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View Full Version : Need comment for my game graphic

June 8th, 2009, 05:05 pm
Hello everyone,

My first time in this section of ichigos. I am currently developing a 3D game as my summer holiday project. For graphic, I used 3D Studio Max. I have attached my first model render, hope you could give feedback. What I wanted it to modeled a grand Church Alley for ascention to the throne.

And does anyone know how to make a light ray effect, like light ray coming through a stainglass to inside.

Thank you,

June 9th, 2009, 03:40 am
Um is ur game only a picture?
because when i clicked on it an image came on.

June 9th, 2009, 04:05 am
The lack thereof color depth (most notably gradients against shadows) makes this look "fake". The strong red against marble was a good choice and fits the theme well.

June 9th, 2009, 05:39 pm
I tried changing the Marble floor to Red. Does it create a color depth?

Kevin Penkin
June 10th, 2009, 02:45 pm
well. I can't create graphics, but I'm really impressed hehe. What do you have planned for the roof?

June 11th, 2009, 03:25 am
3D game??
I have no interesting !!
I am playing the game of naruto shippuden.

June 11th, 2009, 06:39 am
No offense, lycoris, but I don't think you should be trying to tackle a 3d game with your current 3dsmax skills. The models aren't particularly detailed, so I know you'll have too much trouble to make the rest of the objects you'd need for an RPG (good luck modeling people, lol), and you have pure black shadows in your scene, which tells me you're not even fully sure of how to use 3dsmax yet - you could make your scene look fifty times better in ten seconds if you knew how to turn radiosity on, but you haven't done that.

Just giving my honest advice. If I were you, I'd stick with NES style sprites. The low resolution and limited color palette will do two things for you: hide any lack of art experience you may have and save you a TON of work. Drawing a 16x16 sprite of a knight will take you ten minutes, as opposed to three plus days it'd take you to model one, and it'll look a lot better, too.

Take my advice and focus on an easier 2D game. I have a lot of experience with my ambition exceeding my talents, so I know what I'm talking about here, hahahah. xD

Also, I listened to your song in your composition thread, and I was pleasantly surprised. I found it pretty enjoyable, and actually let it loop in the background for about ten minutes before I shut it off. With music that good and a focus on simple graphics and fun gameplay, I think you could have yourself a good project finished by the end of summer. If you do decide to continue on trying to create a 3D RPG, statistics (I) say you have almost no chance of succeeding. Good luck either way, though.

I'd also like to ask what programming projects you've completed before. You're underestimating 3D art, so now I'm also wondering if you're underestimating programming. They're both ridiculous undertakings that require years of work to learn. If you haven't programmed much before, an RPG is the last thing you want to try right now. Again, I'm speaking from my own experience, hahah. Anyway, don't be afraid to start (really really) small. Try making Tetris. That should be challenge enough if you're not an experienced programmer.

June 11th, 2009, 10:02 pm
What's with the random black lines in between every pillar?

June 14th, 2009, 03:08 pm
Try making Tetris. That should be challenge enough if you're not an experienced programmer.

Tetris is a frikkin hard game to program... tried and failed... I made a memory card game from scratch though! AND Tic Tac Toe! =O

Anyway, yeah what Hopeless said, unless you got a few friends to work with, a 3D rendered game is fairly hard to do on your own =O
Otherwise, I like your art.

June 15th, 2009, 03:15 pm
I've totally agree with you, HopelessComposer. (I did made Tetris though, when I was learning visual basic, it was a very very very loooooooog "if" coding, and now I'm learning Data Structure + Recursive Discrete Math to strink the work down). But although this 3D game summer project is an experiment, it is a chance for me to advance myself to another level of experience. As well as programming, I am also reviving my 3D max skill, which evidently still needs more suggestions from experts around here, and composing Original Soundtracks! which is really blasting my creativity.

Therefore, even if I didn't manage to suceed, I would have gained from it both musical, inspirational, and 3D animational and programmical skills and most importantly, to get to know everyone in Ichigos and exchange ideas together. That I believe is more than an amateur programing composer could ask for.

P.S. I: The lines in front of each column is suppose to be a decorating cloth flag.
P.S. II: Thanks HopelessComposer, I'm now looking into 3D max plug-ins + Vrays to create more realism, but do you have any suggestion for me to study on? I'll really appreciate it.
P.S. III: I'm using XNA to make the game at the moment, does anyone know any freeware or torrentware engine that's better? Or closer to Final Fantasy quality, if closer than XNA? I'll also really appreciate it.

Arigatou desu!

June 15th, 2009, 08:30 pm

Recursive Discrete Math (you should call this Lambda Calculus) and Data Structures have nearly nothing to do with a program's flow control; which is what a game's interaction comes from. All they provide are fast and effective access to data which you plug into your program. What you need for game development is Singleton theory, Class-Entity Relationship diagrams, Mode-State theory, and many other control structures. This is why data precedes the word structure in data structures and why control precedes control structures. Think of it like this: Do you write programs in a database, or do you use a program to control what's within a database?

What you should be doing is researching the basics of game programming more and develop a complex 2D game first. Jumping straight into 3D usually results in failure or worse, a broken game.


June 16th, 2009, 05:51 am
I've totally agree with you, HopelessComposer. (I did made Tetris though, when I was learning visual basic, it was a very very very loooooooog "if" coding, and now I'm learning Data Structure + Recursive Discrete Math to strink the work down). But although this 3D game summer project is an experiment, it is a chance for me to advance myself to another level of experience. As well as programming, I am also reviving my 3D max skill, which evidently still needs more suggestions from experts around here, and composing Original Soundtracks! which is really blasting my creativity.

Therefore, even if I didn't manage to suceed, I would have gained from it both musical, inspirational, and 3D animational and programmical skills and most importantly, to get to know everyone in Ichigos and exchange ideas together. That I believe is more than an amateur programing composer could ask for.

P.S. I: The lines in front of each column is suppose to be a decorating cloth flag.
P.S. II: Thanks HopelessComposer, I'm now looking into 3D max plug-ins + Vrays to create more realism, but do you have any suggestion for me to study on? I'll really appreciate it.
P.S. III: I'm using XNA to make the game at the moment, does anyone know any freeware or torrentware engine that's better? Or closer to Final Fantasy quality, if closer than XNA? I'll also really appreciate it.

Arigatou desu!
Heheh, as long as you know what you're getting yourself into, go for it. =D
I'm working in XNA right now too, actually. I can't really give you any tips for 3dsMax, because I've only used Maya, LightWave, and a tiny bit of blender, but a general tip from me would be "learn to paint before you learn to render in 3D." A decent foundation in painting and drawing will teach you how to look at objects and analyze what you're seeing...basically, you'll be able to see problems in your models and scenes a lot easier. Also, when modeling, it helps A LOT if you have picture references in the background...one in a profile view, and one of your model head-on. Not that I've modeled a lot...here's an example, though: http://eterna-soft.com/images/skull03.PNG
While I was modeling that, I had a picture of a skull in the same pose behind it. Just model so that your model overlaps the picture, hahah. When you get good at drawing, you can even draw your own reference pictures to model over, which is a ton easier than just modeling without anything to look at. As for making your scenes look more realistic overall, look up HDR lighting. (http://eterna-soft.com/images/screw.jpg) Basically, it uses a giant picture wrapped around your entire scene as the light source. The only actual models in that scene are the two screw drivers; the window and such reflecting on them don't really exist, and are just part of the lighting model.

And no, you won't find a better engine than XNA. XNA is probably the greatest thing to happen to small developers...ever. It makes making games ridiculously easier than it should be, which is to say.....still impossibly hard, but somehow bearable. xD

Anyway, as long as you're not expecting to succeed, anything you do can be great practice. Just try your best and be sure to shrug it off and keep trying if you fail. Good luck again! =D

Oh, and for 3dsMax, or anything else that deep (XNA included), you're probably going to want to buy yourself a book or two. A hundred dollars or so in books will save your hours worth of needless trouble. Oh...and read this, if you haven't already. It might help you a lot, or a little, depending on how experienced you are. (It helped me a lot, that's for sure. It still is, actually, because I can't program for shit!) http://www.programmersheaven.com/2/CSharpBook

And I'll say this once more...a decent drawing and painting background will help you *immensely* with 3D modeling. Drawing forces you to think in 3D, while 3D modeling kind of lets you cheat. If you plan on becoming a good modeler, you should work on becoming a good 2D artist first!

@Infinity: I've never tried Tetris, but I'm pretty sure I'd fail at it if I did, hahah. I'm not even really sure where I'd start, actually. XD

June 17th, 2009, 08:52 pm
Grr...I want to learn how to program games and etc...my bro went to a game camp(no, not a camp for playing video games...although that would've been just as awesome XD) over the summer...and I wanted to go...but it was like...$600 dollars :heh:...

June 18th, 2009, 01:05 am
Grr...I want to learn how to program games and etc...my bro went to a game camp(no, not a camp for playing video games...although that would've been just as awesome XD) over the summer...and I wanted to go...but it was like...$600 dollars :heh:...

Making 2d games is quite simple.
3d is where it starts getting hard.
And of course we cant forget the impossible, 4d.

June 18th, 2009, 02:11 am
Making 2d games is quite simple.
Say that to my face, you bastard. =P
Also, list of 2D games you've completed? Links? I assume you're not just making things up!?

June 18th, 2009, 05:15 am
Making 2d games is quite simple.
3d is where it starts getting hard.
And of course we cant forget the impossible, 4d.

Obviously you discredit the complexity of a game engine.

Rule number one of video game programming: "There's no such thing as a trivial game". I bet this "easy game" was written in RPG maker or had bugs that you never attempted to test. And please do try to prove me wrong. Even things that display simple as static images with text overlays (example: ONScripter (http://dev.haeleth.net/onscripter.shtml)) amount to over a million lines of code.

June 18th, 2009, 01:45 pm
Say that to my face, you bastard. =P
Also, list of 2D games you've completed? Links? I assume you're not just making things up!?

I could show u my 2D games =P

Though this is getting off topic...