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November 22nd, 2009, 04:39 pm
Hi all,
Here are some traditional sketches.



November 22nd, 2009, 08:24 pm
Dude, amazing shadowing and knowledge of form! That is some crazy skills there, very traditional technique too. What medium is that in?

November 23rd, 2009, 04:43 pm
RD Thank you Sir.
I use regular drawing pencils (one of them, 7H for the moment, or something on the H scale). And I use a 0.3mm pencil about HB maybe, I have not experimented much (with pencils). It is untouched from scanning; usually I bring up the contrast a bit.

I should try to use up the different degrees of the sketch pencils, but it just seems to take up time to switch between them. ^__^
I checked your info, and found your msn, something with radical dreamer, I used to play that on the piano… if thatīs what it is. I used to play many of his compositions.

Here is a digital drawing.

November 23rd, 2009, 06:01 pm
beautifully done i love how everything has a clean finish to it =)

November 25th, 2009, 12:08 pm
pixiepieberry Thank you, I like that too. LOL, Cheers
Here is another digital.

November 25th, 2009, 08:01 pm
Wow, ok. How long have you been making digital art, and art in general? What are your computer equipments you use for your digital art?

And haha, that's an old SN, I don't really do instant messaging anymore. Or, I don't at all anymore. But yeah, I love that song.

November 26th, 2009, 04:36 am
Very nice. The images look so clean and defined. A little trippy and out there, but drawing skill is amazing!

November 27th, 2009, 04:36 pm
RD I have been drawing pretty much my whole life (in the beginning a few hour every month, but I have also been drawing a bit every day, like doodles while waiting on the computer to load or in school). Digital was something I wanted to star many years before I had the equipment, so I used a mouse in the beginning, which actually worked good after some hours of acceptance, LOL. Later I got a Wacom (which I still use) It was maybe 3-4 years ago. I work in Photoshop, and I have now a 24” screen which is nice. I have build a few computers, so I can handle more advanced futures in certain programs. However, I am not using Maya (3D) anymore, or very little.
I donīt instant messaging either, I used to in certain projects however, but it works best with mail.
Thanks for the reply

Taemond Thank you! Do you have any suggestion of what to draw? Could be interesting to hear. I usually just draw without having an idea, and even when I have it can turn out to be something else. LOL.

Here are more digitals, one in color (made this year) the two others 2008 I think:

November 27th, 2009, 10:55 pm
:O.....*loss for words* If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?
XD And your drawings are amazing. They're really detailed, and the shading and lighting is amazing. Can you also draw anime-style(people)?

November 29th, 2009, 01:43 pm
RainingSilver64 Thanks mate, I am 23. I used to do some Anime style people drawings occasionally, not so much any longer however. Have actually not been drawing much at all lately. Anime style your


Is Anime style your type of fondness? I guess I like the best of all styles.

November 29th, 2009, 11:56 pm
:/ I haven't been drawing that much lately either....

Lolz, I'm best at drawing anime style, but I'm working on(somewhat....) realistic scenery too.

November 30th, 2009, 12:59 am
Amazing use of shading on object form.
Nice use of the light angles on the form to bring out the nice shading effects as well.

It's an interesting style which is different that the style i'm use to, becasue I prefer doing the anime-art style.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

December 2nd, 2009, 11:54 pm
Cool work, as usual. =D
I like your little frog/toad dudes the most out of all of it. The first set is pretty interesting, showing off your knowledge of how to build up random masses. The angel girl is shaded nicely, but I'm not sold on her anatomy; it looks a little like her back is broken right now, which is unsettling, especially with her blank white eyes, hahah. ;)

Anyway, yeah. Nice work, all around. =)

December 9th, 2009, 12:51 pm
woa~ it awesome... i love the deforming of the water and frog~

December 15th, 2009, 05:02 pm
RainingSilver64 yeah, it can be good to do a bit of both. Cheers

ElderKain Thank you. I like just to draw without effort, and that are what happen, shading on objects feels good. I like the simplicity in anime, easier to take in, also if an error occurs, there is no big change. I have done rather big alterations several times in some images, which requires patience to deal with. ^_^
HopelessComposer Thanks man, yeah, I think I got it right directly when I did them I remember, felt good throughout the frog process, quite fast and confident (if only I could have it like that always, haha). I was too quick to post that, since I began to work a bit more on it, and it would be better to show that one later. I donīt know if I got it much better, but I feel better about it. However, her anatomy is something I canīt sense right know. I get blind on simple things when I begin to work slower or so I guess… Anyway, I canīt say I like that picture either. But I will try to make a update later maybe. If I chose to draw.

Eye2eye Thanks, I agree about them to be best too I think.

March 4th, 2011, 03:27 pm
Edited. It feels better so.

March 6th, 2011, 12:27 pm
HOLY SNAP. Those are really good! I enjoy seeing your artworks! Hope you put some more up! :)

March 9th, 2011, 07:57 am
Hi again, sorry about my post, I got hungry and wanted to have the images seen directly, plus, I didn’t know which image to show. The last years I have either not been drawing, or I have been drawing traditionally (non-digital). I have started again a bit to draw.

animefans12 thank you! :)Yea, I will post some of what I done.



March 9th, 2011, 06:10 pm
well... your drawing have changed over the year. I see more dark areas. I don't quite understand the anatomy of the second drawing. As for the first one.... I think her face can use more work... It lacks the shade that you used so well on her body. I'm gonna go ahead and guess that she's got some sort of a metal chest plate on.

Looking at it the second time... I got a feeling that the second drawing is like a power generating core or something?

March 10th, 2011, 02:00 pm
Anders, hi, thanks for commenting. Yea, actually, I agree about breasts and even cloth and overall. Lol. If I can find the image, I will probably try to fix. I have images that are like that, and they are just not finished but easy going. I know that I should try to get more serious when I draw and fix errors, certainly those that are so visible. Good you pointed it out.

The second, is what it is… something from a former time. I used to play r-type and salamander games. They have things like that. What it is remains a secret. ;)

edit: some other drawings.


March 10th, 2011, 08:00 pm
I can really feel the depth in your drawings... something that I really lack, so it's really enjoyable to see it in yours. I personally like the cave with the faces. The neck for the turtle is a bit out of shape compare to the shell. I think it's the top part of the neck that starts out from the shell.

March 10th, 2011, 08:52 pm
I am the contrary. I do not feel the depth. The drawings are so smooth and nice, I really like them and in the style you are drawing. But all of them keep looking to me like lifeless still images. Always that I see them it makes me think of statues (Not saying all statues looks lifeless neither). The cave with the faces it is a really good and interesting idea. The bird would look awesome as a real mini figure to have on a desk! And the turtle looks too rigid.

March 11th, 2011, 08:10 am
Ander Did some work on her, some quick fixes to make it a bit better. Sheīs a pearl diver now (didn’t draw the pearls however). Cheers
Nyu001 Thanks. Will look into that.

And here are some environment drawings.

Neko Koneko
March 11th, 2011, 03:52 pm
Wow, love your technique... but what the hell are they? XD Seem more like studies to me, very advanced doodling if you will to perfect your drawing skills. I love it though.

You seem to be kinda stuck between the real world and M.C. Escher's (http://www.google.nl/images?q=mc+escher&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=nl&tab=wi&biw=1088&bih=691) world though :lol:

edit: to the Escher mobile! (http://www.clicko.nl/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/mceschercar.jpg)

March 11th, 2011, 05:12 pm
to the Escher mobile! (http://www.clicko.nl/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/mceschercar.jpg)

GAH! STOP! (It was messing with my brain like crazy for a full five seconds...)

I really like your style. I'm no visual artist, but a fellow person in the "creative" field, if you will. Definitely loving the whole naturalistic-surrealistic balance you have there-- it creatives a nice medium -- very imaginative, and yet "realistic" if you could say that about this, ha! I will agree with Nyu on something, however, maybe a little different definition of "depth." I'm a fan of sumi-e (and/or) shui-mo artwork, which is more about "capturing the subject's soul" rather than reproducing the appearance or perception, by sight. Maybe look into that for some insight? Just a suggestion!

I can see great potential in taking your art to the next level :)

March 13th, 2011, 07:06 am
Neko Koneko Thanks, yea, I am not always sure myself what they are. Have heard of Escher. May take a look at his work later.

Mazeppa Thank you, I will look into to sumi—e and what that is.


March 19th, 2011, 12:27 am
I love your style, but like Nyu said, these are all feeling a little flat to me...like, there's no real light source on any of them; you simply fill in the cracks with darker colors, instead of having everything cast shadows like it should. You're still one of my favorite artists on here, though. =D
I'd really like to see you draw a landscape or something (WITH REFERENCE), though. I think that'd be awesome practice for you, and I think it'd make for a great picture, too. You have good control over your pencil, but your shading feels a little unrealistic in these...you should think about the basic form first, and then the details later. It seems like you might do the opposite sometimes. You might try just redoing some of the drawings you have here, but with only like three or four values for each piece, with no mid-tones...that might help you a bit...