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View Full Version : Which Final Fantasy has the best battle system?

October 22nd, 2004, 10:59 am
Seeing as theres quite a lot of Final Fantasy fans out here, discuss.

I've only played 6,7,8 and Chronicles.

I'd have to say Crystal Chronicles, I'm not really a fan of turn based. It can get one sided pretty quickly, though. Final Fantasy 8 had the best out of the turn based ones, the junction system was funn but lead to unbalance throughout the game.

October 22nd, 2004, 03:48 pm
i'm not a FFF (final fantasy fan) but i did play 7,8,9,10 and X2.

i'm quite impress wif ff10's battle system...turn-based, n depending on ur spd, u can leash out 2~3 consecutive attacks b4 the enermy can budge...n the whole grid system rocks...the strength of ur char will depend on how well u manage each n every grid system.

but i hate FF7,8,10 n X2 whereby u can either break the dmg limit or a certain char can dish out multiple times of 9999/99999. tat juz kill all the fun into defeating the final boss. i like it when u can still defeat the hidden boss w/o those cheap moves like in FF9~

October 23rd, 2004, 12:13 am
I agree and I would say Final Fantasy VIII. Squall's Limit Break and the R1 button for the Playstation, when easliy timed and pressed more damage it does to the monster. MONSTER COMBO!!! oh no thats Killer Instinct lol.

October 23rd, 2004, 03:00 am
Yup hehhe I loved FF8 =p the junction was fun but I liked the storyline more =o!

Though out of all the rpg games I would say Legend of Dragoons battle system is the funnest =o

Neko Koneko
October 23rd, 2004, 08:19 am
FF8 sucked, especially the Junction shit =_= I wanna play a game, if I want to learn how to work with an operating system I'll get Linux or so.

I liked FF6, simple yet effective, and you had the espers which you could summon, not to mention four characters in each battle and every character had a special ability. Also, fighting moogles rock =')

Roy Mustang
October 23rd, 2004, 11:07 am
I actually liked the pace of FFX-2. First thing when I played I was really impressed with the battle system. It worked really well in my opinion.

October 24th, 2004, 11:22 am
Originally posted by Angelic@Oct 23 2004, 08:19 AM
FF8 sucked, especially the Junction shit =_= I wanna play a game, if I want to learn how to work with an operating system I'll get Linux or so.
Heh, yeah it was eventually hard to pick up. And drawing from monsters took ages and ages, but the concept was good and lead to lots and lots of variety.

October 24th, 2004, 05:36 pm
Eh...Well, it depends. The turn taking one is actually rather helpful, cause then you can figure out when to attack or when to defend...things like that. Then again, the real time battle system allows you to interrupt some attacks... *shrugs* I'm more of a 'know what's coming next' person, so the turn taking one suits me ^_^

Woo. 8 was a bit annoying wasnt it? >.>; That and I hated how you couldnt let more than one person use the same aeon/Guardian Force. That woulda been fun :D

October 24th, 2004, 07:36 pm
They were all fine for me, but FFX's grid system was my favourite. i like how you can customise all your chars completely (with a bit of work) and that eventually, all the characters can do everyone elses moves.

Neko Koneko
October 24th, 2004, 09:55 pm
Originally posted by zebra@Oct 24 2004, 01:22 PM
Heh, yeah it was eventually hard to pick up. And drawing from monsters took ages and ages, but the concept was good and lead to lots and lots of variety.
I won't deny it was original, but the drawing was annoying. Same with the weapons, couldn't buy them in shops but I had tho forge them or something. I never found the items for that though, so halfway the second disc I still had the weapons I started off with =_=;

October 25th, 2004, 12:16 am
I would say FFVII for the idea behind skill improvement. martia (sp?) growth was an awsome idea and kept me fighting, little complex with the linking, but easy enough for the non hardcore magic user to use the system.

October 28th, 2004, 08:57 pm
I prefered the materia system, final attack junctioned to phoenix summon was a good quick fix, then again you could do some really useless stuff with a lot of one type of magic materia and some support
i.e. bolt-all
bolt-added cut
bolt-mp absorb
hits everyone , hits some one else one more time and replenished mp
kinda pointless but still fun to experement with.

The other system I found easy to use was the sphere grid, even the expert version was well layed out

October 29th, 2004, 10:21 am
FFVIII and VII were definately cheap. The Final Attack/Phoenix Combo was unbeatable, especially when they were both mastered FFVII also had KotR summon. FFVIII, just get Squall the Lionheart and give him Aura.

November 9th, 2005, 04:37 am

I perfer IX's system, you learn and retain abbilities over the time, instead of loseing the ability to use them just because you de-equip somthing. And it had 3D graphics and 4 people and a battle screen :D

November 9th, 2005, 10:31 am
i don't mind any of the systems. well, except for FFX-2. that, in my opinion, sucks in very many ways. SAme with some aspects of X

November 11th, 2005, 12:27 am
FFVIII and VII were definately cheap. The Final Attack/Phoenix Combo was unbeatable, especially when they were both mastered FFVII also had KotR summon. FFVIII, just get Squall the Lionheart and give him Aura.

That or during the final boss, let everyone shrink their hp down to the danger point and use holy war. You get invincibility with a unlimited Limit Break, so you can use Squall with his Lionheart limit break and deal many amounts of 9999 to the opponent. 6 times of that and you win the game. Whoopie do.


I perfer IX's system, you learn and retain abbilities over the time, instead of loseing the ability to use them just because you de-equip somthing. And it had 3D graphics and 4 people and a battle screen

Very true. I loved the graphics on that one.

The best battle system I liked was FF5. Its my favorite game, but that alone isnt why I choose FF5 as the best battle system. FF5 actually introduced the multiple class system. Here's a picture of the class system in FF5.


November 11th, 2005, 12:30 am
I thought FFIII introduced the class system..? And wow, White Mages and Dragoons look awesome!

November 11th, 2005, 12:40 am
I dont think so. Out of all the pictures I've seen for FFIII there were no pictures involving changing classes o_o. Even so, FFV introduced more new classes that will be used later on.

November 12th, 2005, 03:21 am
I liked Final Fantasy X's Battle System .... Having turns is better than going all at once.

November 12th, 2005, 05:09 am
Heh, Dancer for FFV reminds me of Patrick Swayze

November 14th, 2005, 08:52 am

Okay, I was looking around and FFIII did introduce the changing class system.

November 14th, 2005, 12:23 pm
hrm, odd. Noone recognizes FFIII to have changing class system but they do recognize FFV to be the one that has it.

November 14th, 2005, 08:03 pm
FFIII, FFV, FFX-2(to some degree) and FF: Tactics (as far as I know) all used the Job changing system...

Anyways, I gotta say that the battle system for FF2/4 was the best, The 'Twin' command I have yet to see in ANY other FF game, the fact that you could have up to 5 characters in the party at any one time (the most in ANY Final Fantasy game yet, not including 11 if you can have more) and the sheer simplicity to pick up made it quite the easy battle system (with the strangely catchy music too!)

November 14th, 2005, 10:01 pm
Twin command is very interesting but not uncommon in some games. Many games use things like the twin command but portrayed differently. Anyway, that gives me an idea that I will add to my rpg next time. Heh, in my opinion the twin command can deal devastating damage or anything of the like, with a cost of (leaving skipping of the two char's turns aside) extra delay when casting, or after cast.
Some FF games have such commands that only exist in their own game. For example, FFIV has Twin command, FFV has animal command.

November 15th, 2005, 12:23 am
FFIII, FFV, FFX-2(to some degree) and FF: Tactics (as far as I know) all used the Job changing system...

In X-2, all they really did was change clothes. Sometimes they were dressed like whores, other times thy resembled Christmas presents. But I dont really think that is concidered class change...Either way I thought the clothe changing idea really fit the game.

November 15th, 2005, 08:50 pm
what? ffiii didn have a class change system did it? but i do like the system that they had... it was simple and worked well =D

even though ffx system was cool in a way... but in a way i didn like it, because you could make mages (lulu) into more of a fighter rather than a mage... and then in the end everyone basically learns everything... which makes each character not unique as much as some other ff was....
although a lot of the final fantasy made all characters able to use all spells and stuff lol..
so i really have no idea what im talkin about lol

but i do like the compatibility system for ffviii
but ffviii did kinda cheat to some point with the ways you put the stuff on your weapons
because you could shove "sleep" on squalls wpn.. and so when you do the gunblade thing its 100% that the enemy will sleep (aslong as you put on 100 sleep...) but i didn like the buying weapons system for ffviii...

November 16th, 2005, 12:29 am
FFVIII is too cheap. The holy war item just killed the game. Actually, I stand corrected. Get squall or every party member down to yellow hp, then use holy war, and you get unlimited limit breaks (including Squall's strongest limit break) which can kill the final boss with 5-9 of Squall's Lionheart limit break.

November 16th, 2005, 07:33 am
I'm impressed with FFX and X-2. The battle system is really good.

November 22nd, 2005, 06:12 pm
I like FFT and FFXI battle system the best ^^ (minus the party invite system that just plain sucks ; ;)

November 22nd, 2005, 11:55 pm
ffx wasnt too bad
i dont like how you can change the characters in the battle whenever you want
and the fact that you use everyone to give everyone experience because experience isnt shared and...
i dunno.. i prefer not being able to swap characters inside battle
but it does allow you to 'cheat' in a way... but ya

November 23rd, 2005, 01:11 am
Well, its more realistic in that one perspetive because you are in a group of people, and only having 3 members durring the whole battle when theres like 7 people with you is just stupid.

November 24th, 2005, 12:26 am
Well I personally liked the FFTactics, FF7, and FFX. When I thing about merging them all, I get excited thou :) Imagine the Change Class system with Materia System and sphere Grid System....:heh:
Well materia system is fun for experiments, and the grid system makes "Level Doesn't Matter" (I get Tidus grid all full before fighting Seymour and I defeat him in one blow), and class system? what's more interesting than that!XD

November 24th, 2005, 12:30 am
Btw, did anyone think or its just me who think that FF Character's Clothes are getting more strange? Or unique lol...

November 29th, 2005, 07:53 pm
I would have to say Final Fantasy X has the best, with the sphere grid and the ability to gain overdrive from healing your allies. Cuz that helped a TON considering Yuna's attack sucks unless she summons, and her overdrive is really helpful in tight situation. Though I think what sunk my ratings for VII was that I played VIII and X first, and just going to those graphics took away the majority of my interest. Call me shallow, but looking at those beefy arms with no elbows really bothered me.

November 29th, 2005, 08:30 pm
Personally I can't wait for the battle system for FFXII. It is free movement in battle, and I think it's good that SE is going a little "out of the box" for FF now.

FFX-2 had a good battle system, but it made a mockery of FFX by making them act that way...

December 8th, 2005, 02:24 am
ffxii looks like it's going to dissapoint. i like the turn based much better.
ffx has the best battle system but i love classes like in tactics

December 8th, 2005, 02:58 am
Wait, FFXII is gonna be real-time? Cool...personally, I really liked ToS's system. Yes, the final boss was a little too easy, but the extra bosses were really fun.

December 8th, 2005, 06:26 am
I liked Kingdom Hearts battles a lot. But FF battles tend to be fast paced, so wouldnt switching between characters (if the game lets you) be a pain?

December 8th, 2005, 03:56 pm
Well, ToS lets you control 4 at a time but doesn't let you switch out during battle. If switching is absolutely necessary, though, they could probably do something like in tag-team fighters where pressing a couple buttons simultaneously switches to the person in the corresponding spot.

Secret of Mana and Secret of Evermore were pretty fun too. Unfortunately, like so many RPGs, they became unbalanced towards the end. Secret of Mana boss battles became unbalanced the moment you learned magic, since you pause the game before using magic and therefore can stagger spells indefinitely. Fighting regular enemies continued to be exciting though... As for Secret of Evermore, there were a couple ridiculously powerful alchemy spells: Super Heal (full recover), Barrier (invincibility + heal), and Energize (virtually instant weapon charging). With these three spells, there was no difficulty whatsoever in fighting the final boss.
But I bring these two games up for the whole switching people by pressing Select. FFXII may have people on AI until you decide to take control of them.

December 8th, 2005, 08:47 pm
The one game that I would say stayed constant with difficulty throughout was Star Ocean:TTEOT. But I got so frustrated at the difficulty of the final boss that I never saw the ending of it!

December 9th, 2005, 01:06 am
I hear Star Ocean is comparable to Tales of Symphonia...ToS's Japanese PS2 version is supposed to be really challenging on Mania mode since the enemies get spells like Indignant Judgment and Shining Bind...(I found it hard enough on Normal, when they could just use Meteor Storm and Indignation :P)

December 9th, 2005, 05:35 am
Yeah, ToS for PS2 is much harder than the one on GS. Not good.

Anyway lets get back on topic shall we?

Yes I learned that you can switch characters in FFXII, and no need to worry since when you switch characters, your other character turns into auto mode where it auto attacks and etc, so your characters dont just stand there getting owned by cactuars slapping their faces.

Neko Koneko
December 12th, 2005, 11:43 am
I liked Kingdom Hearts battles a lot. But FF battles tend to be fast paced, so wouldnt switching between characters (if the game lets you) be a pain?

fast paced? I find them slow as goo :mellow:

December 12th, 2005, 10:28 pm
They can either be so slow and dragged out that you get bored or completly engrossed, or they are so short that you just hit one button and its over

December 12th, 2005, 11:08 pm
They can either be so slow and dragged out that you get bored or completly engrossed, or they are so short that you just hit one button and its over

Either way, that just makes the game pretty dull. Thats why its good to have variety.

January 3rd, 2006, 09:49 pm
tactics advance and the game it was based off of was probable the best because it gave you your options you know. crystal chronicles isn't as locked in so I'm cool with that and does anybody else think that the movie was a total ripoff and sucked:huh: :shifty:

January 4th, 2006, 11:22 am
Where are all the mods? Ie Angelic, Spoonpuppet, Noir7 and Gand?

I dont see them much anymore

January 11th, 2006, 02:41 pm
My opinion is that ff7 has the best and the easiest battle system
altough i think FFX-2 battle system is the worst of al i played


I would really like to play ff9 but i can't find it<_<

January 18th, 2006, 09:18 pm
i played ff 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, tactics, tactics advanced, crystal chronicles.

I'd have to say ff6 has the best system. I love how you can learn magics from espers. It only makes sense to learn magic from espers. Also, the characters' skills are based on their individual character traits. Edgar, the tech-guy, has all these high-tech equipments, Cyan, the old-fashioned swordsman, has these swdtechs, etc. (FF5 and FF8 is sadly lacking in this aspect. All Squall has to distinguish himself from anybody else is his attack and limit break.)

The problem with FF8 was the junctions. Junctions control the game. I finished my 3rd playthrough of FF8 with just a level 12 Zell. (limit breaks in ff8, especially Zell's, are too cheap)

Problem with ff7 was the limit breaks and counter mechanisms. they overdone it. Level 7 Tifa beats emerald weapon herself, accordingto the video i saw. Also, I've beaten sephiroth before he had a chance to hit me twice. I w-summoned/mimicked knighted him, he attacked, all three of my characters countered him 8 times each, he died. Battle system way too overdone.

FF9's system was an inferior altered verson of materia, although a lot of people would disagree with me on this, as in FF9 you can actually learn stuff as opposed to just equip skills.

FF Tactics and tactics advanced are different from the rest, so I'll choose not to compare them to the rest. All I have to say for tactics is...once you get Orlandu, you basically won. Tactics Advanced is more balanced and strategic.

FF5...I love the job system, but I also think that individual characters ought to have individual character traits, like in FF6 where Sabin is confined to monk skills and Cyan is confined to swdtechs. Butz or Galuf as a white mage just ruins it for me.

FF4. Good. I'd say this battle system is fine, but FF6's gives me a better impression.

FF3, 2, and 1 I might just be biased cuz I played ff8 first with its superior (compared to ff3, 2, and 1) graphics.

FF10 and up, i won't even comment on. haven't played them.

January 22nd, 2006, 04:35 pm
i like ffX's system. I like it cuz its not too hard or too simple, and you can pretty much say "screw you" too the characters you dont like (in my case wakka, and Kimari) cuz you can teach any caharacter any attack. fun stuff. i taught yuna ultima and every blk magic so i didnt need lulu( she was my backup in case yuna died) and auron, well is badass as he is so he stayed the same....

January 23rd, 2006, 12:24 am
What I did like about X was how after a bit you could teach things that dont go with a character to that character, IE black magic - Tidus.

I personaly liked FFIX's system though. I dont know why. But I thought the battles took to long. I spend a lot of time waiting for the ATB bar to load up..

January 25th, 2006, 07:50 pm
yeah IX's system was a little slow, and thats the reason why i never finished it

November 21st, 2013, 04:23 pm
Out of the ones i've played, I thought Final Fantasy X-2 had the best battle system.

January 14th, 2014, 10:52 pm
Out of the ones i've played, I thought Final Fantasy X-2 had the best battle system.

but x-2 was pretty much same as the snes ones (ff5 and 6 and 7 and 8 n such)
oh! except there was that extra atb for when using magic

January 29th, 2014, 04:53 pm
I liked how they added extra bits to make it more involving, like pressing the trigger button to fire your guns whilst a timer ran out.