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View Full Version : Threads don't show up?

November 21st, 2009, 03:00 am
Hi I'm new and I made some requests that followed the rules or at least to me it looked like it did but it wasn't posted up. Anyone have any ideas or can tell me what it might be? I waited a few days and tried again but no go. Also anyone got any tips on how you or if you know any techniques on learning piano? I'm still learning and it's hard for me to practice. I think it's cause the songs I'm learning from the book I hate even though they are just basics they sound horrible. Thanks

November 21st, 2009, 08:37 am
Hi there, As youre a new member, it does take a while for threads to show up. (something about moderators okaying them or something). So just be a bit patient and they should show up.

As far as technique goes, have a look round the music discussion forum, im sure theres some threads already about piano technique that could be useful to you.

Welcome to ichigos!

November 21st, 2009, 01:11 pm
Thanks glad to be aboard! =)

December 2nd, 2009, 12:57 pm
And just so you know the reason why the moderators have to approve the threads, it's because in the posts, you have links to external websites, and thus they need to be checked by the mods to make sure they aren't spam or links that may be a violation of the forum's terms/rules.

It's a bit of an annoyance, but an easy way around that, is to not post any links in any of your topics, unless they are links to other pages within this forum ^.^

also welcome ^.^
I had the same problem as you when I started here (every1 does I believe, lol)