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View Full Version : The Fury of the Shade

May 28th, 2009, 09:39 pm
Here's a composition I was working on for a game i'm working on. :\

I was kinda going for loud and scary, so . . .adjust your speakers as needed :heh:

Kevin Penkin
May 29th, 2009, 12:49 am
Hey that's awesome! The organ (even though it's midi) sound really cool ^^ I like how you didn't stay on a section too long, however that is also the biggest problem. The transactions are a little disjointed. Maybe you can try ending some of the phrases before the section change?

I'm 99.9% sure, but it's A, B, A, C, A structure? Confirm? I think there could be a D section in-between C and A, so when it's playing the A doesn’t repeat too often :)

Anyway, it is a great piece of battle music! Well done so far! ^^