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View Full Version : Tianlong's new compositions thread !

January 7th, 2010, 04:07 pm
Hey old friends !

It's been a while since I came here so I'll follow in one winged angel's steps and start a new thread about the stuff I'm working on right now.

I too am composing for a video game. It is an old school 2d rpg game based on the "famous" rpgvx maker software.

Here's 3 of my latest songs for the project. Hospital needs no explanation really. The boat is when you navigate on the sea and the white phantom is the protagonist's theme song when he is going on a mission .

Feel free to comment ! :)

January 7th, 2010, 10:57 pm
I love The White Phantom a lot (and the other two, but escpecailly that one) and I was wondering if you had the sheet music for the piano...
