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May 21st, 2011, 10:41 am
I thought, I'd upload some of my newer compositions, for you people to tell me what you think about it :)

This one is a supposed to be a battle music, that may be used for a video game, maybe for a boss battle. The instrument in the beginning is supposed to be a celesta, but Sibelius doesn't seem to have a celesta sond, so I gave it glockenspiel sound.

Video game music without video game (http://soundcloud.com/hcidnniw/kampfmusik-orchestriert/s-QNDvd)

Another Question:
is ok if I post songs I wrote for my band too?

May 22nd, 2011, 12:13 am
is ok if I post songs I wrote for my band too?
I don't see why not. =)

If you composed it, then it should be good. Genre and such doesn't matter, if that's what you're concerned about.

Your tune sounds interesting. It feels to me more like a battle between two armies on a field or something, rather than a boss battle, to my ears. At the midpoint, around 3:06, it's like we're zooming in focusing on a scuffle between two soldiers, who are gaining the upperhand alternatively, then it kind of peters out. At 3:50, it starts gaining a foreboding feeling as if something big is about to happen, such as one side preparing to roll out a super-weapon. That's just my interpretation. XD

Then I guess it loops at 4:07 and repeats from 0:30.

May 22nd, 2011, 07:52 am
Genre and such doesn't matter, if that's what you're concerned about.

Indeed, that was my concern. Good to hear it's welcome anyways^^

Your tune sounds interesting. It feels to me more like a battle between two armies on a field or something, rather than a boss battle, to my ears. At the midpoint, around 3:06, it's like we're zooming in focusing on a scuffle between two soldiers, who are gaining the upperhand alternatively, then it kind of peters out. At 3:50, it starts gaining a foreboding feeling as if something big is about to happen, such as one side preparing to roll out a super-weapon. That's just my interpretation. XD

An interesting interpretation, but I like it. Never thought about that possibility, I always had classical FF-like rpgs in mind when hearing this over. But I guess it would have to be played by a real orchestra to match a battle you describe, midis won't do the job in that case :P

Then I guess it loops at 4:07 and repeats from 0:30.

exactly :lol:

May 24th, 2011, 02:30 am
I had an image of FFVII. Barrett is concerned about something and panicking.... getting mad at Cloud for no good reason. Tifa trying to calm him down. @2:55 changed everything. It didn't sound like FF anymore, but more of a Xenosaga or something. A battle of gundams or something. hahaha. It's very good. It kept me on the edge almost the entire time. The drums were execellent. It didn't feel awkward or anything. Placement was very nicely done. For what it could have been... I give you 8.26/10.

June 11th, 2011, 12:31 pm
Thanks for your feedback, everyone :)

This is a piece I wrote for a friend of mine. The title means "Lament for a Boot".
Well, the whole story happened 4 years ago on the Wacken Open Air festival, for the ones who don't know it, it's the biggest metal festival in europe. That aside he brought a beer boot to the festival. One made of glass. You can imagine that this is not a good idea on a festival where you go camping for 5 days. Well, what had to happen happened, the boot fell down and broke (ironically enough it fell on a metal object XD ). We gave the boot a proper funeral where he (my friend) said, it would be great if someone had a trompet and could play the Grand Tattoo. Well, noone could, so I thought I could write a piece working with that theme and here it is :)

Klagelied für einen Stiefel (http://soundcloud.com/winndich/klagelied-f-r-einen-stiefel-1)

June 12th, 2011, 02:57 am
Lament for a broken glass boot, eh? It's really quiet in the beginning and other places. I had to turn my volume all the way up, and then some, and still had trouble hearing it. Don't get me wrong, dynamic variation is great, but maybe you could raise the softest parts just 2-3 decibels or so.

Other than that, it sounds pretty good. That Scott Tattoo/Taps throw-in, and subsequesnt variations on it was, uhh.. interesting. Really added to the lamentable feeling. =)

June 12th, 2011, 09:17 pm

Beside the volume issues it sounds pretty good! Would you be able to post a score to further comment?

June 12th, 2011, 11:44 pm
@Porsche: yeah I could do that

well, the volume issue is a general prolem with sibelius, I tried my best ^^


June 13th, 2011, 02:03 am
Listening and following along with the score, I can tell you did a great job and you have some excellent orchestration skills. Congrats!

June 13th, 2011, 08:22 am
thank you :bigsmile:

Alfonso de Sabio
June 13th, 2011, 01:53 pm
Man, people are making me happy that I've logged into Ichigo's this morning! I thought your writing for the brass was superb. You did really fun and even moving things with Taps. In general, this was really well orchestrated. I felt like the opening was the weakest part, but you more than made up for it. Good job!

June 13th, 2011, 02:15 pm
I thought your writing for the brass was superb.

But when you read the score the writing was not so superb? XD Or how did you mean this?

Alfonso de Sabio
June 14th, 2011, 02:41 am
I mean that, in my opinion, the writing for brass was superb!

June 14th, 2011, 09:40 am
ok thx :)

June 24th, 2011, 02:01 pm
Sooo, here would be one of my songs for my band. Unfortunately it has no lyrics (only two of my songs do), but my hopes are high, that we manage to write them in time. All the titles of my songs are working titles (except for the to that got lyrics). Pleas don't be too harsch on that one, it's the very first song I wrote and it's, like, 4 years old. Will post my newer songs one at a time too.


P.S.: Sorry for the double post^^

Alfonso de Sabio
June 24th, 2011, 03:35 pm
I like it, but why not have a live recording? Y'all are a band right? Let's hear you ROCK!

June 24th, 2011, 08:40 pm
Sounds good, but I think the bass is really soft in the mix. One of the few times I could hear it clearly was at 1:21 & 3:36, and also a little bit around 1:42-2:00. The rest of the time, everything else drowns it out.

And yeah, this would sound better with real guitars (and bass), even if not done live, so if you could get those recorded then I'll totally look forward to hearing it again. ;-)

June 25th, 2011, 12:34 am
if we come to play it and have a chance to recoord it, I will definately post the recording here. So for now I'm stuck with exporting them from Guitar Pro. And the soft bass is a common problem with Guitar Pro.

June 27th, 2011, 10:02 pm
Sounds great! I hope we get to hear your band play it!