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View Full Version : Should I work for free?

April 6th, 2011, 11:18 pm
This has been around forums and the internet for a while. "Should I work for free?" is a nice chart done just in CSS and html. Designed by Jessica Hische.


Full chart at: http://www.shouldiworkforfree.com/

Have you had any bad experiences by doing free jobs that consume a lot of time?

Recently I did the mistake I thought I was not going to do, and I ended compromising me with a girl's project that will not bring me real benefit. And I must say, it piss me off. In special when she does not answer my question correctly or forget to answer my questions! Or she just gives me a vague answer! I would dump her, but she does not fall as an unknown client approaching you.

April 7th, 2011, 02:13 am
Really interesting chart. Nice to know some interesting things that can change your mind about working for free. :)

April 10th, 2011, 06:35 pm
I don't get what people mean when they say they want to work for free. Without money, how do these people take care of their basic needs, such as food, transportation, laundry, toiletries, sleep, etc? Does the company sponsor them these necessities?