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View Full Version : Trumpet help

January 14th, 2010, 02:32 am
I just started learning the trumpet and finally managed to get a sound out of the instrument. I am having trouble changing the pitch of the buzz on my lips. I have did some searching myself and I can't seem to find anything more than "if you relax the pitch will be lower" and vise-versa. I can't seem to figure out how to get my lips to be more relaxed or tense to hit different registers in the instrument. My lips are now numb from trying to figure it out.

http://www.soundjunction.org/thetrumpethowdoyouplayit.aspa?NodeID=133 i was using this video for help but i can't get my pitch to even move more than a whole tone let alone an octave.

Little help please:sweat: anyone?

January 14th, 2010, 10:34 am
I've found that if you are trying to change the pitch starting on a higher note, your lips will be tighter because of that base note. So try starting on a lower note to change the pitch on. Also, try just raising the trumpet up to your lips without doing any preparation or thinking, just casually put it up to your lips, hopefully your lips should be pretty relaxed if you do this without thinking too much. You also have to think of what pitch you want to get and in which direction do you have to go (up or down). So try and hear the pitch in your head that you want, and think of that when you go to play. Hopefully you should automatically adjust your sound to that pitch. A lot of things in music are done this way, such as decorating notes with accents on them. Hope that helps. I suffer from having constantly tight lips when I play instruments, so I know how hard it can be to relax (it can be awesome for getting high notes though XD).

January 25th, 2010, 09:48 am
Các bác nói cho em biết đây là đâu đi!
Thực các bác nói Tiếng Anh em hiểu câu được câu chăng chr ra làm sao.
Kèn trumpet em có nghe qua hihi
Em hok hỉu đâu.

January 28th, 2010, 07:15 am
Các bác nói cho em biết đây là đâu đi!
Thực các bác nói Tiếng Anh em hiểu câu được câu chăng chr ra làm sao.
Kèn trumpet em có nghe qua hihi
Em hok hỉu đâu.

Yes, I agree.

January 28th, 2010, 09:53 pm
Yes, I agree.

...Did you actually understand that, or babelfish/google translator...?