October 28th, 2009, 08:16 pm
Hey there ^_^
I've been looking for this song for AGES!!!!!!! ever since it came out T_T
I'm sure other people have probably been searching for this too :P
so if you can find it or transcribe it, that would be great XD
and if you haven't heard of it but want to help anyway go here
XD trust me it's a great tune
I would do it myself if if i wasn't tone deaf :lol:
I've been looking for this song for AGES!!!!!!! ever since it came out T_T
I'm sure other people have probably been searching for this too :P
so if you can find it or transcribe it, that would be great XD
and if you haven't heard of it but want to help anyway go here
XD trust me it's a great tune
I would do it myself if if i wasn't tone deaf :lol: