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View Full Version : God Knows (Off Vocal) - The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi

April 10th, 2009, 01:49 am
There's no off vocal track for God Knows so I decided to make an unofficial one. This is what it sounds like without the lead vocal so you'll get to hear the background vocals and instruments more clearly.

The bass and drum kit are the only elements added to this because when I removed the vocal, it removed the bass, bass drum, and made the hi hats, cymbals, and snare drum sound shallow as a result. I had to reproduce the original using vsti's to compensate for the loss. I've tried my best to faithfully transcribe the original as accurate as possible; something I wouldn't skimp over since I actually caught every nuance that no average transcriber would otherwise pick up.

Happy Karaoking!
