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April 29th, 2010, 02:13 am
Smoking is bad for you.

April 29th, 2010, 03:34 am
Michigan's banning them in public restaurants in three days. I can't determine if that's a good or a bad thing, as cigarettes are full of cancerous material (http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/ntp/roc/toc11.html) which gets worse with second hand (the smoke that comes off from the end of it), and is easily passable by third hand (the particles left from second hand smoke). At the same time, I can't help recognize that this is a pretty major infringement on smoker's rights. It feels like a manufactured form of segregation.

April 29th, 2010, 03:47 am
I smoke.
I'm aware it is bad for me.
I'm aware I often smoke more than I should.
I'm aware this seems stupid, I guess it kinda is.

As far as smoking ban's while I don't necessarily agree with them, I don't think they're as bad as some people say. For things such as restaurants I don't smoke while I eat. I prefer to do so after (Hate smoking immediately before eating) so I guess it doesn't bother me as much. At times can bother me after eating or when just having coffee, but its nothing major.

The only problem I see with things like smoking areas is that for people such as myself being in an area of concentrated smoking its common to have smoking around you while you eat. Which again I don't like too much. But I have no problem in sitting in the non smoking section and don't think anyone should tbh.

When smoking there are still manners IMHO, I don't smoke when non smokers cant avoid the smoke without asking if its ok to, I try to stay downwind from people when smoking etc.

Interested in where this thread will go tbh.

PS. I never remember if cigarettes has one R or two, same goes for the T's infact right now I only know due to reading it off the thread title.

Also if anyone knows where I can get my hands on blend 27's Id appreciate it, heard they were good and kinda wanna give em a try.

April 29th, 2010, 07:06 am
I think Luis is very polite compared to some people.

Some laws in Australia are ridiculous!

If you are in a car with anyone under the age of 16 no smoking or you could get a fine.

Currently all Australian states and territories have banned smoking in enclosed public places, particularly workplaces and restaurants.
Smoking packages must have images of what smoking can result of. eg, lung and mouth cancer.

And more... I personally think it's really nice that people ask if they can smoke near by or whatever but whether they smoke or not it's up to them. I personally wouldn't smoke.

Also in a health lesson our teacher showed us this ad... I think it is really good.

April 29th, 2010, 07:07 am
Smoking is bad mmkay.

Neko Koneko
April 29th, 2010, 06:09 pm
We have an old smoker's room at work that hasn't been used for over a year. Today they opened it up to tear out the ceiling and the walls. All the walls are made of easily replace panels that are WHITE. In that room, they were a brownish yellow. And the smell... the horrible stench x_x

April 29th, 2010, 06:44 pm
Smoking packages must have images of what smoking can result of. eg, lung and mouth cancer.

Yeah, here too.
Pretty yuck, and sometimes its in Greek.


April 29th, 2010, 08:39 pm
It's bad for you, in excess. I smoke here and there, and when I do, it's maybe only one or two that day. I like the way they make you feel, especially after I have a meal. I am against the laws from banning them completely from restaurants, however, I don't think smoking sections are a bad form of segregation. I know the effects of second-hand smoke, since it's been drilled in all of our brains anyway.

Now, if they start banning them from smoking outside due to some stupid terrible greenhouse theory, then I'll start to crack some skulls.

April 29th, 2010, 09:49 pm
I tried smoking once, never got into it.

I tried kissing a girl once, never got into it.

I kissed a guy once, now I'm hooked.

Weird what people get hooked on. XD

April 29th, 2010, 10:00 pm
Marlboro Smooths are delicious. Haha. I only smoke menthol cigarettes, and I only smoke them on really hot days, or really cold days. I just love the sensation I get from them. Though, I haven't smoked in almost a year now, mostly because I'm not 18 yet and I can't be fucked to get somebody to buy them for me, especially I really don't need them.

Here in Montana, smoking has been banned in all bars. I think that's really ridiculous. If you don't want to go to a smokey place, then don't go to a bar. Montana voters really fucked up on this one. I bet you over half the people who voted for this don't even go to bars.

Oh and Luis, as for as spelling cigarette goes, I think "spell cigar, then add ette". I used to have the same problem, adding two rs and what not. So, I broke it down into two parts cigar-ette. Made it easier for me.

April 29th, 2010, 11:48 pm
Marlboro Smooths are delicious.

If I have the money, Dunhill Full Flavor is where it's at. At other times it's Marlboro Red Full... yeah, I know a lot of people hate them, but when they were the first of the cigs you had with your buddies, the nostalgia factor kicks in. :)

April 30th, 2010, 12:26 am
I smoke.
I'm aware it is bad for me.
I'm aware I often smoke more than I should.
I'm aware this seems stupid, I guess it kinda is.

summed up perfectly =P

I totally agree with the smoking ban in one respect; I hated being surrounded by smoke and the smell of it, I hated being in a bar/club paranoid that some drunken smoker was going to burn me by not watching where their hands were going when drunkely jumping and flailing around.

On the other hand, the ban has increased the amount of people that smoke, I don't care what you say. If a non smoker is out with a bunch of smokers that have to go out to smoke then they are kind of forced to go out with them, and what else are they going to do stood outside like fools doing nothing with a few drinks inside them? Then before they know it, they're addicts.

Also, it's killed the live music scene, at least here in the UK.

Also, I don't WANT to go out in the cold and rain in winter, I want to sit/stand inside and have a quiet fag.

Also my uni is ridiculous with it; we can't smoke right outside any building we have to stand a foot away- you can't smoke on the balcony of the bar you have to go all the way downstairs and across to shelters. It makes me feel like a leper sometimes =/

And I keep Marlboro Reds for times of stress- whenever I feel shit or stressed or whatever I'm like; this calls for a marlboro red xD

...also first post makes me think of family guy 'cigarettes killed my father... and raped my mother' =P

April 30th, 2010, 02:13 am
Some cigarettes can smell sexy on some guys,

All cigarettes smell disgusting on girls,

And most people just look plain dumb when they smoke.

I guess my question is: Smokers, why do you smoke?

April 30th, 2010, 02:23 am
I guess my question is: Smokers, why do you smoke?
Hmm. Let's see if I can't solve this mystery, using the clues you've already provided me. ;)

And most people just look plain dumb when they smoke.

people just look plain dumb when they smoke.

plain dumb when they smoke.

plain dumb

As for smoking bans in restaurants and stuff, great. I go to eat out to taste food in my mouth, not tar. Also, the laws were passed (at least in my state) under the pretense that waitresses and bar tenders and such were at an unfair risk of getting lung cancer because of their customers. Also a good point.
*Points down at all the lowly smokers from high atop his mighty stallion* Shame on you! SHAME!

aaron FtW!!11
April 30th, 2010, 02:40 am
Smoking cigarettes makes you look cool :coolio:
And they're good to smoke after sex. Or so I've heard.

My smoking idol.

April 30th, 2010, 03:21 am
Thanks for the tip 'suka, actually surprised I didnt see it myself lol.

About the images on the boxes... I get extra happy when I see the one with surgery on it.
I only ever smoked menthols when Im sick, picked it up from my old man.

I wasn't aware people were biased against reds, enlighten me?

Funny thing is I do like outside for smoking, thing is I like rain a lot too. I'll agree that sometimes you do just wanna sit there and watch tv or talk to someone while smoking.

@Zero: I've never been aware of cigarettes smelling good on people, Im actually a little paranoid about the smell but I know it cant be helped to some degree. I don't understand how I look dumb when I smoke... please explain? (not that I think I look cool or w/e just curious)

Smokers, why do you smoke?
To be quite honest I have no actual reason, tried it once as it was never shown as taboo in my household and took to doing it occasionally (maybe one or two a week if at all) This then turned into about twice as often, and then I quit for a while.

Shit was not going my way for a while and I picked up a pack, standing outside in the cold having a smoke made me feel relaxed, and helped me think. This is what got me hooked to be honest.

Its comforting I guess. I don't mind the taste/odor unless I'm chain smoking (think 4-5 back to back) which I sometimes do, mainly to have something to occupy my hands with during conversation or when I'm stressed out.

My smoking idol.

Seriously? *sigh*

April 30th, 2010, 03:51 am
I don't understand how I look dumb when I smoke... please explain?
You're wasting ten dollars for a package of sticks you can suck on. Sticks that:
a.)Give you cancer.
b.)Give your friends cancer.
c.)Ruin your physical fitness by fucking up your lungs.
d.)Smell like ass.
e.)Make you crave them, which is inconvenient when you're watching movies, hanging out with your friends, or are just stuck indoors where you can't smoke without going out of your way for whatever reason.
f.)Piss people off around you when they're trying to enjoy the fresh air.
Really, I don't see how you'd even need an explanation. Isn't it completely obvious?!
Another thing that makes you "look dumb" is the fact that 90% of the stupid kids out there start smoking because they're pressured into it. This leads other people to assume that you're one to give into doing stupid things just because you think they'll make you "cool." Eg, smoking makes you weak (and dumb).

Not to be a dick (granted, I am a dick), but it's the truth. Whenever I meet someone new and they happen to be a smoker, I think "God, this guy is either a moron, or can't stand up for himself. Or both." Sometimes I'm wrong (10% of the time, lol), but smoking does give a bad first impression. Smoking's kind of like being fat in that sense. When people see fat people, they usually think "ugh, lazy person. What's wrong with them?" Of course, not all fat people are lazy, but usually....they're not as hardworking as physically fit people are.

Also, we learned in psych class that the majority of smokers had IQs in the 85ish range. That is, below average intelligence. Basically, smokers as a group are stupid. Because of that, being a smoker makes you look stupid by association. Stop smoking, idiots!

Psych class statistic may or may not be made up. I forget, but I think it's true, lulz.

Edit: K, stat was basically true. Study found that average IQ of non-smoking males was 101. Smokers had an average IQ of 90 - eleven points lower. My anecdotal experience points to the same thing. All of the smokers I knew in highschool were morons. = =;;

April 30th, 2010, 04:12 am
I guess my question is: Smokers, why do you smoke?

I wouldn't dub myself, socially a "smoker," but the reason that I do smoke (and limit myself to "here and there") is because the effects of it. Something with all those terrible chemicals makes my brain and body feel light headed for about 10 minutes. It's a nice relaxant, but it's not like I NEED to smoke nor do I need the effects to stay happy. It's like eating your favourite food -- you don't need it all the time, but eating it is an experience itself.

April 30th, 2010, 07:54 am
the light headed-ness is just from the lack of oxygen :P

hmm. ive had a couple, i could almost feel the cilia in my lungs getting raped by it. And i play the oboe, so no more for me.

My boyfriend keeps smoking. its gross, he smells and tastes horrible. i want to cuddle him, not cigarettes. Its like there's three of us in this relationship -_-

April 30th, 2010, 11:53 am
Lack of oxygen? I've been lightheaded many times before, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't feel like taking a couple drags from a cigarette. XD

April 30th, 2010, 09:46 pm
lightheadedness is your brain telling you something bad is happening to your body.

Neko Koneko
April 30th, 2010, 09:55 pm
lightheadedness is your brain telling you something bad is happening to your body.

True that.

May 1st, 2010, 01:46 am
Like smoking

May 1st, 2010, 02:23 am
I smoke for a similar reason to one Luis brought up; I have a lot going through my head all of the time- I think too much about the good and the bad things and life in general etc and it's nice to just be outside alone with a cigarette and watch the world go by whilst considering its mechanisms =P

Two things started me smoking to be blunt; firstly, I learned of their appetite surpressing qualities when I was in the middle of dealing with an eating disorder and secondly, I was self harming in that period and smoking got me out of it cos whenever I felt the need to do it I would just go out for a cigarette or four and sit and calm down... suppose that's how I got into the habit of sitting alone smoking, even all these years on when I'm totally recovered from all of that crap. sorry for the 13 year old emo girl post >.< but you did ask why I smoke...

May 1st, 2010, 02:25 am
I still don't get why people thing cigarettes calm you down. They're an accelerant and an upper. It does exactly the opposite of what smokers think they do.

May 1st, 2010, 02:37 am
It's the magical combination of hundreds of fabulous poisons that somehow calms them down I reckon. Wizards and alchemists would have a field day with that stuff to find out just what it is in those poisons that are calming smokers down.

Or you could just learn how to stay calm and relaxed.

May 1st, 2010, 03:13 am
I still don't get why people think cigarettes calm you down. They're an accelerant and an upper. It does exactly the opposite of what smokers think they do.

A withdrawal symptom you feel from not smoking a cigarette in a while (a while being weeks, days, or hours) is anxiety. To relieve the anxiety, you smoke. This relief of anxiety is calming. When you're addicted to something, all you can think about is getting your fix. Once you get your fix, you are able to clearly think about other things.

May 1st, 2010, 06:03 am
Smokers here are up in arms because the taxes went up 25% per packet overnight. And soon we're going to have generic packaging so you can't tell what brand they are. Personally, I think if people are adults and wish to smoke where it doesn't effect other people, that's their choice.

But it makes them stink ;)

Neko Koneko
May 1st, 2010, 07:25 am
Smokers here are up in arms because the taxes went up 25% per packet overnight. And soon we're going to have generic packaging so you can't tell what brand they are. Personally, I think if people are adults and wish to smoke where it doesn't effect other people, that's their choice.

But it makes them stink ;)

Point is though, smokers are more likely to get cancer etc. That costs society a lot of money (at least over here), thus the government triest to discourage people from smoking as much as they can.

May 1st, 2010, 11:17 am
I find that argument to be extremely retarded, if you tax smokers because they're hurting their health and thus contributing to social costs...

Tax the crap outta burgerking and booze.

Point is if anyone upped the taxes on either of those by 25% the shit would hit the fan fast, and you know it.

May 1st, 2010, 11:35 am
They're paying for hurting other people's health. How many smokers do you see who have no problem with smoking in everyone else's faces?

And soon we're going to have generic packaging so you can't tell what brand they are. Ooh, this could be exciting. How would they pick out their favorite brand? They pay a little extra for the added anticipation of finding out which brand of cigarettes they'll get! It's a different poison every time!

May 1st, 2010, 03:03 pm
I have to admit I'm a bit of a bastard on that front. If friends of mine complain about me smoking I usually blow smoke right in their faces, not in a genuinely arrogant way, just in the same way people will jokingly tell their friends to fuck off or something, it's not meant to cause offense. Still need to stop doing it though >.<

I plan on giving up before this generic packaging comes here too =P

tbf once exams are over I'm stopping. I've started warning people to avoid me that first week >.<

Neko Koneko
May 1st, 2010, 03:43 pm
I find that argument to be extremely retarded, if you tax smokers because they're hurting their health and thus contributing to social costs...

Tax the crap outta burgerking and booze.

Point is if anyone upped the taxes on either of those by 25% the shit would hit the fan fast, and you know it.

There are far more smokers who get lung cancer or some hear disease than there are people who totally waste themselves on alcohol. Although in Britain they're now looking into making people (mostly teenagers) who drink themselves into a coma pay the medical fees themselves, which makes sense.

Some people are unhealthier than others, you can't help that. But a lot of people choose to be unhealthy (smoking, coma drinking etc). Those people should pay for the extra crap they cause themselves.

And like Zero said, whenever a lot of people are smoking in one area, I pretty much suffocate.

May 1st, 2010, 04:23 pm
Ooh, this could be exciting. How would they pick out their favorite brand? They pay a little extra for the added anticipation of finding out which brand of cigarettes they'll get! It's a different poison every time!
lol, indeed, it's awesome. I'd die to see smokers trying to figure out which brand they're actually smoking. I always laugh when a smoker tells me "I don't smoke Camel, because they taste like shit," as if Marlboro's tasted any better.

They're paying for hurting other people's health. How many smokers do you see who have no problem with smoking in everyone else's faces?
This. Fat people at burger king don't hurt me, so I don't see any reason for them to be taxed extra.

May 1st, 2010, 04:51 pm
Generic Packaging? Buncha communists. That shit will never happen in the U.S. (at least, not in our life times).

May 1st, 2010, 04:57 pm
Knowing me, I'm pretty much against these taxes, and it would have no difference if I smoke or not. Now, I don't go out to bars or clubs (yet) since I'm only 18 and, well, those really aren't places that people in High School go to. To be honest, the only place that I've been in the past few YEARS that I'm around smokers is at Denny's. They're one of the few restaurants here that still have a smoking section (it's heavily vented, actually), and it's open 24/7. It's the place people go to eat, smoke, talk, whatever etc.

I don't get how people feel it's the right to tax people on doing something that is harmful to their health. They know the facts, let them do it. And anyway, the smoker is going to get most of those harmful chemicals anyway. As far as second hand smoke goes, the only cases I remember hearing of people dying from complications of that is being in a CLOSE environment of a smoker, or smokers, for years upon years. I've never heard of people having to eat at a restaurant, smelling cigarette smoke a few times and then getting lung cancer.

One public service announcement proclaims, "When you smoke, you're not the only one being harmed."

That's not a myth. Studies that followed nonsmokers who lived with smokers found some increase in lung cancer and heart disease. But they studied people who were exposed to lots of smoke, often shut in with chain smokers for years in claustrophobic situations like homes and cars. Even then, some of the studies found no effect. Nevertheless it's been enough to launch a movement to ban smoking most everywhere. (http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Stossel/story?id=1955237&page=1)

And let's get something straight here, protecting people's public health from things sorts of things are not the government's responsibility. However, I am willing to accept in today's society them spreading a message that smoking is bad for you. You can definitely bet there are studies done out there that the more public awareness increased, the amount of smokers decreased.

You're not going to stop people from smoking by kicking them out of restaurants and bars, only by making them fear the cold hard facts. And if second hand smoke really bothered me that much, then I would just get my food to go, drink at home or bring friends over, or have my own little dance party. After all, it's the restaurant's choice to having smoking in their place of business in the first place...might not be that great of a place you're eating at after all!

May 2nd, 2010, 09:35 am
They're paying for hurting other people's health. How many smokers do you see who have no problem with smoking in everyone else's faces?

About as many as Irresponsible parents who feed their kids shit and don't educate them on how to eat. Or the ammount of shit schools call food (stateside atleast, dont know in the UK) that... dont get me wrong I love the crap out of, but is still pretty crappy food.

There are far more smokers who get lung cancer or some hear disease than there are people who totally waste themselves on alcohol.

Meh see above, theres other stuff that we do willingly that is as bad or worse and doesnt carry a comparable stigma.

This. Fat people at burger king don't hurt me, so I don't see any reason for them to be taxed extra.

Dude Im fat, and real fat people hurt my feelings, when I see a freaking 14 yearold whos 200 pounds my brain goes wtf and causes me psychological trauma that distorts my perception of myself in the frame of normality in our society. I need therapy. :(. Not to mention goddamn I shoudn't have to wait for you to order 17 whoppers just so I can have lunch.

May 2nd, 2010, 10:39 am
find me the person who has never done anything that's 'bad for you' or anything to hurt someone else.

we've been made to smoke outside so people don't have to sit in a room full of smoke, which is fair enough because that damages their health. if those people choose to come outside and stand next to us, then it's their own fault if they're breathing in the smoke too. if someone is standing there smoking and you don't want to breathe it in then don't stand next to them. when people are around me and im smoking, they move out of the way of wherever the smoke is going. and i dont care is this is arrogance but why should i have to move away from people? if they're close enough to breathe it in then they are in my personal space- i don't light up and think right now who can i contaminate.

also HC you say fat people don't hurt you? you like sitting in fast food restaurants aka muffin top and camel toe central?

Neko Koneko
May 2nd, 2010, 01:23 pm
Generic Packaging? Buncha communists. That shit will never happen in the U.S. (at least, not in our life times).

If that's communist then you're a redneck :P

May 2nd, 2010, 05:40 pm
Yes, let's make all tobacco companies package their cigarettes the same. That way, smokers won't know what they're getting, meaning that (theoretically) the sales of all the tobacco companies will be the same. Let's not forget that it is the government that is controlling this. The government has no right to force their control over major companies.

What next will the government seek to control? Oh, I know. Let's make it so that when you buy a gun, it's random. Guns kills thousands of people every year. First, we'll tax them (which is already happening), then we'll make them generically packaged. Oh, did you want to buy a hand gun? Sorry, you get a bolt action hunting rifle.

If this isn't communistic, then I guess they must teach a different definition over in Europe.

May 2nd, 2010, 06:37 pm
Yes, let's make all tobacco companies package their cigarettes the same. That way, smokers won't know what they're getting, meaning that (theoretically) the sales of all the tobacco companies will be the same. Let's not forget that it is the government that is controlling this. The government has no right to force their control over major companies.

You're missing the purpose of generic packaging. By doing that, it draws less attention, and becomes less of an icon.

Most humans still think skin deep. There's still quite a few the smoke to fit into an environment, or to look "cool" or "mature". A few stereotypes of smokers have already been listed by the other users in this thread. By removing the fashion-sense of their marketing, it becomes less pronounced that they are smokers. It's actually an excellent move to kill their marketing departments, as they now can't utilize the visual that they've spent years developing and instead now have to work from word of mouth rather than icons.

May 2nd, 2010, 07:04 pm
Oh okay. So let's just stick to the main purpose and ignore all the side effects. That makes a lot of sense.

EDIT: Oh, so, I just looked up an article on it. The generic packaging would still include the brand name... Rantan gave us some bad information =( Still though, I seriously doubt it will ever happen in the U.S. Somebody would bring up how it violates our first amendment.

May 2nd, 2010, 07:55 pm
I don't understand what brands have to do with the 'smokers are cool/mature' attitude to be honest...

I'm not picky about brands, neither are the smokers I know. I smoke the brand I do for purely financial reasons, they are cheap. Also, there's probably an average of 5-6 pence difference between the king size and the superkings but you get an extra third of a cigarette longer- that is why I smoke the ones I smoke. Changing the packaging wouldn't affect me because I'd just go for a similar price and length.

Marlboros which were brought up before, yes there is a difference in taste, but I'm not really fussy about which kind I smoke; I know a shop that sells them under the counter imported and tax free so I just take whatever they have. Again, financial reasons.

There is only one brand that makes me feel sick, and I could tell that a mile off, I could tell that by someone else buying them, they are vile.

I exchange cigarettes with friends a lot, basically I'm a bit of a nicotine whore, I don't care what they taste like or what brand they are I will smoke them if they give me my fix. Yes that's pathetic, I realise that, but it's how I am.

That only leaves menthols which are disgusting. They're like smoking air but getting all those chemicals from it. The cashier in the newsagent the other day said she smoked them when she was pregnant instead of normal cigarettes because they're less damaging... stupid bitch. If you're going to smoke menthols you might as well get yourself those inhalator things in the shape of cigarettes, they're healthier.

So yeah, in short, I disagree; brands aren't really important. Maybe back in the day when people smoked on TV, but now, in the UK at least, TV shows are banned from having smoking in them.

May 2nd, 2010, 08:07 pm
You're missing the purpose of generic packaging. By doing that, it draws less attention, and becomes less of an icon.
I agree with the purpose, but the purpose doesn't really matter. That's still a pretty communist idea, from my understanding of the definition. Like Whiplash said, theoretically, without any packaging, all cigarette brands will enjoy exactly the same amount of sales, because of the government. Actually, when you get right down to it, that basically is the point to that move. That doesn't sound at all like capitalism to me. = \

Oh, so, I just looked up an article on it. The generic packaging would still include the brand name... Rantan gave us some bad information =( Still though, I seriously doubt it will ever happen in the U.S. Somebody would bring up how it violates our first amendment.
Indeed, and it still doesn't seem especially capitalistic. I know we already control how certain things are advertised in the US, but like you said, I don't think it would ever go that far over here.

May 2nd, 2010, 08:34 pm
About as many as Irresponsible parents who feed their kids shit and don't educate them on how to eat. Or the ammount of shit schools call food (stateside atleast, dont know in the UK) that... dont get me wrong I love the crap out of, but is still pretty crappy food.

Meh see above, theres other stuff that we do willingly that is as bad or worse and doesnt carry a comparable stigma.

If that's your excuse to say that smoking is better than other forms of health-compromising behavior, it's not a very good one.

The food sciences is a complex, ongoing field of research. Even though we now know far more than we ever could about food and nutrition compared to just decades ago, changing your eating habits and convincing people to do the same isn't possible unless you really understand that your current eating habits are detrimental to your health. Some of the data is so new that it's almost impossible to come across them unless you actively seek out these resources - which food scientists, doctors, and writers are doing their best to make accessible to the public. The problem is that even well-intentioned people who believe they're teaching their kids good eating habits don't know that they could actually be hurting them. Eating well is alot more complex than "Irresponsible parents who feed their kids shit and don't educate them on how to eat."

But cigarettes?

We've known that they're pure poison for decades. That's why there are indoor smoking bans, designated smoking areas, and all kinds of efforts made by the authorities to educate the public that smoking is unhealthy. That's why there's a stigma around smoking - we know it's bad for you.

So next time, don't blow smoke in someone else's face.

I agree with the purpose, but the purpose doesn't really matter. That's still a pretty communist idea, from my understanding of the definition. Like Whiplash said, theoretically, without any packaging, all cigarette brands will enjoy exactly the same amount of sales, because of the government. Actually, when you get right down to it, that basically is the point to that move. That doesn't sound at all like capitalism to me. = \ Oh man, if that was in America all Glenn Beck has to is spin that story and convince millions of Americans that smoking is the new form of Communism. A huge chunk of smokers in America would quit right then and there.

May 2nd, 2010, 11:18 pm
Hey I said generic, I didn't say identical :P Of course they're not gonna take the brand names off the packets LOL, they're not that stupid. But they won't be displayed in colours, or with fancy writing etc - a lot of the packets you see these days are really quite eye-catching.

Dunno about anywhere else in Aus, or elsewhere, can't be arsed looking either, but here in ACT there already isn't allowed to be any tobacco advertising, and all tobacco products must be covered in shops - behind closed doors or in my shop's case, plastic flaps. So people can't see what they're getting, or pick from what packet they think looks better.

It's doing arse all to prevent smoking, just making it more difficult for us because we have to remember where everything is without visual cues. Oh, and they already did the whole taxing alcohol thing.. that doesn't work either >.<

May 2nd, 2010, 11:34 pm
you like sitting in fast food restaurants aka muffin top and camel toe central?

*proud owner of both*

tbh i couldnt think of anything else to say |:

i dont like the smell of cigarettes \o/

May 3rd, 2010, 01:15 pm
Original Comment.

Point is though, smokers are more likely to get cancer etc. That costs society a lot of money (at least over here), thus the government triest to discourage people from smoking as much as they can.
My answer.

I find that argument to be extremely retarded, if you tax smokers because they're hurting their health and thus contributing to social costs...

Tax the crap outta burgerking and booze.

Point is if anyone upped the taxes on either of those by 25% the shit would hit the fan fast, and you know it.
Your reactions.

@Luis in cigarettes thread (yes, I'm extremely lazy):
You're right, some of the people in fast food places are eye-scarringly hard to look at. But they don't give me cancer - if anything, they improve my (physical) health by making me run to the nearest gym out of fear for my life. Of course, my mental health is another story...

Long post goes here.

Proof that when the subject is even discussed the reaction is somewhat " HURR SMOKING IS BAD DUH CANCER DUH"

I mean I did admittedly use the word health, but if you read my post I was arguing that further taxation to cover social costs generated by smoking was retarded unless you did it across the board.

On the matter of people smoking while you pass by... have you ever stood in traffic? I have no figures I know but just idling your car in a traffic jam, or being behind some guy in a drive-thru probably has you inhaling a ton of crap too. Heck even walking in a big city would. I'm not saying its an excude for smokers who purposely blow smoke in other peoples faces (Which outside of friendly situations like the one Thorn mentioned, or juvenile dick measuring... Ive never seen.) but anti smokers need to relax... IDK have a smoke or something.

About brands, I smoke reds always have. Tried camels a few time, and had about half a pack of coronas once. Marlboro's the first thing I smoked so its what I smoke now, always been around the house (Dad smokes it) so I guess that had to do something with me starting with them. And you can get em almost almost ANYWHERE always a plus.

May 3rd, 2010, 04:23 pm
Proof that when the subject is even discussed the reaction is somewhat " HURR SMOKING IS BAD DUH CANCER DUH"
Maybe that's because smoking gives you fucking cancer?

I mean I did admittedly use the word health, but if you read my post I was arguing that further taxation to cover social costs generated by smoking was retarded unless you did it across the board.
Zero already answered this for you. Did you skip his post? Food keeps us alive. I eat McDonalds almost every day...but I also go to the gym just as often, and I can run five miles without any problems. For me, McDonalds is good, because it's a lot of tasty calories to burn. Stop pretending icecream and cigarettes are the same, Luis. Nobody hands out fucking cigars at their kid's birthday party.
The main difference is that cigarettes ACTIVELY ADDICT YOU. Icecream (and sure, cigarettes too!) in moderation won't do much damage to anybody. BUT NOBODY IS MODERATE WHEN IT COMES TO CIGARETTES, BECAUSE THEY'RE DESIGNED TO BE MORE ADDICTIVE THAN CRACK IS. This is the main reason cigarettes should be taxed, without junk food being taxed the same way.

I have no figures I know but just idling your car in a traffic jam, or being behind some guy in a drive-thru probably has you inhaling a ton of crap too.
Yet smokers are TWENTY FIVE MORE TIMES LIKELY TO GET LUNG CANCER THAN NON SMOKERS. Huh. I wonder why that is! I guess smoking is a little worse than STANDING OUTSIDE. Hurr duurr durr.

but anti smokers need to relax... IDK have a smoke or something.
Silly Luis, Whiplash already covered this. Cigarettes are a stimulant! See my "cigarettes are more addictive than crack" above if you're confused as to why it feels like cigarettes calm you down. =P

And I can't believe such spirited arguments are breaking out because of X's facetious "CIGARETTES ARE BAD, DISCUSS." Stupid X. XD

May 3rd, 2010, 04:45 pm
Yeah what the hell X.

aaron FtW!!11
May 3rd, 2010, 09:05 pm
Sin taxes are unfair.

May 3rd, 2010, 10:01 pm
How come cigarette companies don't add vitamins to the cigarettes? I mean, add a little good to try and cancel out all the bad. It'll sell even more o.o

May 3rd, 2010, 10:43 pm
Because then they'd smell worse than they already are >_>

May 4th, 2010, 02:02 am
hmm kinda an emo reason, i started smoking properly after i broke up with my ex. i got really depressed and didnt eat for a couple of days so turned to smoking so that it would take away the hunger pains. i then did it afterwards as a way of rebelling coz i knew how much she hated it. then i wanted to change myself, i let myself slip and became fat again, so decided i wanted to become fit and my new years resolution would be to get my fat lazy ass down the gym.

i then found that smoking cut away my hunger. if i ever got bored id eat, now if i ever got bored or even felt hungry id smoke. not gonna lie i do look good for it even though i know its bad for you. as for a site as pure this (well we've all grown up in the last 6 years since i joined so im sure things may get a bit more mature, perverted whatever).

i even tried the special leaf. my goodness that stuff is great, its like the greatest chillout session ever. food tastes Amazing, music becomes like a great dream. i love it, but along with it came the munchies, it made me put on some weight so it was bad for me. ive got a job coming up which pays handsomely but does med screens so i had to give it up which kinda sucked

May 5th, 2010, 11:19 pm
And I can't believe such spirited arguments are breaking out because of X's facetious "CIGARETTES ARE BAD, DISCUSS." Stupid X. XD
Tch, you know it's awesome.

Yeah what the hell X.
What the hell Zero.

I'm terribly allergic to cigarettes, whenever somebody smokes around me I get this sudden urge to punch them in their naughtybits and I break out in a rash.

May 6th, 2010, 01:27 am
I'm terribly allergic to cigarettes, whenever somebody smokes around me I get this sudden urge to punch them in their naughtybits and I break out in a rash.

you get a rash whenever you touch someones naughty bits? that must be terribly inconvenient:\

May 6th, 2010, 01:35 am
you get a rash whenever you touch someones naughty bits? that must be terribly inconvenient:\

No, you fool. They are two separate symptoms. And I really do get a rash from being exposed to cigarette smoke.

May 8th, 2010, 08:16 pm
I can relate on a smaller scale the same happens to me when exposed to weed.

I say on a smaller scale cos I'm not generally ever exposed to it anymore cos at my age you've passed the experimental stage so if you smoke it it's cos you're an addict and I don't hang around with addicts for two reasons; it's pathetic being the main one but also to hang around with people like that gets you the label of being a druggie too and I don't want that. I realise that can be applied to smokers and to drinkers cos they're still drugs, but they don't fuck you up on a psychological level so they're not on that level- well, cigarettes don't at least; alcohol can so I really don't get why drinking isn't considered as bad as smoking.

May 8th, 2010, 10:32 pm
I say on a smaller scale cos I'm not generally ever exposed to it anymore cos at my age you've passed the experimental stage so if you smoke it it's cos you're an addict and I don't hang around with addicts for two reasons; it's pathetic being the main one but also to hang around with people like that gets you the label of being a druggie too and I don't want that. I realise that can be applied to smokers and to drinkers cos they're still drugs, but they don't fuck you up on a psychological level so they're not on that level- well, cigarettes don't at least;

tbf once exams are over I'm stopping. I've started warning people to avoid me that first week

May 8th, 2010, 10:52 pm
I wouldn't call that fucked up.

a friend of a friend who is addicted to weed spent half an hour cowering under a table when a helicopter flew over because he thought it was the police coming to get him.

THAT is fucked up.

May 8th, 2010, 11:33 pm
I wouldn't call that fucked up.
...I would! I haven't met many pot smokers who turn into angry douches just because they can't get their fix. Most smokers I know start flipping out half an hour after having a cigarette if they can't get another one. That seems more inconvenient to me than spending half an hour under a table once in awhile.

And I've never met anyone who's had that kind of reaction to pot. Ever. Except one kid, who always said fucking stupid shit like "DUDEEEE THERES AN AIRPLANE IN THE BACK YARD MANNNN" at parties. And he was a stupid attention whore, so I tend to thing his "trips" were bullshit, anyway.

Anyway, I was mostly pointing out that you're an addict, the evidence being your earlier statement that you'd be "quitting after exams." If you weren't an addict, you wouldn't need to set a time to quit. My facepalm was for the whole kettle calling the pot black thing. Or in your case, the whole "I'm and addict. Addicts are pathetic!" thing.

May 8th, 2010, 11:47 pm
I am an addict. + addicts are pathetic. I'm not being a hypocrite, I know I'm addicted.

+ really if we're gna get on to talking about pot another thread is needed.

right now i would say if you've never met those kind of pot smokers consider yourself lucky. or anyone addicted to an illegal drug. there are reasons why they are illegal and cigarettes/alcohol aren't.

im not getting on any kind of 'drugs are bad, cigarettes are legal therefore different' high horse. i know they all have the potential to fuck you up. but illegal drugs are something else. i have tried more of them that i would admit because i'm not proud of it and they really are something else. i've never heard of someone die on their first drag of a cigarette. not wanting to overdo it on the "i have a friend..." crap but hey, i used to be in those crowds and know someone who died the first time they tried pills. cigarettes are just not in that league.

May 8th, 2010, 11:57 pm
No, you fool. They are two separate symptoms. And I really do get a rash from being exposed to cigarette smoke.

I don't know why but, I kind of like that.

May 9th, 2010, 01:08 am
I am an addict. + addicts are pathetic. I'm not being a hypocrite, I know I'm addicted.
Oh, that's fine then. It just sounded to me like you thought you were above pot smokers, since you were addicted to something else. That bothered me a little.

im not getting on any kind of 'drugs are bad, cigarettes are legal therefore different' high horse. i know they all have the potential to fuck you up. but illegal drugs are something else. i have tried more of them that i would admit because i'm not proud of it and they really are something else. i've never heard of someone die on their first drag of a cigarette. not wanting to overdo it on the "i have a friend..." crap but hey, i used to be in those crowds and know someone who died the first time they tried pills. cigarettes are just not in that league.
I don't think that's really a good comparison. I think a better comparison would be "how many cigarette users die from their drug of choice compared to the number of pot smokers who die from pot." I'd be willing to bet that cigarettes kill a much, much higher percentage of their users than pot does, which is why your "I'm a smoker, but I don't hang out with pot-users because they're losers" comment bothered me.

Note that I'm not a huge fan of potheads, either. I choose not to hang out with them for a different reason, though. Eg, they're usually boring, annoying people who sit around all day giggling about stupid shit. While they're smoking, anyway.

Same for alcohol lovers. I don't understand why some people feel like they need to be either high or drunk (or both) every fucking weekend. Are you so uninteresting that you can't think of anything else better to do?!

Also note that I do drink/smoke once in awhile. I just can't stand it when people want to get drunk BECAUSE IT'S SATURDAYYYY WHOOOOOOO~~!

May 9th, 2010, 03:13 am
well im going to look into that comparison and get back to you.

i agree with the boring comment. one difference with them is that as an illegal drug they can't just buy it like you can cigarettes; all they're ever worried about is getting some, most of them will then want the tobacco out of my cigarette to roll with because they don't have money for that and pot. anyway i'll do some looking into deaths and get back to you.

i cant stand people who feel the need to be high/drunk all the time either. it's like grow up. i smoke cos im addicted but i drink (ie properly drink = get drunk) maybe twice a year once at end of exams once at new years. it doesn't interest me tbh the only reason i do it the times i mentioned is for social purposes because nothing worse than being around a load of drunks when you're sober

May 9th, 2010, 09:15 am
Man, it does annoy me that people will go and go till theyre outside throwing up on their own faces. Its like, ffs, have you got no self worth whatsoever?

This thread is all the things I'd like to say to my boyfriend >:|

May 9th, 2010, 11:48 am
well if people around you who you care about get in that state, try filming them like that and making them watch it when they're sober. they will be shocked at how stupid they look.

May 9th, 2010, 05:10 pm
lol, yeah

/bitter -____-

May 16th, 2010, 12:15 am
Why would you pay money to burn paper and weeds?

May 16th, 2010, 01:26 am
lol unless you tried it you wouldnt understand not that im promoting it. i don't see why weed is so badly looked down on though. if anything alcohol is worse than weed and yet alcohol is legal and weed isnt. when your drunk you become unaware f your surroundings, you become violently sick, some become violent, you have a hangover in the morning. i do enjoy getting drunk as i cant remember who it was that used to keep a counter on how many times i came onto this forum drunk.

with weed you mellow out, you become lazy but with lazyness no one becomes violent, they're too mellow to be botherd to fight. it increases your tastebuds and hearing. food becomes amazing, the flavours are really enhanced. i used to go out and buy certain things just for when i got high like chocolate yoghurts or chicken wings. music is such a pleasure to listen to its like it really goes through you, you feel the mood and man the ideas and creativity i used to get while i was at uni because of it. im not gonna lie i love my weed, thats why i became fat again before i started working out, i loved the munchy sessions. if it were'nt for the fact i have a job lined up and upon acceptance i have to do a drug test i probably would still be mellowing out now.

so yes i say if anything weed is probably alot less harmful to you than alcohol is

May 16th, 2010, 06:09 am
I've never felt much of an effect from weed. It makes me head feel a little smoky, and I've never found it very fun. = \
Maybe I've just been high my whole life, and I never knew it?

I can understand music even when I'm not high, and if my metabolism wasn't so fast, I'd have eaten myself to death years ago. And I'm lazy. Have I been high forever?

May 16th, 2010, 06:29 am
I've never felt much of an effect from weed. It makes me head feel a little smoky, and I've never found it very fun. = \
Maybe I've just been high my whole life, and I never knew it?

I can understand music even when I'm not high, and if my metabolism wasn't so fast, I'd have eaten myself to death years ago. And I'm lazy. Have I been high forever?

Well, here's a good test for that. When you stub your toe when walking (meaning: you hit your toe at your regular stride's speed), how long does the sharp pain last? If it's shorter than 20 seconds, your dopamine values may be higher than normal, which is the chemical that is released when addicts become "high".

May 16th, 2010, 07:10 am
Well, here's a good test for that. When you stub your toe when walking (meaning: you hit your toe at your regular stride's speed), how long does the sharp pain last? If it's shorter than 20 seconds, your dopamine values may be higher than normal, which is the chemical that is released when addicts become "high".
lol, dunno. Just kicked my bed a few times to test this out, but it doesn't hurt much. It feels like if I kick any harder, I'm risking breaking a nail/injuring my toe, so I gave up the test. It's hard to simulate stubbing your toe, hahah. I'll keep that in mind next time I walk into something, though. Before I started smoking pot every once in awhile, my friends used to tell me I was already constantly high anyway, and that me smoking pot would be the "craziest thing ever!" and that my head would "almost definitely explode."

When I fell off my scooter a few months ago and fucked up my face/legs/arms (all of them scarred now, my face, thankfully, only very slightly), I was off the ground and laughing about it as soon as I made sure I still had all of my teeth, so maybe my dopamine levels are abnormally high. I always thought I was just a jackass, but who knows?

Neko Koneko
May 16th, 2010, 09:28 pm
Weed is legal here. I tried it once, didn't do anything for me, so I'll stick to alcohol XD

May 17th, 2010, 12:07 am
man your so lucky!

yea i have to admit the 1st few times i tried weed i was like, man this is shit. im sticking to alcohol. i was totally against it. heck i didnt even smoke cigarettes at the time. my couson always semed to catch me after a night out, when im wasted i turn into a bit of a party animal. then i found the more i did it the better the effects were. i think it really kicked in on the 4th go. i remember i tried watching the 1st episode of pandora hearts high. i didnt have a friggin clue what the hell was going on lol

Neko Koneko
May 17th, 2010, 05:59 am
I don't smoke either, never really did, never gonna do it either.

May 17th, 2010, 12:13 pm

people who are addicted to cigarettes still know it's a filthy habit and that it's going to kill them. i enjoy smoking but i know it's bad for me. god, even coke addicts know they're slowly killing themselves they just can't help it.

weed addicts think it's fine because "a little bit of weed" isn't going to do any harm. people try it in the first place because of that mentality. i've smoked it and thought that too. but that is exactly the reason why it's worse than any other drug. it's worse than heroin; people won't touch that because they know once you do it it's downhill from there onwards. also, 90% of the time, you mix weed with tobacco, so you are still getting the bad effects from smoking cigarettes with added effects of weed on top of that.

i've never met someone who likes weed who will hear a bad word against it. and i'm not going to bother arguing with any of them because they don't listen.

but to people who don't like it/have never tried it, can you not see what a dangerous trait that is?

May 17th, 2010, 08:32 pm
But cannabis isnt addictive.
Habitual, like biting ones nails or something, but not addictive.

Even though its (meant to be)hella hard to stop biting your nails.

May 17th, 2010, 08:57 pm
i understand what your saying thorn and although i do agree weed does have some downsides to it like greening out and paranoia seems to be the big 1 apart from that, you cant overdose on it, you cant get addicted to it. more like people choose not to quite. when i found out i had my job assessment i instantly quit the next day. no withdrawal symptons no cravings no nothing. it really is a simple pick up and drop whenever you want drug

May 17th, 2010, 10:23 pm
you cant overdose on LSD either. should everyone start doing that?

my drug of choice used to be cocaine, and i never had any bad experiences on it. and i didn't get addicted. i haven't had it for just over a year and never had a single craving/withdrawal symptoms. so everyone should do coke; it's not addictive at all, just habitual.

May 17th, 2010, 10:40 pm
you cant overdose on LSD either.

But it can still be lethal on first usage. Careful on these assumptions, as OD is not linked to the danger of the drug.

May 17th, 2010, 10:55 pm
as mies has pretty much stated, theres been loads of deaths caused by lsd and cocaine but i think theres only ever been 1 recorded case of someone dying from weed and goodness knows how many from alcohol. its all down to personal preferance at the end of the day but i still say weed is the least harmful. but damn thorn you used to be a right druggie didnt ya lol

May 18th, 2010, 12:30 am
Man, weed sure is worse than coke.
I've probably smoked weed twenty times or so now. I've still yet to feel any real effects from it. I doubt I could say the same of LSD.

May 19th, 2010, 11:09 am
Wow, all my drug education I'm ever going to need is right here... *sits down with notebook*

Edit: Maybe the admin/moderator should think about changing the title to "drugs" in general because no one is really talking about just cigarettes anymore.

May 23rd, 2010, 02:29 am
Well... In my history class, we were just talking about how smoking is really bad for us *For some strange reason, it has to be my history class...*. Yes, it's true you can get lung cancers, but look, many different kind of drugs can, of course, kill you. And when I mean kill, not like a bullet going through, but like REAL SLOW. Quite a painful death and if you were to survive it, you would lose your voice box, lower jaws, etc. Those all just come from drugs. And even if you were to think that you can get away with it, it's not going to work. You will literally get sick and not just from lung cancers and missing parts. Cancers, birth defects... Those are only just a few of them. :whistle:
Anyway, besides that, you could look really old. I mean, if you turn 20-40, you'll look like an old lady in her 80s. Seriously, you'll have lots of trouble if you don't want your looks to go bad. *For me, I don't really care. :unsure: *
Thing is, if you just started or was inspired that it was "Cool" to smoke or chew, best to stop before you end up losing your life. You also have to mention how much they kill your budget. They may not look a lot at first, but count up on how much you waste in one year, yep. That's a lot of money you could be saving. What would you do with that much money? Buy a new car? Buy more books? For school? Clothes?
If you still want to smoke and these reasons and other members/monitors/adminstrator advice doesn't work, then that's your own choice. I can tell you what effects might happen, but I can't tell you what choice you're going to make. This is all on my opinion, so please don't yell at me. :shifty:

Neko Koneko
May 25th, 2010, 08:42 pm
You know, I'd really like to try something that makes me hallucinate once. Just once, to see what it's like. LSD or shrooms, or apparently there are cacti that make you hallucinate. I'm just curious about it, so it's on my list of things I want to do once before I die, lol.

May 25th, 2010, 09:21 pm
Cacti can make you hallucinate? Amazing... Never knew that. *Starts storing it in my memory*

Neko Koneko
May 26th, 2010, 04:02 pm
Only certain kinds. They became popular over here after the government put a ban on shrooms because some French cunt got high on them in Amsterdam and fell of a building :/

The Frenchies always ruin everything :P

May 27th, 2010, 12:44 am
You know, I'd really like to try something that makes me hallucinate once. Just once, to see what it's like. LSD or shrooms, or apparently there are cacti that make you hallucinate. I'm just curious about it, so it's on my list of things I want to do once before I die, lol.
Catch a bad fever. I'm 99% sure it's pretty close to that.

May 27th, 2010, 08:14 am
Fag discussion and the whole thing moves to weed?... :stoned:

Mild Seven, pack a year. smoke in well ventilated, open areas, and wash out aftertaste with coke (the normal kind) or mints.

Works fairly well for stress control, like those days hours before assignment deadlines where you still got 3000 words left to write and you have no idea what to say

May 27th, 2010, 06:28 pm
Woo, my first contribution!

I've smoked off and on for about 9 years. No question that it's bad for you, right? And it stinks and it makes you feel like crap after a while and you feel miserable because you're so addicted that you feel powerless over it, and you know, it's expensive as shit. Like...woah. We spend probably $200 a month on cigarettes, and we split a pack between us every day. My kids hate it that we smoke too, of course, and yes, we're heartless bastards not to quit the second they ask us to.

I offer no excuses. None of that, "It's relaxing" crap for me. I'm addicted as hell, more than I could imagine being to anything. During the times that I don't smoke, the longest of which was about 22 months, I wanted a cigarette Every. Single. Day. I know I'm going to be fighting this for the rest of my life. I truly and deeply wish I'd never started.

That said, I don't expect to convince a single human being that smoking is bad for you. People are going to do what people are going to do, and the only single thing that everyone does in their life is die. I'm not trying to say "we all die anyway so what does it matter?" But I think this is one of those topics where there's room for perspective.

Make me choose a bandwagon to join? I'm more interested in ending world hunger than I am in getting people to quit smoking. And I will have more success at ending world hunger than getting people to quit smoking, too. People are notoriously bad at doing what's best for themselves, and notoriously stubborn to do what's bad for themselves.

As for drugs, which also seems to be a topic of interest here, I used to smoke a lot of pot. I lived about two years in a constant cloud of purple haze. And I can tell you with no doubt that a person absolutely can become addicted to pot, if not physically then definitely mentally. I think it should be legalized though, so the government can tax it to hell and solve economic crises for the next ten years, but that's a different topic altogether.

My opinion is, if you're gonna do drugs, go with the natural stuff, the stuff that comes out of the ground (or, in the case of shrooms, out of a big pile of poo). If it had to be created in a lab, best to stay away from that one. Human error is the number one cause of death in the world, after all.

May 27th, 2010, 08:03 pm
Actually... there was this Japanese old guy who was like 105 and still up and running and he smoked a stick daily as a habit and it didn't do much to him... but that was a while ago.

I reckon it's the genes. sure smoking gives you cancer yay. but then your family had a history of cancer so not much of surprises there. the tough just live on.

May 28th, 2010, 05:50 am
I smoke. I don't do it around people who don't smoke though, because just because I want to kill myself doesn't mean I want to take down the people around me too.

Really, all I can say is it's delicious. The feeling of your brain slowly suffocating is really calming, especially after a meal.

May 29th, 2010, 11:53 am
Dude, you're underage.....

or did I get that old?.. jesus

shouldn't smoke after meal, but I suppose its better than smoking before and ruining taste of everything.

May 29th, 2010, 02:54 pm
well mate it has been 6 years since we were on this forum so yea people have grown up to give themselves cancer lol

May 29th, 2010, 11:16 pm
I wonder about that too....

May 30th, 2010, 05:17 am
Dude, you're underage.....

or did I get that old?.. jesus

shouldn't smoke after meal, but I suppose its better than smoking before and ruining taste of everything.

It's been years Kou, children grow up, and if the children don't grow up,
our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up.

May 31st, 2010, 07:58 am
Question to the smokers, how far do you smoke yer cigarettes?

I keep seeing people smoke like half or 2/3rds of what I smoke... I feel weird.

May 31st, 2010, 10:30 am
Question to the smokers, how far do you smoke yer cigarettes?

I keep seeing people smoke like half or 2/3rds of what I smoke... I feel weird.

I go down until a few cm off the filter. I try to get the most out of the things I buy, aha. Except I've been smoking unfiltered lately, so it's just until I can handle the heat.

May 31st, 2010, 11:15 am
It's been years Kou, children grow up, and if the children don't grow up,
our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up.

I had the impression you were still underage. Either I grossly underaged you back then or I have been away for a looooooooot longer than I thought....

I let mine burn itself out on the filter. But then by that time I'm not really smoking anymore just chewing on the end of it like a romantic leaf..

Unfiltered cigarette is like burning down a couch on your lawn. Fun, but not exactly smart..

May 31st, 2010, 12:35 pm
lol i never really leave mine alone, it burns down far too quickly then i feel like i didnt get enough nicotine in me lol, so i tend to smoke it right down to the butt

May 31st, 2010, 08:46 pm
Unfiltered cigarette is like burning down a couch on your lawn. Fun, but not exactly smart..

Yeah, but you can say the same thing about smoking in general, aha

June 1st, 2010, 08:25 am
Yeah, but you can say the same thing about smoking in general, aha

Hm... good point..

June 1st, 2010, 03:21 pm
Question to the smokers, how far do you smoke yer cigarettes?

I keep seeing people smoke like half or 2/3rds of what I smoke... I feel weird.

I hate it when people do that. If I get halfway done and I don't want to smoke it anymore, I carefully snub it out and save it for later. It's gross, I know, but frankly cigarettes are too freaking expensive to waste them like that. That's why every time I try to quit (ha ha) I start quitting at the end of a pack. If you throw away half of every cigarette you smoke, you might as well take three dollars and stuff them down the garbage disposal.

June 1st, 2010, 04:29 pm
I just fucking finish or...not worry about it. lol.

I tend to smoke till just before ze lettars so a before the filter...guess im not that weird.

Neko Koneko
June 5th, 2010, 10:15 am
How about taxes on tobacco? Over here I think over half what you pay on cigarettes is actually added taxes.

edit: in fact it's 57% taxes. So first you pay for your cigarettes, then you pay the extra tax, and on top of that VAT x_x

June 5th, 2010, 12:50 pm
How about taxes on tobacco? Over here I think over half what you pay on cigarettes is actually added taxes.

edit: in fact it's 57% taxes. So first you pay for your cigarettes, then you pay the extra tax, and on top of that VAT x_x

Only 57%? Which country is this..

I had the impression its about 80% taxes. Cigarettes cost next to nothing to manufacture anyway..

June 6th, 2010, 12:59 am
I hate it when people do that. If I get halfway done and I don't want to smoke it anymore, I carefully snub it out and save it for later. It's gross, I know, but frankly cigarettes are too freaking expensive to waste them like that. That's why every time I try to quit (ha ha) I start quitting at the end of a pack. If you throw away half of every cigarette you smoke, you might as well take three dollars and stuff them down the garbage disposal.
That logic doesn't make much sense to me, lol. "Well, I told myself I'd stop eating dog shit, but I paid like TEN BUCKS for this bag of it. I'd better eat it, lest I waste it!"

Not that cigarettes are dog shit (and not that they aren't), but if you want to quit something, I don't see why you'd force yourself to keep on going with something anyway, just because you paid money for them. Not being able to cut your losses and move on is a bad trait to nurture.

June 6th, 2010, 08:21 am
I would never waste money on a bad habit.

June 6th, 2010, 01:36 pm
I would never waste money on a bad habit.

That... I have to agree on.

June 6th, 2010, 02:59 pm
mmm...dog poo....

And, yeah man, dont waste your money. Smoke other peoples cigarettes!


June 7th, 2010, 10:29 pm
i don't think that smoking is really that bad.

I smoke and i know i can get cancer
but i'm young,, i'm 17 years old and i live now.

i don't go beyond 5 years ahead.
because i know if i plan somerthing thats is 10 years ahead
eventually it would have gone differently

and i don't regret everything that i have done sofar.
because the more likely you die of something else.

and other things are even worse than smoking.
like drinking for instance.
How many people died in a traffic-accident because of alcohol.
and drinking causes less braincells than smoking.
but that is not the only risk you have in life.
there are so many things that are bad for your health that smoking
isn't that bad at all than the most people think

sow everyone should decide it for themselfes.
and the laws agains smoking in public places here in the netherlands
are bullshit. i think that every public places should decide for themself
if smoking is allowed and they can build a special room for the smokers

June 7th, 2010, 10:33 pm
:clap: What an awesome poem anime princess.

EDIT: Ugh, no clapping smiley, damn.

June 7th, 2010, 10:46 pm
:clap: What an awesome poem anime princess.
Lmao, nice Whip. XD

June 8th, 2010, 07:32 am