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View Full Version : Possible future anime story >.>?

November 12th, 2009, 12:05 pm
Soo.... I love to draw and read and write (yes I'm new :heh:), so, I thought I'd start putting my skills to work by creating my own manga which will possibly be an anime show some day, (very hopeful:teeth:) soo yea, Uhm, I have tons of idea's on characters, though my only issue is that I'm very suckish when it comes to drawing them, as well as backgrounds.... v.v (better at painting than I am drawing o.o) so yea, any idea's as to what books or authors I could look up for good drawing information???

November 12th, 2009, 02:10 pm
Books on time management, and self-esteem boosters.

Learning to draw isn't all that hard. Putting the time in to learn how to draw well and be happy with it is.

November 12th, 2009, 11:06 pm
Learning to draw isn't all that hard. Putting the time in to learn how to draw well and be happy with it is.
I could say that about anything. XD
M speaks the truth, though. You need courage, stamina, and GAR to be a good artist, not books. Go outside and draw if you want to draw. Please realize that there are a million other people who say what you just said every day. Out of those million, one of them will become a famous artist. And that one is practicing his ass off RIGHT NOW, instead of asking for help on the internet. To get an idea of what kind of monsters you're competing with, have a look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QqT1P4VO30&feature=player_embedded
Done by a twenty-one year old Japanese kid, by himself. If you're not planning on working hard enough that you absolutely KNOW that you'll succeed, it's probably best if you quit while you're ahead. If you do know, then...

Good luck! =D
For a bit of help, try these three:

I'm sure your art goals will be accomplished, as long as you know how hard you're going to have to work, and as long as you work as hard as you need to. Just get ready to work, hahah! Looking forward to seeing some art from you. =D

March 15th, 2011, 12:57 pm
Get some manga and shonen jump and study the heads faces, poses, scenes panels, monsters, sound fx, everything!! copy it, trace it, just study it and it will pay off. For drawing the people I suggest studying anatomy and you need to figure out formulas so you can accurately learn how to measure a people and animals porportions out. Here's a good head starter tutorial: http://www.drawingcoach.com/figure-drawing-head.html Draw nature to learn to draw the backgrounds and scenery but you getting a book isn't a bad idea. Just be aware that no book on earth is a miracle worker, they help but one book is not gonna make you pro, I learned that through expierience.