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View Full Version : Learning a japanese instrument? HOW!?

April 6th, 2009, 02:48 am
Ok so I want to take on learning a traditional japanese instrument such as a shamisen or koto but I have no idea how? How much are they, where online can I learn, where can I buy books? I live in the us and no where near california. I would like to do electric style shamisen as well. Will pick-ups for a guitar from america work on an electric shamisen?

April 6th, 2009, 03:39 am
maby you should try to translate a japaneses page about the instrument

April 6th, 2009, 11:06 pm
I haven't learnt any Japanese instruments myself, but I have seen a koto performance before in the UK and apparently it's very rare to see/hear them in this country. I think for the US it is probably slightly easier to find performers, but you can probably ask somebody a local Japanese community group or something who may be able give you some advice.

At the moment I'm learning a traditional Chinese instrument called the Guzheng, which is basically the koto's ancestor. I have my own instrument which had to get shipped over from China and also equipment such as stands and picks from there. I have a music book for the Guzheng too but it is all in Chinese. As far as I know, there are NO books for it in English readily available like this. My local Chinese community group ordered 6 Guzheng from China so they got a bit of a discount for me that way. I also have a teacher from the group too.

Of course, this is not Japanese instruments, but I think that if you contact a Japanese group you might have better luck. I think that you will probably have to import your instrument too, although there might be some American suppliers too (I suggest you compare prices though vs import). The music book I saw the koto performer use contained kanji for numbers so I doubt there are (m)any good music books in English for traditional instruments, therefore basic Japanese reading ability will be required!

April 15th, 2009, 02:17 am
spoon puppet how much did your guzhen cost?

April 24th, 2009, 12:09 pm
It costed me over £300 including delivery. I just came back from Hong Kong and while I was there I looked at the shop the guzheng came from. Some of them are something like HK$1500 while others were over HK$4000.