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View Full Version : vampire knight- suna no oshiro by KANON WAKESHIMA

May 18th, 2010, 02:46 am
anime- vampire knight or vampire knight guilty... im not sure...
song- suna no oshiro
artist- kanon wakeshima
instrument- cello and violin. if not both, just cello please.

*i have looked everwhere for this sheet music for the cello and all i can find is piano. i would highly appreciate someone helping me on this... thank you in advance.

October 7th, 2010, 09:50 pm
aww! i would like to know if someone finds it too :( it would be cool. I've found Still Doll for violin and cello and viola on ichigos.com, but i didn't see Suna no Oshiro for violin or cello. They had it for piano though. this is the piano if it helps. http://ichigos.com/res/getfile.php?id=1324&type=pdf