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View Full Version : Yami No Matsuei

October 13th, 2004, 12:42 pm
hey..does anyone know if the author is still continuing the series? i have heard rumors that she has stopped writing, and now it seems its under another publisher. :unsure:

October 26th, 2007, 05:39 pm

Yami no Matsuei
aka Descendants of Darkness

The Shinigami are the gods of death, the beings who guide the souls who have been recorded into the Register of Souls to Hades the world of the dead. They are the employees of the Summons Division, which is an office directly under the control of Enma, the Emperor of the Underworld. The series focuses on one of these Shinigami named Asato Tsuzuki the most powerful, but loveable, laid-back and troubled of them all. Many stories chronicle the mysterious cases they are called upon to deal with, when souls who have appeared on the Register have for some reason not yet died and are often serious and sad. Other stories deal with their off-time play, and these are sweet and funny. A strong focus of the story are the characters themselves and their feelings about work, and about each other.

- http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=750

- http://www.jcstaff.co.jp/sho-sai/ya-shokai/yami-syokai.htm

- http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=325

- http://www.animenfo.com/animetitle,523,pcjaqc,yami_no_matsuei.html

Very, very good series, I wish it would have been taken to a second season but it hasn't so far.

This anime contains love/relationships between males, so if that sorta thing offends you then stay away. (No Sex)

Has a strong story line.

Rated: 9.6/10

October 26th, 2007, 08:32 pm
I have to say that even though I don't like guy/guy relationships, this one isn't too bad. But still if you get offended, this is as heavy as you want to go.

I liked it outside of the relationships. It was very well done and it was actually the manga that caught me on to the anime.