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View Full Version : Sootballs, from Spirited Away, Piano Sheet music

July 7th, 2009, 03:13 am
I'm new to the form and this is my first post. I ask for this sheet music because I absolutely love this song (and movie) and have scoured the internet for it and have found the official sheet music book and have tried to order it. The only problem is its out of stock every single place and has been for at least a year. I finally found one that said it was in stock and ordered it. Then, a few days later i got an email saying it is out of stock and they dont know when it is going to be in stock again (I still have the order in place in case it does come in). X( Now my piano teacher really likes the song too and wants me to play it for my concert song, but she said she cant find it either. So if anyone has this song i would really appreciate it. Thank you.

July 11th, 2009, 10:54 pm
Well I think I was the one who ordered the last book for Spirited Away lol:heh:. The book has Sootballs in it, but I am not sure how to upload it to you. My grandmother has a fax and a scanner.

July 14th, 2009, 07:01 am
If you somehow succeed in uploading it, you'll get my never ending gratitude!
I have been searching for that song for ages, and had the same problems like Ryuk99...
It would be SO great to finally have it!
Thank you anyways (even if it doesn't work out :p ) :D

July 18th, 2009, 11:53 pm

November 13th, 2011, 02:51 pm
Please i want it too.... could you possibly sendt it to me too?