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View Full Version : Vocaloid Music for piano

March 13th, 2010, 05:29 pm
Hello!! ^w^

I made this thread to share some of the pages with vocaloid songs and arrangements...

If you own a vocaloid arrangement, have the score for one or know of pages where these can be found, then please post it in here! ^w^, i'll try updating the thread to keep the list growing. That way it might be easier to find (since there are a lot of threads where people search for the same score).

I know of two great pages with vocaloid music:

think most of you know this page


this one has beautiful arrangements for vocaloid songs. It also has anime and other band arrangements for piano. Vocaloid music arrangements can be found in the "others" section

by the way, I was wondering if anyone knew where could I get a hold of Owata-P's Turkish March arrangement?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cwRiGRK0ho <-- it's this one

December 23rd, 2011, 07:48 am
Do you know where I can find Gumi's Kimi Omoi, Kataomoi (My Unrequited Feelings For You)
or Forever Tears?

And do you know who sang this:

初音ミクAppend】 Mr. Wonder 【オリジナル曲】http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCRVKpVXu7E&feature=related