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View Full Version : In Seek Of SFX (will pay)

September 7th, 2010, 05:02 am
Hello everyone, long time no talk.

I am looking for a person who are able to create high quality SFX in a very short amount of time. (30-60/week) This number looks big but if you think about it SFX are usually no more than 1-3sec long with the longest never over 1min. I am looking to contract someone through my studio. I currently have several SFX that we are having trouble making if anyone is looking to earn a quick buck or two and helping out please reply me with your e-mail or MSN. If you're not comfortable publicizing please send me an e-mail. For general questions please just write on this thread. Do not ask about the compensation system on this thread but you can be certain that you will be paid quite well if the quality is good.

Also, please attach 3-4of the following SFX. They are only a small portion.

# Title - Description
12 City noises - day Urban environment (ex. New york), outside window
15 Wind blowing through window, rustling curtains, etc.
19 Museum interior - day occasional footstepts, murmers and distant voices
20 Parking Garage - day Hum of lights, occasional door slamming, unlocking, etc.
27 water drip from a faucet into a basin
30 mechanical room steam venting, humming furnace, light machinery
31 Security office -day computer beeps, humming monitors
33 Vault door security cameras pivoting. Light humming noise

September 7th, 2010, 05:41 am
I will send you a PM, if a friend (Professional composer) is interested in this project. I have no idea how much cost his services though.

He has his own company. Is it that ok to you? o_O

September 7th, 2010, 03:24 pm
that would be ok if his willing.