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View Full Version : Soul Eater ver.2?

August 29th, 2010, 03:20 pm
Just finished watching the Soul Eater anime.
Now I am not really current as far as reading the manga is concerned but yeah...

Without spoiling anything the anime seems to have went on a COMPLETELY different path than I remember from the manga.

I haven't done any research into the matter but hopefully they do the same thing as they did with Full Metal Alchemist and completely redo the series in a true-to-the manga form.

The first series of FMA was alright but FMA: Brotherhood was about WAY better.

Either way Soul Eater is a great show!

August 29th, 2010, 08:46 pm
Hmm.... I read the first and second chapter..... didn't look interesting...

May 8th, 2011, 06:26 pm
Soul Eater manga and the anime at times are completely different. I haven't finished the manga but I did the show. Easily one of my favorites. Worth a look to check out the manga.

May 10th, 2011, 12:19 am
Soul Eater is really good and I have to agree with Gonzerelli... The anime took a much different turn than the manga, but hey, most anime do that, right? Example: Mai (My?) HiME. Oh goodness... The anime and manga is like two different story. \o/

September 19th, 2011, 01:56 am
Yeah i agree Soul Eater is amazing!!!

Especially when Soul does his Soul Resonance while he plays the piano. Soul is AWESOME!

Neko Koneko
September 19th, 2011, 05:56 am
It happens often that an anime deviates from the original manga because the manga simply isn't finished yet. This is clearly visible in Hellsing, for example, where halway the anime goes a completely different way (and no nazi vampiers get included :( ). Fullmetal Alchemist is another example. Both these series got a new version that's closer to the manga though.

November 30th, 2011, 04:59 pm
I have watched the series manga but never anime its amazing the way its well drawn it has that Halloween feel to it.