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View Full Version : Requesting: Little Busters : GlassWare and Blazblue : Lust Sin

November 23rd, 2010, 01:20 am
Little Busters : Glassware (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s-Wt6FEBcg)
Blazblue: Lust Sin (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8MJxlfC1k8&fml=18)

I would really appetite if someone already know where to get these two music sheets for Piano. I' don't want anyone transcribing music for someone who only made an account just for requests.
I have spent some time looking for these music sheets and I've seen that Lust Sin has already been requested some times before, but i was wondering if anyone has the music sheet as of now.
Thanks if anyone know where i could find these music sheets for Piano.