16.]
fis16.[ fis16. fis16. fis16.] fis16.[ fis16. fis16. fis16.] b16.[ b16. b16. b16.] b16.[ b16. b16. b16.]
gis16.[ gis16. gis16. gis16.] gis16.[ gis16. gis16. gis16.]
e16.[ e16. e16. e16.] e16.[ e16. e16. fis16. fis16.] fis16.[ fis16. fis16. fis16.] fis16.[ fis16.]


\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano "
\new Staff = "upper" \upper
\new Staff = "lower" \lower
\layout { }
\midi { }

February 3rd, 2009, 09:03 pm
The outputted speed seems correct when I run it through lilypond (though I'm running an older version: 2.10.33).

As for the odd line, I can't really see anything wrong with your syntax, outside the fact that you added a barline on beat 2 of the first measure; I'm assuming this is for orphaned pickup notes. Another thing I did notice is that you did not specify the output sheet size, which shouldn't matter as the default page size should be automagically chosen.

I'll peck a bit more at the source file to see why it's not breaking the line.