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View Full Version : My very first composition.

March 7th, 2009, 07:41 am
Hi all, just posting my very first composition. Its called Regal Milieu, and is for flute (as it is the best instrument in the world).

Also excuse the midi, it sounds much better played on a real instrument so don't let it fool you.

Anyway, I'll be happy to accept any comments/help from you guys!

I'm also hoping to extend this piece and make it a bit longer when I get some more ideas.

March 7th, 2009, 09:39 am
Hi again all, I was just playing around with my oboe when I stumbled across this tune. I played and played and played and then thought, hey, I should be writing this down, so here we are, my second composition; a piece for the oboe.

March 7th, 2009, 09:24 pm
Regal Milieu isn't bad for a first composition, but it is very repetitive. :heh: I would recommend changing the melody a bit and adding some harmony too.

Day of Subsist- This song is much better than the first one you posted. This one has alot of potential if more instruments are added.

March 7th, 2009, 11:45 pm
Thanks for the comment, I've just realized listening to my first one again, it is repetitive. As for the second one, what other instruments would you recommend adding to it? I'm really only play treble ranged instruments and don't really know what would be a good bass part.

March 8th, 2009, 09:03 am
Like Zippy said, you should add something. Maybe with some more intruments it will not be such empty

March 8th, 2009, 11:50 am
Just notifying everyone that I won't respond to this thread for I am going to make a new one listing my compositions. I am doing so because I am making more and more pieces and it would be a bit odd to put them all under, "My very first composition" don't you think? Anyhow, all of my compositions will now be listed under, Taemond's Compositions