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View Full Version : Guitar Fad

January 24th, 2010, 08:16 pm
I know this may seem stupid, really stupid but after seeing an anime about dudes playing guitar and getting a free pick with it, I've decided to learn to play guitar! but the problem is that there is only about 2 stores up here and the guitars are expensive. but i really wanna learn! i also can't decide on which i should choose. but maybe i should start out with an acoustic?

January 24th, 2010, 11:21 pm
Really depends on your money and wants. To be safe, if you want to learn guitar, start off with a cheap nylon string guitar, and ask for help around the store to help you choose something good for a beginner.

If you want to learn more of a rock or pop style which requires an electric guitar, you can buy a cheap stratocaster with an amplifier straight off, but the risk is, if you don't like guitar you just wasted a good $300 bucks or so. Also your fingers will find it difficult to cope with the strings. Expect some skin peeling off on your fingers.

The really the safe way to do it is:
-Spend $50-100 on a cheap nylon string acoustic guitar and practice on it for like a year or less. It will train your fingers and it will test whether you like guitar or not.

-Then buy a cheap electric guitar and practice on that for 1-2 years.

-Once you get really pro buy any expensive guitar you wish!

January 29th, 2010, 03:31 pm
thank you! once i get one ill practice every day. i really wanna learn how to play really good. what is it called when you strum like really long and the rythm goes up and down?

February 1st, 2010, 02:51 am
Err, I don't know could be anything :P

If you really want to know, I'd go practice guitar, learn a few terms in guitar like frets etc. (preferably from an experience teacher) and describe it to me in more detail or ask your teacher!

February 11th, 2010, 11:51 am
You can find almost anything online. They probably also give lessons at those guitar shops.

February 19th, 2010, 05:20 am
Yes its depends on your money and desire. The safe way to do it is:-
Spend $50-100 on a cheap nylon string acoustic guitar and practice on it for like a year or less. It will train your fingers and it will test whether you like guitar or not.

February 27th, 2010, 09:12 am
I think getting a acoustic first is better coz its cheaper than a electric :P .... it just hurts your fingers a bit at start but its ok :P.... this is what i did :D

March 20th, 2010, 07:40 pm
Im not sure if you have bought a guitar yet since this thread is a bit old by now but,,,

i wouldnt reccomend buying a nylon string guitar unless you want to learn classical style finger picked songs exclusivly. classical guitars (Nylon) are different in alot of important ways from regular acoustics. Things like fret size, distance between strings and how the strings are secured to the bridge are all different compaired to a "normal" steel string acoustic.

If you plan on switching some time down the line to an electric guitar it is also benficial to use a steel string acoustic as a beginner, since electrics and steel acoustics are pretty similar in terms of action(minus string tension), stringing methods and the kinds of music they are involved in.

For example it is possible to make an electric feel like an acoustic by stringing one up with heavy gauge strings. A nlon string will never feel like an acoustic/electric though, again, its just a different kind of instrument for a different style of music

If you want to play more folk/rock/pop/indie songs, go for a steel acoustic or electric.

If you stick with it you will save yourself money in the future, and more importantly you will actually enjoy the instrument.

March 21st, 2010, 03:37 am
Start out with an acoustic and learn the basics... so you'll be more flexible and have callouses on your fingers :D then just build yourself up from there... also, go to Vanderbilly.com they have free video lessons on about anything you want... and it has forums for any questions you may have as well... I can say I've gotten better because of them, lucky I found that site after I stopped taking guitar lessons...