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View Full Version : FMA Brotherhood: OST 1 ~ Senju Akira - Laws of Alchemy:All instruments

March 27th, 2010, 09:31 am
Song: Laws of Alchemy
Instrument: Violins, vocals, violoncello and percursion (if is there any other that i couldn't recognize, please post it)
Anime/Game: Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Artist: Senju Akira
Album: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood OST 1

I've started to trascribe the music from Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood OST 1:
Laws of Alchemy by Senju Akira. Its a good music, if you haven't listened to it yet, i strongly advise you to look for it.
Anyway, i'm having a hard time on trascribing it (ahh, haven't done that for a long time ago) and i would like to make it with full instruments:
Violins, Cello, Vocals and Percurssion.
So, is anyone interested on helping me with it?
I've just started and made part of the tracks for violin 1, violin 2 and a bit of vocals (which i'm not sure of how accurate it is)
I'm using Guitar Pro 5, because i lack of any other program, but i'll post the PDF links.
Also, if you find any mistake, please, send me a PM or just post in this thread.

Senju Akira has made a real good joob on FMA:Brotherhood OST, most of them are orchestred.
Also, if is anyone interested, would be nice to have several users recording each track and uploading them somewhere, them, mixing up on a audio editor program (such as sound forge or whatever). Well, i guess that's a bit megalomaniac, but if there is anyone as crazy as me, then i guess it could work (:

Links of what i've done until now (its not too much):
Senju Akira - Laws of Alchemy - Violin 1.pdf ~ http://www.mediafire.com/?no3yw2nlzdi
Senju Akira - Laws of Alchemy - Violin 1.pdf ~http://www.mediafire.com/?zj42mrtmwjl
Senju Akira - Laws of Alchemy - Vocal 1.pdf ~http://www.mediafire.com/?tdlbztmmmqd

Thanks for your time (: