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March 12th, 2011, 09:57 pm
I think this should be under Music instead of under Composition.
While they are certainly related, Audio Production isnt always the same a composing

March 12th, 2011, 10:11 pm
The sub-forum was made for composers that want to learn/discuss/share/ask the production side of music. Here will get better attention from composers than in the Music forum. If this sub-forum become very active/popular it will be moved to the main forums. If I see it start to conflict with compositions then I will see if it is moved.

March 13th, 2011, 01:42 am
The sub-forum was made for composers that want to learn/discuss/share/ask the production side of music.
I agree. While there are some instances where audio mixing/mastering does not follow composition (such as if you're arranging something, or if you're mixing something for someone else), generally the info here is going to be most useful to composers in mastering their works, and so it makes sense that composition and audio mixing would be linked together, at least in this instance and on this particular forum. If the circumstances were different, my opinion would likely be different.

That said, I can also see the usefulness of placing it on a higher sub-level, if only to make it one less click to access, but that should probably wait until this sub-forum becomes more popular, as Nyu suggested.

March 15th, 2011, 08:05 pm
I have Finale 2009 and I use GPO to set the reverb and what not for the composition. The question is can I do that for each instrument individually, like a bass would have a very wet sound and the guitar would have a very dry sound?