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View Full Version : My compositions. . .

February 16th, 2009, 01:34 pm
This is the first song that I've ever made that I've actually liked. . . It was about 4 years in the making(I only worked on it every once in a while) and I finished this yesterday. You can go ahead and tell me it's horrible, but I'm personally proud of myself.:heh:
BTW: there's supposed to be some tempo variance but I can't get it to actually make the ritardandos and fermatas. . . there's also supposed to be a broken chord at the end, but I couldn't get that to work either. >.<

February 16th, 2009, 04:48 pm
It's very repetitive. To be honest, it's like you have 3 or 4 phrases repeated way too many times, (the beginning for example, was repeated 4 times, with nothing different in between) then you move on to the next one. You should really have some variety in the whole song, cause you do have a good idea here, it's just that it isn't being used well. :heh:

February 19th, 2009, 01:21 am
its quite good just the beginning is a bit too long...

April 11th, 2009, 04:27 pm
Taking in to account your comments, I realized that I set the tempo on the program way too slow, making it sound really dragged out and boring. >.<

April 11th, 2009, 06:06 pm
your chord progression is interesting. You used one of the indian-modes with origins in japan if I'm not mistaken, so that was a refreshing sound. The harmony needs to do more than straightforward arpeggio for it to not sound repetitive. the piece was nicely organized though. Not bad for your first song.