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View Full Version : Ideal anime charater

March 24th, 2009, 03:17 am
ummm hi! my friend wants me to draw a pic for her :heh: so i just wanted to know what some people's "ideal" anime charcter would be. ^_^ Just write a description of one for me so i could get an idea of what i should draw. ^.^ Thanks! :lol:
(btw: for the people asking i did already ask her what she would like but she said to surprise her. ;)

March 24th, 2009, 08:43 am
A Shonen who's cool, but does not show off,
smart, but not wise,
good looking, but not pretty,
mysterious, yet friendly,
cool powers, but not imba,
socially active, but not a player,

Perfect =]

March 24th, 2009, 09:38 am
no doubt it's Dark mousy he is so cute and knows how to charm people he is also voiced by vic who does edd in full metal alcamest and dark sounds so hot look him up

March 25th, 2009, 06:56 am
^ I find him too cocky, annoying and too full of himself ._."

I like smart wise assassin characters that can do their job in style. With a dash of humour or at least flashing a smile sometimes

I dont like tsunderes, overly-attractive characters that attract fanboys/girls, have amnesia or have some spastic weapon or an addiction to food *cough*inuyasha/naruto-and-ramen*cough*

I only say that because it's too cliche for my liking

March 26th, 2009, 10:10 pm
Thank yoo everyone!!
i got the idea:] (yay!!!! \(^o^)/)
now i just have to draw it... o.O
ahaha lolz :DD

March 27th, 2009, 02:33 am
who are you going to draw?