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View Full Version : Piano [Beginner] Help wanted

June 19th, 2009, 08:24 am
Hiyo~ sorry about this you guys, please do move the post if i did posted in the wroong place. I have a quick question coming from a newbie....

so this song im having trouble playing is *Reflectia* [True Tears] by Josh's anime music sheet

i circled the part i have trouble in :\ i dont get how i my hands can strike these 3 notes its really hard to reach.. am i reading the music correctly
(B#, G#,D#) and is the squiggly line suppose to mean something


June 21st, 2009, 07:49 am
The squiggly line means you play each note in the chord one at a time from the bottom, holding down each one as you go. It's done quite quickly, it's not supposed to take up any rhythmic space. So it's like:


If you can't hold down each note (like in this case), you need to use the pedal to help you. Play each note in the chord one at a time from the bottom, but use the pedal to hold the notes for you.

June 21st, 2009, 09:50 pm
So it sounds something like this...