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View Full Version : Wanting to learn how to play an instrument, Stringed.

March 20th, 2009, 12:14 am
Does anyone know a good, small, cool/beautiful sounding instrument? I would like to learn how to play an instrument and a guitar is way to big for me to hold. Any sugestions???

The sound im going for is... well, here are some examples.

Ico- Castle in the mist

RO- Tread On The Ground

RO- Can't Go Home Again, Baby (about 1:20 into the song.)

RO- Peaceful Forest

Yes I do realize that some or most of the songs are composed by a guitar but is there a smaller instrument that can mimic the sound?

I don't know really how to describe this other than when I head outside for instance, at school, to sit down to play a song such as Peaceful forest, I want people to think/say "Wow, that song is beautiful." Or even "What great music to be played on a day like this." Thats the only way I can realy describe it.

From a Person who has the knowledge of instruments to someone who is learning, can some one give me advise?

Thank you.

March 20th, 2009, 01:59 am
The Psaltery maybe? http://www.music.iastate.edu/antiqua/psaltery.htm
Or even a small harp.

it could also be an exotic form of the guitar. those would be my 3 guesses.

Kevin Penkin
March 20th, 2009, 03:26 am
Ico's "Castle in the Mist" is played on the irish (or greek) bouzouki. It's a celtic guitar. If you've heard the soundtrack to Shadow of the Colossus. The song "The Farthest Land" is also played by the bouzouki.


March 20th, 2009, 06:11 am
Would it be feasible to actually buy and learn how to play an exotic instrument? There are different guitar sizes; have you tried a 3/4-sized one?

March 21st, 2009, 07:05 pm
KaitouKudou, I like the idea to play a harp, but that would be way to hard to do.

Kevin Penkin, yes I have listend to the soundtrack on Shadow of The Colossus and I looked up the soundtrack on youtube, and thats a beautiful sounding instrument. Does it have less, more, or the same amount of strings?

ajamesu, I was talking with my parents about the sizes ouf guirtars, its like dashavu. 3/4 size, that might be small enough, I would have to hold one to see.

But as ajamesu said, is it even posible to buy a bouzouki? (They do have lessions online, youtube has some as well.)

I looked online and the bouzouki has 8 strings and is actualy cheeper than a regular guitar if im looking at this correctly (Around $350 for the bouzouki and $500 for a good acoustic guitar, but if I buy a beginer guitar there only about $100. 3/4 size guitars are aound $50 - $150, not bad!). Plus they have books about how to play it as well.

But if I do decide to get a guitar and not a bouzouki or the other way around, can I still play the songs I listed and have the sound sound similar or close?

March 21st, 2009, 11:55 pm
This is the TOTAL wrong place for this thread...

March 22nd, 2009, 02:50 pm
can I still play the songs I listed and have the sound sound similar or close?

A normal guitar's sound box is bigger than for the sound you want. It causes a much more resonant sound along with the plucking. Things may better suit your wants are pipa, mandolin, or lute. And the bouzouki, like what Kevin Penkin said.

March 26th, 2009, 12:32 am
This is the TOTAL wrong place for this thread...
Really? I was trying to avoid that.

But im asking for advise, where would this belong anyway?

To Slave1

The lute was the first instrament i was looking at, so far I like the sound of the bouzouki.

March 26th, 2009, 03:04 am
The mountain dulcimer! That's a cool stringed instrument. You play it on your lap, plucking or strumming. I unexpectedly got one the beginning of this year lol :lol:. There's quite a few places you can buy them across the US and they're not that bad of a price for a good basic model. I think mine was $200 but my dad got it used for $100. you can also get one custom made but of course they're a little more expensive. But overall it's a nice instrument and farely easy to learn.

Well that's my suggestion.

April 22nd, 2009, 12:31 am
The mountain dulcimer! That's a cool stringed instrument. You play it on your lap, plucking or strumming. I unexpectedly got one the beginning of this year lol :lol:. There's quite a few places you can buy them across the US and they're not that bad of a price for a good basic model. I think mine was $200 but my dad got it used for $100. you can also get one custom made but of course they're a little more expensive. But overall it's a nice instrument and farely easy to learn.

Well that's my suggestion.

woh new color to the site!

And ill look up the mountain Dulcimer right now.

(Keep forgeting to come and check back.)