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View Full Version : Request for 3 Vocaloid songs

August 20th, 2009, 02:22 am
Okay, so there there are three vocaloid songs that I'd like to request.
Vocaloid isn't exactly an anime or manga, though it's a singing program with many popular songs.

I'm very sorry if I'm asking for too much.

The first one I want is:
Kokoro - sung by Rin Kagamine
This is the real song. (it's sad, too!)
I heard these two piano transcriptions.

The second one is:
Cantarella - sung by Kaito
Here is the real song:
I have yet to find any piano transcription.
Um, I'd like to add that I just want the violin part you would hear and if possible, adding the lyrics in. The violin part is just lovely. <3
I'm sorry if that's too hard to ask. D:

The last one is:
Magnet - sung by Luka and Miku (Luka is the one with the long pink hair and then the famous Miku who has long turquoise pigtails)
Here's the song:
I love the piano part, especially in the beginning. It's kinda hard to hear the rest of the piano in certain parts, but it's there!
Again, I have found no piano transcriptions.

Thank you to anyone who even attempts~!

August 20th, 2009, 11:42 am
Transcribing the 2nd piano arrangement of Kokoro verbatim would be a huge pain, but that's irrelevant anyway. This is precisely why I never bother with transcribing accompaniment verbatim, and always leave it as whole note chords: so people can improvise their own accompaniment. Since the songs are usually played by a full band, people who want to play by themselves on solo piano will necessarily have to improvise, so giving songs in the form of lead sheets is almost easier. On the other hand, some transcribers arrange songs themselves for people to play in a "ready-made package" (i.e soul's arrangements (http://www.youtube.com/user/Spiritsoul0)). It's not that one method is better than another, but I'd rather have a lead sheet if I wanted the bare bones with which to construct my own improvised arrangement.

With that said, I was transcribing Kokoro a while ago, but doing the whole arrangement lol. :heh:

I like Magnet a lot too. Have you heard Romeo and Cinderella (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBP1flldpMk)? That's another vocaloid favorite, and I've already transcribed that one (http://lelangir.dotq.org/?p=610).

August 20th, 2009, 06:34 pm
Ah, I love that song, too~ I would love to print out Romeo and Juliet and give it a try myself. Thank you. :3

September 2nd, 2009, 12:11 am
I've still been searching, but no luck. D:

September 2nd, 2009, 02:01 am
Do you know where I can find a high quality mp3 of kokoro? And the lyrics in romaji? What caught my ears was the chorus's chord progression. VI -VII - #vii° - i. The only two songs I know that uses those first 4 chord progression is Yuki Muon Madobe Nite and Flying Battery Zone. I'm asking because I'm working on a medley. The goal is to find similar chord progressions and tie it together or overlap the songs.

September 2nd, 2009, 02:41 am
Here's the sheets... I found them online >.< I'm not sure if they are perfect or anything o.o.... just try them out :]

September 3rd, 2009, 02:43 am
Do you know where I can find a high quality mp3 of kokoro? And the lyrics in romaji? What caught my ears was the chorus's chord progression. VI -VII - #vii° - i. The only two songs I know that uses those first 4 chord progression is Yuki Muon Madobe Nite and Flying Battery Zone. I'm asking because I'm working on a medley. The goal is to find similar chord progressions and tie it together or overlap the songs.

I can actually make you a good quality mp3 of Kokoro if you want. (do you want the actual song?) Also, I'm sure I can easily find the romanji lyrics online. :3

September 3rd, 2009, 03:00 am
yes please. Thanks:) The one I found was 180kbps. It's alright, but if you can find one that's better please do.

September 5th, 2009, 02:32 am

Here's the mp3.
I'm not sure on the quality, though I really did try my best to get the best I could.
Also, I'm sorry about having to download it onto rapidshare, I don't know how to attach files. -///-

November 21st, 2009, 12:47 am
here is a link to a website with a Lots of vocaloid songs, including magnet and romeo and juliet etc.
good luck

December 1st, 2009, 01:48 am
I wish I could make a vocaloid song... but I don't have a Vocaloid editor.... And I have this song that's perfect for Yowane Haku....

July 15th, 2010, 06:50 pm
i also got a link for magnet
but its in a foreign languge
does anyone still want it?

December 24th, 2010, 04:34 pm
Hey thanks so much! I have been looking for "Magnet" forever =]

December 25th, 2010, 07:54 pm
If you look hard enough on youtube, there's a piano version of magnet with a link to download the sheets. :)

December 25th, 2010, 08:43 pm
P'raps this is what kagekaze was referring to, but in any case:


Vocaloid songs are under "Others". You may need to figure out the kanji for the title. This topic's pretty old, but FYI for people looking for Vocaloid songs that there are a bunch of good transcriptions for the piano there. Plenty of other arrangements too.

I've been posting some Vocaloid sheets at http://snomits.tumblr.com but I don't think I bothered with Magnet/Cantarella yt because the former's at Maou's site (the link above) and I easily found a couple of Cantarella just by searching.

December 25th, 2010, 09:38 pm
Yep, that's the one i was referring to. By the way Snomits, I've often used your site for sheet music, i really like it a lot :)

December 27th, 2010, 06:46 am
Hey good to hear, kagekaze, thanks. :D

And on topic, so I can get my thanks in without straying from the thread:
I find a lot of sheets off google searches and http://nicovideo.jp. Vocaloid music is significantly more popular in Japan than anywhere else so browsing through Japanese sites really returns a lot more. Helps to set up the Japanese keyboard input. A lot of arrangers have videos posted and link to their sheet music in the descriptions on Nico Nico. There's a good amount on YouTube too.

You do need an account to browse through http://nicovideo.jp but you can search through http://www.nicozon.net instead. It lets you view videos without having to log in.

Some useful words (if you've set up the Jap keyboard, you'd type in the italicized words):
楽譜 gakufu = sheet music
ピアノ piano
スコア sukoa = score (less used than gakufu)
バンド bando = band
ギター gita- = guitar (just use the English letters "tab" for tabs)
バイオリン baiorin = violin
ピアノ譜 pianofu = piano sheet music (rare usage; best stick with the separate words)
Use an online dictionary like jisho.org for more words. You might get a ton of hits, so at least it might be helpful to know that "gakufu" is what you're looking for.

Look up kanji/kana for anime/games/titles, copy + paste that along with gakufu, do some ctrl+f's, et voila. If you're in luck: sheet music galore.

Rin Kagamine
August 4th, 2011, 05:52 am
Do you know where I can find a high quality mp3 of kokoro? And the lyrics in romaji? What caught my ears was the chorus's chord progression. VI -VII - #vii° - i. The only two songs I know that uses those first 4 chord progression is Yuki Muon Madobe Nite and Flying Battery Zone. I'm asking because I'm working on a medley. The goal is to find similar chord progressions and tie it together or overlap the songs.

Here are the romaji lyrics: http://kashichan.wordpress.com/2008/08/10/kagamine-rin-kokoro-toraboruta/