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View Full Version : Hands, feet,shoes...and perspective

March 6th, 2009, 08:30 pm
If you've seen my other threads you know I like to draw people:lol:...if you haven't:\...I like to draw people^_^. I've visited several drawing websites but I can't seem to get hands, feet, shoes(occasionally), or perspective right:(... Help!

March 9th, 2009, 12:36 am
Well, for the hands, I'd advise looking at your own, you'll notice that hands aren't completely rounded and are consist of straightish lines, especially the fingers. If you are having trouble with proportion with the hands move your own hand into the positive you want and compare bits of it to other bits, eg, the middle finger may be as long as the palm, and the palm is a wide and tall as the middle finger, using that, you can get basic measurements of the basic parts. You'll also notice that when you bend your fingers, they are actually straight lines joined together rather than a long curved one. So draw the fingers when bending as three straight lines and to get the individual parts of the fingers the right length, use the technique I listed above...or I could just tell you. First divide the finger into thirds, keep the third closest to the knuckle there and erase the other line. Then divide the longer part left into half, then move a finger nails length towards the end of the finger and mark a line there, erase the original half way point and presto you have a fairly accurate measurement of a finger (note this can be used for all fingers except the thumb). Clear as mud? okay....Now the feet, sorry but I can't help you out there because I really don't draw feet that much, I pretty much just leave the feet cut off:heh: Anyway hope that helps.

March 10th, 2009, 01:07 am
Basically what Taemond was saying, just use your own body as an example. If you have a full-length mirror in your room, see if you can take a picture of yourself in the desired pose with a camera, and then just look at the picture and use it as a reference :P

It'd still be your original work, so it's not like you're copying off of an anime or anything. LoL.

Uh.. only thing I can say about feet is that I can't draw them or shoes well, myself. I've been trying to get some practice in, but I can't seem to get it right x_x

So.. you're not the only one out there who can't draw feet. LoL.

Uhh... more later? Too tired to write more now. LoL x] good luck on your conquest over da feets! (lame pun! Yeah!)

April 5th, 2009, 03:57 am
I usually have a look at myself in the mirror and draw it if I'm not drawing manga.
Hands: Draw the finger tips first then the palm and work your way to the middle, if the fingers are too long/short just rub the tips out and redo them roughly where you think they should be!
Feet: Use ovals to get the size and shape right and then connect and you can usually use the excess for detailing them.
Shoes: This is the hard one and very few people can do it and I can't say that I am all that good myself but heres how I do them... draw an oval or a foot to show how big you need it to be and draw the lines and contours of the shoe a few cm's away from the rough foot drawing that you've done. Once you have done this rub out the foot and resize the shoe if necessary and put in the details.
Perspective: Shading and size needs to be taken in account with this and dots can help immensely.
It might not be the best but this is how I do these things!

Neko Koneko
April 5th, 2009, 09:20 am
Shoes are easy. I've never drawn bare feet. Hands are a killer x_x

Polykarbon has some tutorials:



Just the fact that there are two for hands shows they're a pain XD Also check out their other tutorials :)

April 5th, 2009, 06:30 pm
-__-...I think hands are harder than 5 steps...esp. when you combine them with perspective which I already suck at...

:)Thanks for the links though, they should help.