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View Full Version : I'm improvising Naruto Shippuuden Ending 8: Bacchikoi

February 15th, 2009, 04:33 pm
I know, the song is really wierd to improvise on a piano but I couldn't resist trying and it seems to be coming along quite nicely. I've been working on bacchikoi for a few days now. Although I'm having trouble finding the right key due to the voices being kind of muted in the song.

What I have for the first part of the chorus is this:
(Note: < notes... > means it's a chord!)

bac- chikoi bac- chikoi ba- by!!
< c# g#> <c# f#> < c# g#> <c# f#> (go down a g#) < g# c#> <g# d#>

But I ain't sure if that's the exact key or not. I've tried it 3 keys and all 3 harmonize with the song.

I'll make a sheet music if anyone would like me too. I won't charge.

Don't think I'm crazy for this! I want to expand my improvisational abilities!!

I want to improvise songs that no one would try on a piano! ,most will fail :(

April 5th, 2009, 06:50 pm
Check this link for help. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjIzXVa_1UE