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April 18th, 2011, 06:18 am
I'm not sure where to put this but in case anyone is in need of any classical sheet music, there is a great online resource at:

Petrussi Music Library http://imslp.org/wiki/Public_domain

They also keep track of whether or not the piece has entered public domain depending on which country you are from (different countries have different copyright laws - check yours! http://imslp.org/wiki/Public_domain). In short, most pieces composed by composers pre-1920 are public domain.

What's public domain? According to Wikipedia: "Works are in the public domain if they are not covered by intellectual property rights at all, if the intellectual property rights have expired, and/or if the intellectual property rights are forfeited. Examples include the English language, the formulae of Newtonian physics, the works of Shakespeare and Beethoven, and the patents on powered flight." Ie. You can use them without the worry of the copyright police breathing down your neck.

As music students on a tight budget sometimes that $40 score is just too much (I noticed the "starving artist" post and I'm definitely in the "starving artist" category too). You'll probably still need the real score for exams and such but for exploratory purposes this is great. And I don't know about you guys but I'm also limited by space (between my "anime sheet music" mountain and my classical stuff and let's not forget the big honking piano...my apartment gets kind of crowded as it is) so having the option to print out just 1 piece versus buying the whole book/tome is great too.

April 18th, 2011, 06:35 pm
Yeah, that website is pretty cool. I used it to print out a piano part for my pianist when I was too lazy to go down to the music store. XD

For concertos that can be 80+ pages though, it's probably better just to buy the damn thing since it's better to have that many pages in a book versus a clusterfuck of papers everywhere. I haven't seen one of these for $40 though...most I've seen is maybe $15 or 20. For $40, I hope you are getting more than one concerto, because then that's just a rip off. O_O

April 18th, 2011, 11:28 pm
I love IMSLP! I use it VERY often for my piano sheets, haha.

April 19th, 2011, 12:52 am
Awesome site, I use it all the time. It even provides links to free/legitimate mp3 downloads for a few pieces.

April 19th, 2011, 03:57 am
For $40, I hope you are getting more than one concerto, because then that's just a rip off. O_O

I admit I kind of did pull that number out of thin air. It would be more appropriate to say that a collection (ie. all of Beethoven's sonatas) cost about $40 instead of scores.^_^

April 19th, 2011, 05:21 am
NOTE: Costs on scores depend on a lot of things (edition...is it urtext...etc). I was lucky to receive both Henle editions of the Beethoven Sonatas (~$120 for each volume) through music teachers who didn't have a need for them.

However, I don't like having to buy an entire set of Liszt pieces when I'm just going to learn one-- that's where IMSLP comes in. It's great, because musicians don't need to keep buying more and more sh*t to stay afloat.

April 21st, 2011, 06:09 am
$40 for an entire collection? That sounds like a damn good deal to me.

BTW, why isn't this stickied yet? XD All joking aside, IMSLP is really useful, yet few people seem to know about it. I know a lot of my friends didn't know about it until I told them, so they probably aren't the only ones.

April 21st, 2011, 01:57 pm
It's down currently, just when I needed a cello concerto sheet. :(


It's up again, yay!

April 22nd, 2011, 02:01 am
They also have really good study scores for those of you that like to add your own markings :D

April 26th, 2011, 12:53 am
Other useful sites:

www.mutopiaproject.org (not as large, but it has excellent quality sheets)
www.cpdl.org (THE site for excellently rendered choir music)
www.classiccat.net (free and legal recordings)
www.pianosociety.com (free and legal piano recordings)

April 28th, 2011, 12:12 am
this is the best one I have come across (though I doubt some of the stuff on there is legal...)


April 28th, 2011, 12:18 am
Oh &*#$, you just gave me a freaking heart attack with that link.

April 28th, 2011, 09:01 am
Wow it's very effective @_@ 5000+ results just for the 'M' letter :D