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View Full Version : no proper training

October 6th, 2004, 01:22 am
does anyone have any good tips for me as far as makin good compositions with diversity without having proper piano lessons because i find it very hard to play any thing complex on the synth because of no piano lessons(i have made a few pieces but nothing amazing).


October 6th, 2004, 01:33 am
Yep, http://forums.ichigos.com/index.php?showtopic=1038&st=0

And to add my own, just try making up random songs as you go, without pause. It really helps. And learn to read music.

October 6th, 2004, 02:47 pm
If the only thing you can do is chords, then put them in a MIDI notation program such as Finale, and brake the chords down to arpeggios. Arpeggios are chords, but played with one note at a time.

Please don't create topics such as this. We have a thread for music and composing tutorials (link in Nightmare's reply). If people are going to post in this thread instead, we'll have a split of the same subject. X_X
