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View Full Version : Piece recomendations

November 1st, 2004, 11:18 am
Here is if you have a piece that you want to share the the wor...forum!!! just, like, the title and composer, because copyright laws etc, but for example, there is piece I'm playing at the moment called "Feelin' Good" by Brian Bonsar, and it's really cheery, so if you're feeling sad, then it really cheers you up!

So if there is a really beautiful piece you are playin right now, and you think that others might like it, post the title and composer, so if anyone is in interested, then they can somehow find it, they can play it! simple, yeah?

Also, if someone is looking for a particular type of piece, or a particular composer, maybe some can reccomend something to them.

Oh yeah, listing the grade/difficulty may help. the piece i listed before, is about AMEB 6th grade.

November 1st, 2004, 02:14 pm
I think Final Fantasy X-2's 1000 words is pretty good..Composer...dunno
Kinda long though, but very peaceful and beautiful
PM me if you want the sheet music (For piano)
level: probably around 7th grade

November 2nd, 2004, 02:36 am
Songs I like:
To Zanarkland - FFX
Zero Hour - NOIR

Don't know what grade they are but they're fairly easy to play