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October 16th, 2009, 02:34 am
Finally ordered his book (even though it's only been out since September of this year) "End the Fed" and am in the midst of reading it. It sends out a great message.

I wanted to start this thread to wonder what the people think of this man. I know politics isn't viewed kindly around here now, but I'd really like to get some people's opinions on Ron Paul from here. What do you think of his ideas of monetary policy; the Federal Reserve? Libertarianism? The Campaign for Liberty? All these ideas (except Libertarianism) were primarily brought up by Ron Paul and has adapted Libertarianism and Constitutionalism as his political views-- and is finally being recognized.

He has spoken out about Ending (or at least Auditing) the FED for the last thirty-five years, but is finally being received due to the economic crisis that has recently happened.

P.S. Excuse me for grammatical errors; I'm am too tired to read and write much after a long day like today.

October 17th, 2009, 03:26 am
Oh man, and here I was thinking of a different Ron. Yeah, Ron Paul...he should just give up running for President. The day he becomes President is the day the world ends.

October 17th, 2009, 03:28 am
And why is that?

October 17th, 2009, 06:44 pm
The day Ron Paul becomes president, the world will be saved more like it. Constitutionalism is a fantastic idea that Dr. Paul has time and time again proven that he is not scared to use, even if it is going to prevent him from any popularity that will lead to presidency.

Realistically, I don't think he is going to be voted into office though. Nice idea, but it's a sad state because the USA is pretty much unofficially a two party government, and will be forever until something very huge happens.

October 18th, 2009, 09:40 am
^ When there will be a Miss President?

October 18th, 2009, 04:34 pm
Let's hope they get the good Miss President.

October 18th, 2009, 04:38 pm
Can't wait for some intelligent comments. Thanks RD.

October 18th, 2009, 07:15 pm
Well, intelligence always seems to run the opposite direction from privacy, compassion and safety. When people begin to realize that the world still is pretty shitty and grow the balls to do something about it, maybe thats when things will start to shape up.

But nahh, choosing between Republicans and Democrats is already hard enough, why throw another party into the mix?

October 18th, 2009, 07:57 pm
Because there's no difference between the two, that's why we bother. Both parties are absolutely jokes. You think they're so different, when really, it's a lot of the same bull. Just one will mess the country up a little faster, is all.

October 19th, 2009, 04:19 pm
Well, intelligence always seems to run the opposite direction from privacy, compassion and safety. That's called cleverness. You can be very clever and have low intelligence, which seems to be the more common trend these days.

When people begin to realize that the world still is pretty shitty and grow the balls to do something about it, maybe thats when things will start to shape up.

But nahh, choosing between Republicans and Democrats is already hard enough, why throw another party into the mix? Well, what most people think will "change the world" is largely inconsequential. Things like choosing between political parties is no more than a minor detail.

Neko Koneko
October 19th, 2009, 08:46 pm
Well, intelligence always seems to run the opposite direction from privacy, compassion and safety. When people begin to realize that the world still is pretty shitty and grow the balls to do something about it, maybe thats when things will start to shape up.

But nahh, choosing between Republicans and Democrats is already hard enough, why throw another party into the mix?

Because it gives people choice. In the Netherlands we have the following parties:

SP (Socialist party, former commies)
Groenlinks (Greenleft, former hippies)
PvdA (Partij van de Arbeid, socialist workers party)
D'66 (Democraten '66, democrats (obviously))
Partij voor de Dieren (Party for the Animals - not a joke)
CDA (Christen Democratisch Appèl, central Christian party)
VVD (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie - our conservatives)
PVV (Partij voor de Vrijheid - Freedom Party, infamous for Geert Wilders \o )
CU (ChristenUnie - Christian Union, conservative christians)
SGP (Staatskundig Gereformeerde Partij - Reformed Political Party. Women belong in the kitchen party)

Current government is made up of CDA (41/150), PvdA (33/150) and CU (6/150). The numbers are seats in parliament. So CDA has 41 out of 150 seats. This coalition currently has 80 seats out of 150, giving them a majority. Current polls show that that's gonna change though, PVV and D'66 are doing really well at the moment.

October 19th, 2009, 10:40 pm
Hahaha, no don't get me wrong Neko, I think we need more parties that have a real chance, my comment was supposed to be satirical. It's ridiculous that the country has grown into a trend of a two-party system.

Truly, we do have more parties. Many parties. It's just none of them are prominent enough to even know about, apart from two or three if that. It was such a big deal when the Green party started to grow in some prominence, garnering what, less then 10% of national votes in 2000. The reason why, and the reason why so many things are wrong, is because people believed that the Green party stole votes that would otherwise assuringly be given to the Democratic party, and the close race was then given to the Republicans. People believe that having any other party but the two main ones is pointless, not realizing all the trouble it can easily get the country into.

October 20th, 2009, 10:52 pm
Because it gives people choice. In the Netherlands we have the following parties:

SP (Socialist party, former commies)
Groenlinks (Greenleft, former hippies)
PvdA (Partij van de Arbeid, socialist workers party)
D'66 (Democraten '66, democrats (obviously))
Partij voor de Dieren (Party for the Animals - not a joke)
CDA (Christen Democratisch Appèl, central Christian party)
VVD (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie - our conservatives)
PVV (Partij voor de Vrijheid - Freedom Party, infamous for Geert Wilders \o )
CU (ChristenUnie - Christian Union, conservative christians)
SGP (Staatskundig Gereformeerde Partij - Reformed Political Party. Women belong in the kitchen party)

OMG! My head hurts just trying to read all that.

We Americans are simpletons.

We have the Democratics, the Republicans as two major parties.

Then there are the: Independents, Pacifists, Liberals, and Conservatives.

There are more but are minuscule.

I'm an independent for now. I don't agree other party's plans and motives. Especially the Republicans. Fucking Bush.

October 21st, 2009, 12:23 am
OMG! My head hurts just trying to read all that.

We Americans are simpletons.

We have the Democratics, the Republicans as two major parties.

Then there are the: Independents, Pacifists, Liberals, and Conservatives.

There are more but are minuscule.

I'm an independent for now. I don't agree other party's plans and motives. Especially the Republicans. Fucking Bush.

Independent, pacifisism, liberalism and conservatism aren't parties, they are ideologies, morals, values and beliefs. You can be a liberal Republican, conservative Democrat, pacifist Republican, and if you are independent... Well, you are independent. That's not a party anyways, rather a classification for someone devoid of affiliation.

And the USA does have many parties, like I've been saying, but they don't have a realistic chance at becoming anything because of an American-mindset. Why else would Ron Paul have to be in the Republican party? Because otherwise he wouldn't even be thought of in elections.