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View Full Version : Need help reading sheet music

June 3rd, 2009, 01:27 pm
I'm trying to play Binks sake, and I'm having troubel reading the only sheet music I've been able to find; here's the sheet:


As I read the sheet, only A, B and the higher E (towards top of the staff?) are flat, but that's not how it's played. It should be the higher B, lower B, and lower E that's flat - nothing else.

Have I been reading the sheet wrong? Although I can play the song right-handed, the left hand completely confuses me - can anyone help?

Thanks for any help

June 3rd, 2009, 06:53 pm
I believe you're new to reading "key signatures" and its "scales." The key signature's right, there's nothing wrong with it. If it makes you more comfortable I'll lay out the scale for Eb major.

It's Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb, C, D, Eb. This applies to both the treble and bass staves. Maybe you've got your scales mixed up?

June 3rd, 2009, 07:25 pm
Thanks; I'm really new to reading sheet music, and this helped me. I had no idea what that meant on the left, so even though I still can't understand it, at least now I know what to google for to educate myself

June 5th, 2009, 07:46 am
This is the complete wrong forum for this thread; this forum is only for discussing ones own compositions or the techniques of creating such compositions. This thread should probably be moved to the "Music Discussion" forum.