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View Full Version : Jose Abreu on Kids transformed by music

February 19th, 2009, 04:09 am
I'm not sure many of you go on TED.com (hopefully someone so I don't feel so nerdy and old xDD). But there were these amazing videos about music there. One of the "Ted Winners" is about an amazing man called Jose Abreu:


He brought music to many poor and middle class children in Venezuela South America. They are now considered one of the top orchestras in the world.

You can listen to an example of their amazing playing here (they are high school students :)):

http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/astonishing_performance_by_a_venezuelan_youth_orch estra_1.html


Some of the things he mentioned in the video are very interesting. Like how encouragement from parents and family are very important, and how music can allow kids to gain identity and do better in school. What do you think?