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May 19th, 2011, 11:04 am
Yeah... This is where I'm going to post my poems/stories that I've done instead of drawings. (Yes, I do some creative writing. ^^) Here's one to start off with. It's a senior poem I did for the seniors of my school. ^^

By: animefans12 (TL)
Dedicated to: The Seniors at SLHS
05/18/11 - Last Day of Seniors + Poem written


You're all very special
You're in 12th grade
You're the king and queen of high school
And you certainly have the throne

But for me
You're all very special
So special
Especially my senior friends
I wish I could stay with you
Just one more day
Just one more night
Just so I can stay with you
One last time


All of you have touched my heart

You're the only person who think of me as "Muloan"
And today
You're the only person
To almost make me cry
In front of everybody
Since you're so beautiful and smart

You're the kind of person who loves to joke around with me
You like to make me smile
And help answer the millions of questions I have
To make me almost weep for you
Is just too sad
Since you're so beautiful and smart

You've always called me "Tenor Sax Buddy" all of the time
That never seems to get old
And always makes me crack a smile
I can't believe you're leaving me
Since you're so kind and handsome

You've always made jokes and comments
That makes me laugh all of the time
But I will always remember that one time
When you helped me get my money back from a stealer
Since you're so awesome and handsome

We've never spoken much to each other
But by Spring
We became good friends
I just only wish to know you more
But since you're a senior
You're leaving me behind
Since you're so beautiful and kind

I'm not quite sure if you're still a senior
Or a college student
But either way
I will miss you
You always seem to give good tips on my saxaphone technique
But that will all be gone
Since you're so kind and helpful

We never really have spoken to each other much
And never really made any conversation yet
You're just so awesome and I will truly miss you
And your cool atittude
Since you're so chilled-out and nice


Whether you get a life
By going to college
Working in a job
Moving out of Florida
Be sure to remember that you will all have a bright future ahead of you
You will be remembered
And held closely to my heart

When you guys are about to leave
My heart started to have cracks in it
And when you guys are starting to leave
My heart started crumbling
And when you guys leave today
My heart is in dust and broken

But always remember
That life doesn't stop there
You will meet and make cool friends
From college
And out of Florida


You're all very special
You're in 12th grade
You're the king and queen of high school
And you certainly have the throne

But for me
You're all very special
So special
Especially my senior friends
I wish I could stay with you
Just one more day
Just one more night
Just so I can stay with you
One last time
__________________________________________________ ______

To be perfectly honest, this is the most emotional poem I have ever typed out in my life. The seniors I have in my school... I will miss you all very much. You all make me feel very lonely after you left and it won't be the same anymore next year.

Especially you, Dawn. You almost made me cry in front of everybody when you are about to leave since this is your last day in school. You came and hugged me as if I'm your little sister and brace me in your arms. You gave me some of your warmth and it felt nice. My tears are threatening to leave my eyes when I spoke to you and even more when you hugged me gracefully.

Mary, when you left, you waved to me your last good-bye and gave me a smile that I will never forget. I can only wave back to you and not do anything except say good-bye. :(

Sarya, you almost cried when I wrote an emotional note I left in your yearbook. You are just awesome and amazing. I hope you have a good life and I only said one last good-bye to you before you left with Mary. :(

To the rest of the serniors, please don't say I ever forgot about you. I miss you all and you all are my heart's treasures. It's one of those greatest life present I've ever recieved and you all have etched yourself into my memory. You all will never ever be forgotten by me. Good luck to you and hope you all have a bright and awesome future ahead of you all! :)

-animefans12 (TL)

May 21st, 2011, 10:07 pm
It's beautiful... You did well

May 22nd, 2011, 02:18 am
Thank you. ^^ I almost cried while writing this poem, to be perfectly honest. But I got to see them again today during the Band Banquet and I had another chance to spend time with them and say a proper "good-bye speech" to them. They were really sad, especially Mary since she looks like she cried a bunch already.

I'm going to write another poem someday tomorrow since I just got back from my Band Banquet and thank you again for the comment, Zero. ^^

May 23rd, 2011, 11:31 pm
It's a nice poem, but I wish I can share the same feeling you have for my seniors. I didn't really have much senior friends so in that sense I'd probably never know how you feel. I guess that's why I couldn't really get connected to this poem. Nevertheless, it's a very emotional poem.... that much I know because I've written poems of my friends in high school. I hope you keep in touch with them. Well, I guess they're the spoiled ones... Who's gonna write a poem like this for them in their life time. ^ ^

May 24th, 2011, 08:42 pm
^You're right. They are the spoiled one. ^^
__________________________________________________ _____________________________________
Marching Band
By: animefans12
Date: 05/24/11

Marching Band

The freakin' band
That marches around in the sun
That makes us all suffer
Yet makes us feel proud

Marching Band

On day one
Of Band Camp
Staying outside for a really long time
Is really a pain in the butt

As staying inside the band room
Playing and honking our horns
Memorizing and perfecting the music
Is really a pain for our head

Marching Band

Yet when the time comes
For us to perform
In front of the crowds
In the football stadium

Tension grows between us
Nervousness fills the air
Sweats cling to our face
As we walk out to the field

Drum Majors give out their salute
And run up to their podium
As we stay frozen in our position
Waiting for the countdown

Marching Band

Taking our first step
In our show
Bring our horns up
In our show

As we perform our show
Our confidence grew
And rise above everyone else
As we perform our show

At the end of our show
The crowd cheers us on
As we leave the field

Feeling Sweaty

We feel this happiness
Rise within us
And confidence grew even more
With each catching breath we take

Marching Band

The freakin' band
That marches around in the sun
That makes us all suffer
Yet makes us feel proud

__________________________________________________ _______________________________
I decided to type this poem to express my emotions about marching band. They are so much trouble, yet they are worth the trouble that are being caused. ^^;

May 24th, 2011, 09:54 pm
these are amazing! animefans, you have a hidden talent! Indeed, they are so lucky to have someone write such a beautiful poem to them <3

May 24th, 2011, 11:45 pm
I strangely liked the poem. Kinda makes me wonder what it's like to be actually in the marching band.

May 26th, 2011, 12:26 am
Aw~ Thanks you guys! ^///^

@mangaluva: I guess it is a hidden talent. I mean, I really think writing stories and poems are just hobbies for me and that they're not good at all. But nevermind about that. I showed some stories to my English teacher and she really liked it. ^^

@Ander: Marching Band is both a pain in the butt and a great thrill to be in it. ^^

June 5th, 2011, 07:41 pm

To put it simply
It's both
At the same time

I really had no clue why this popped into my head, but a super short poem (or... meaning?) I was thinking of Catherine (ATLUS) at the time and wondered what it'll be like to be in Vincent's shoes.